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feallan to fall; a-ræran to rear, from a-rísan to arise; sencan to sink (act.), from sincan to sink (neut.); settan to set, from sittan to sit; ærnan to let run, from yrnan to run. Lybban to live, and hycgan to think, borrow some forms from leofian, and hogian: they are thus conjugated :

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Hæbban or habban(1) to have, has some forms as if from hafian: it is thus conjugated :—

Ind. pres.1. hæbbe (habbe) Subj.pres. habbe (hæbbe) 2. hæfst (hafast) plur. habbon

3. hæfð

(hafad) Imperf. hæfde

Shabbad(hafiad) plur. hæfdon
hæbbe (habbe) Imper.




plur. hæfdon


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Inf. pres. hæbban (habban) Part. pres. hæbbende Ger. habbenne P.past(ge-)hæ fed, hæfd.

The first person present is sometimes in poetry hafu

(') Comp. throughout L. hab-ere, G. hab-en.

or hafo. Nabban (for nehabban) to have not, has an Indicative, Subjunctive, and Imperative, following habban.

VI.-Class III.

The third Class changes e into ea, é into ó, &c. in the imperfect, forming it in -de or -te, and the part. past in -d or -t by the rules given above. The English synonyms commonly change the vowel in like manner, the German sometimes.

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Secge makes 3 sing. pres. segd or sagad; imper. sege or saga. The impersonal pincan (G. dünken) to seem, must not be confounded with pencan (G. denken) to think. pincan makes 3 sing. pres. pincd (G. dünkt) (me-)thinks; plur. pincad; imperf. þúhte (G. dünkte) (me-)thought; part. past (ge-)þúht.

(2) Also rehte, &c.; réce. róhte is another form.

(3) Comp. G. bringe, brachte, ge-bracht.

pencan makes imperf. póhte (G. dachte) thought; part. past (ge-)póht (G. ge-dacht).

A few transitives also from complex intransitives belong to this class; as, a-cwellan to kill (quell), from a-cwelan to perish (quail); lecgan (1) to lay, from licgan to lie ; weccan to awaken, from wacan to wake. Willan(2) to will, and nyllan(3) to will not, are thus

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The Complex Order changes the vowel in the imperfect, as in English and German: the imperfect ends

(1) Comp. G. legen, wecken, from liegen, wachen.

(2) Bovλ-εolai, L. vell-e, vol-ui; G. woll-en, will, &c. woll-te.
(3) L. nolle, for ne velle.

with the characteristic, which however if bb becomes f;



h: in the second pers. sing. and in the plural h again becomes g.

The Second Conjugation changes certain vowels in the second and third persons sing. present as in German. The part. past sometimes changes its vowel, as in English and German.

Examples-brecan to break, healdan to hold, drag

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(4) Comp. G. breche, brichst, bricht; halte, hältst, hält; plur. brechen,

halten, &c.

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P.past. (ge-)brocen (ge-)healden (ge-)dragen.

VIII.-Class I.

In the First Class e becomes in the second and third persons sing. present, i or y; i remains unchanged, as in. German. The imperfect is formed in æ, which in the second pers. sing. and the whole plural becomes æ; or in ea in the part. past i sometimes becomes e; e, o, &c.

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(1) Comp. G. spreche, sprach; trete, trat, ge-treten, &c. ge-bäre, -bar,

boren; stehle, stahl, ge-stohlen, &c.

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