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AT PAGES 383-386.

SINCE the printing of the Luzerne letter in this volume, the publishing committee have examined a more recent copy of it, also transcribed from that in Mr. Bancroft's possession, and furnished by Mr. Bancroft himself for publication. By means of this copy some errors and omissions are detected in the transcript which was laid before the Society. The following are noticed,

On page 384, 8th line from bottom, for "moteur," read manteau; so that the translation on p. 387, lines 25 and 26 from top, should read, .."to make me a cloak for a correspondence with the enemy."

On page 385, top line, for "bonté," read louche; so that the translation on page 387, lines 16 and 17 from bottom, should read, "I will watch his course so closely that I shall hope to discover all that is doubtful in it." The words that immediately follow should read. "As to the rest, I have always encouraged him to be very confiding," &c.

On p. 385, the 2d paragraph should read as follows, the words in italics having been omitted in the Society's copy: "J'ignore combien de temps il doit encore rester dans le Congrès, mais j'ai pensé que vous ne désapprouverez pas que je fisse l'offre de lui continuer, tous les six mois, le prêt que je lui ai fait l'année dernière," &c. The translation, therefore, on pp. 387, 388, should read, "I do not know how much time he has yet to remain in Congress, but I thought you would not disapprove my offer to continue to him, every six months, the loan that I made him last year," &c.

Appended to this copy of the Luzerne letter is the following, which did not appear on the former copy:


Du Cabinet de Versailles à M. de la Luzerne.

27 JUILLET 1781.

Je ne puis qu'approuver, M., les secours pécuniaires que vous avez donnés au Général Sullivan; vous pourrez les lui continuer aussi longtemps qu'il siègera au Congrès et vous en porterez le montant sur l'état de vos frais extraordinaires en évitant d'exprimer son nom.


From the Cabinet of Versailles to M. de la Luzerne.

(Extract.) 27 JULY, 1781. I cannot but approve, Monsieur, the pecuniary assistance you have rendered to General Sullivan. You may continue it to him as long as he shall sit in Congress; and you will carry the amount to the account of your extraordinary expenses, avoiding the mention of his name.

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