Say, in what distant star to dwell? Far happier thou! 'twas thine to soar, Thy triumphs who shall dare explore? * Mrs. Sheridan's. ΤΟ THE YOUNGEST DAUGHTER OF LADY * *. 1800. AH! why with tell-tale tongue reveal* For this presumption, soon or late, * Alluding to some verses which she had written on an elder sister. TO THE BUTTERFLY. CHILD of the sun! pursue thy rapturous flight, -Yet wert thou once a worm, a thing that crept TO THE FRAGMENT OF A STATUE OF HERCULES, COMMONLY CALLED THE TORSO. AND dost thou still, thou mass of breathing stone, What tho' the Spirits of the North, that swept * In the gardens of the Vatican, where it was placed by Julius II., it was long the favourite study of those great men to whom we owe the revival of the arts, Michael Angelo, Raphael, and the Caracci. + Once in the possession of Praxiteles, if we may believe an ancient epigram on the Gnidian Venus. Analecta Vet. Poetarum, III. 200. |