On the two last leaves, and written in another hand, are some stanzas in the romance or ballad measure of the Spaniards. The subject is an adventure soon related. THY lonely watch-tower, Larenille, And loud and long from hill to hill Two Strangers at the Convent-gate. They ascended by steps hewn out in the rock; and, having asked for admittance, were lodged there. Brothers in arms the Guests appeared; * The Convent of La Rábida. And, ever sparkling on his breast, The Eldest had a rougher aspect, and there was craft in his eye. He stood a little behind in a long black mantle, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword; and his white hat and white shoes glittered in the moon-shine.t "Not here unwelcome, tho' unknown. When other sounds had died away, * * See Bernal Diaz, c. 203; and also a well-known portrait of Cortes, ascribed to Titian. Cortes was now in the 43rd, Pizarro in the 50th year of his age. † Augustin Zarate, c. lib. iv. 9. |