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On the two last leaves, and written in another hand, are some stanzas in the romance or ballad measure of the Spaniards. The subject is an adventure soon


THY lonely watch-tower, Larenille,
Had lost the western sun;

And loud and long from hill to hill
Echoed the evening-gun,
When Hernan, rising on his oar,
Shot like an arrow from the shore.
-"Those lights are on St. Mary's Isle;
They glimmer from the sacred pile." *
The waves were rough; the hour was late.
But soon across the Tinto borne,
Thrice he blew the signal-horn,
He blew and would not wait.
Home by his dangerous path he went;
Leaving, in rich habiliment,

Two Strangers at the Convent-gate.

They ascended by steps hewn out in the rock; and, having asked for admittance, were lodged there.

Brothers in arms the Guests appeared;
The Youngest with a Princely grace!
Short and sable was his beard,
Thoughtful and wan his face.
His velvet cap a medal bore,
And ermine fringed his broidered vest ;

* The Convent of La Rábida.

And, ever sparkling on his breast,
An image of St. John he wore.*

The Eldest had a rougher aspect, and there was craft in his eye. He stood a little behind in a long black mantle, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword; and his white hat and white shoes glittered in the moon-shine.t

"Not here unwelcome, tho' unknown.
Enter and rest!" the Friar said.
The moon, that thro' the portal shone,
Shone on his reverend head.
Thro' many a court and gallery dim
Slowly he led, the burial-hymn
Swelling from the distant choir.
But now the holy men retire ;
The arched cloisters issuing thro',
In long long order, two and two.

[blocks in formation]

When other sounds had died away,
And the waves were heard alone,
They entered, tho' unused to pray,


* See Bernal Diaz, c. 203; and also a well-known portrait of Cortes, ascribed

to Titian. Cortes was now in the 43rd, Pizarro in the 50th year of his age. † Augustin Zarate, c. lib. iv. 9.

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