sect; and in after life he joined in the establishment of London University College, for the education of those who felt the oaths at Oxford and Cambridge, a bar to entering those Universities. He had been brought up as a hearer of the Arian Dr. Price, and a friend of the Unitarian Dr. Priestley; and in 1844, when the Unitarians were in danger of being turned out of their places of worship by the orthodox Dis-, senters, he signed the petition in favour of the Dissenters' Chapel Bill, as a trustee to the old Meeting House on Newington Green. He continued through life unshaken in his disapproval of requiring a belief in fixed creeds and articles of religion, and in his disbelief of the orthodox doctrines of the Atonement and Trinity; though after the Repeal of the Test and Corporation Acts, he did not refuse to take the Sacrament from clergymen of the Church of England. These unfashionable opinions Mr. Rogers took no pains to conceal. He did not thrust them forward; but an anecdote or two will show that they were generally known to his friends. Once when walking in York Minster with Mr. Wordsworth, and praising the religious solemnity of the building, Mr. Wordsworth would not allow that Mr. Rogers could possibly admire it equally with himself, because of his Presbyterian education. When walking along George Street, Hanover Square, with his witty friend Mr. Luttrell, he complained, as many had done before, of the inconvenience of being thrust off the pavement by the projecting steps of St. George's Church; 'That,' said Mr. Luttrell, 'is one of your dissenting prejudices.' When the petition in favour of the Dissenters' Chapel Bill from the descendants of Philip Henry, was taken to Mr. Macaulay to be presented to the House of Commons, Mr. Macaulay asked; 'Has my friend RogersTM signed it?' And when dining with the Archbishop of Canterbury, and sitting next to the son of an old school-fellow, then a County Member and a Churchman, Mr. Rogers startled him with the remark, 'You ' and I are probably the only Dissenters here.' Every poet, indeed every author who writes on human nature and the feelings and doings of his fellow-creatures, leaves his heart and character -laid. open before the reader; and thus in Mr. Rogers's poems, we find 'his mind unfolded in his page.' In the Preface to the 'Pleasures of Memory,' he tells us that his aim was to 'Enlighten climes, and mould a future age— and that he should rest satisfied if his lines 'Revive but once a generous wish supprest, Such was his aim at the age of thirty when he wrote these lines ; and every reader of his poems will |