Content with science in the vale of peace. Calmly he look'd on either life ; and here Saw nothing to regret, or there to fear ; From Nature's temperate feast rose satisfied, Thank'd Heaven that he had liv'd, and that he died. Miscellaneous and Fugitive Pieces - Page 203by Samuel Johnson - 1774 - 375 pagesFull view - About this book
![]( | 1732 - 202 pages
...great. Foe to loud praife, and friend to learned cafe, Content with fcience in the arms of peace ; Calmly he look'd on either life, and here Saw nothing to regret, nor there to fear ; From nature's temp'rate feaft rofe fatisfy'd ; Thank'd heaven, that he had liv'd,... | |
![]( | Alexander Pope - Poets, English - 1737 - 382 pages
...Great • Foe to loud Praife, and Friend to learned Eafe, Content with Science in the Vale of "Peace. Calmly he look'd on either Life, and Here Saw nothing...regret, or There to fear ; From Nature's temp'rate Feaft refe fatisfy'd, Thank'd Heav'n that he had Liv'd, and that A. P op at j * See Cfofiaw's Epitaph on... | |
![]( | William Ayre, Edmund Curll - Poets, English - 1745 - 426 pages
...and Great. Foe to loud Praife, and Friend to learned Eafe, Content with Science in the Vale of Peace. Calmly he look'd on either Life, and here Saw nothing...Thank'd Heav'n that he had liv'd, and that he dy'd. Never was Character more true ; and it was Men of this quiet and contented State, (notwithftanding... | |
![]( | William Ayre, Edmund Curll - 1745 - 432 pages
...and Great. Foe to loud Praife, and Friend to learned Eafe, Content with Science in the Vale of Peace. Calmly he look'd on either Life, and here Saw nothing...fatisfy'd, Thank'd Heav'n that he had liv'd, and that he &f&! Never was Character more true; and it was Men of this quiet and contented State, (notwithfianding... | |
![]( | Alexander Pope - 1751 - 382 pages
...and Great : Foe to loud Praife, and Friend to karned Eafe, Content with Science in the Vale of Peace. Calmly he look'd on either Life, and here Saw nothing...Thank'd Heav'n that he had liv'd, and that he dy'd. JG XL XL On Mr. GA Y. In Weftminfter- Abbey, 1732. OF Manners gentle, of Affe&ions mild } In Wit, a... | |
![]( | Alexander Pope - 1751 - 372 pages
...Great : Foe to loud Praife, and Friend to learned Eafe, Content with Science in the Vale of Peace, Calmly he look'd on either Life, and here Saw nothing to regret, or there to fear; From Nature's temp'ratc feaft rofe fatisfy'd, Thank'd Heav'n that he had liv'd, and that he dy'd. XL XI. On Mr. GAY.... | |
![]( | Alexander Pope - 1752 - 438 pages
...and Great: Foe to loud Praifc, and Friend to learned Eafc, Content with Science in die Vale of Peace. Calmly he look'd on either Life, and here Saw nothing...Thank'd Heav'n that he had liv'd, and that he dy'd. On Mr. GAY, In Weftminfterr Abbey, 1732. OF Mappers gently of Affedtions mijd; In Wit, a Man ; Simplici-y,... | |
![]( | Theophilus Cibber - Poets, English - 1753 - 394 pages
...great: Foe to loud praife, and friend to learned cafe. Content with-fcience in the vale of peace. , Calmly he look'd on either life, and here Saw nothing...there to fear ; From nature's temp'rate feaft rofe fatisfy d Thunk'd Hcav'n, that he had liv'd, and thit Indied. 1 5 BARTON 178 The L r F i of BARTON... | |
![]( | Select epitaphs, William Toldervy - 1755 - 492 pages
...great. Foe to loud Praife, and Friend to learned Eafe .; Content with Science in the Vale of Peace : Calmly he look'd on either Life ; and here, Saw nothing...there to fear : From Nature's temp'rate Feaft rofe fatisfyM, Thank'd Heav'n that he had liv'd, and that he dy'd. [Eaft HemfJlead, On JOHN GA By Himfelf.... | |
![]( | Nathan Bailey - English language - 1756 - 716 pages
...blame, If her regrtts fliould waken thine. Prior. To REGRET (regretter, F.) to repent j to grieve it. Calmly he look'd on either life, and here Saw nothing...regret, or there to fear ; From nature's temp'rate fcalt rufe fatisfy'd, Thank'd heav'n that he had liv'd, and that he dy"d. Pofe. REGULAR (regulier,... | |
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