But all whom hunger spares, with age decay: Here malice, rapine, accident, conspire, And now a rabble rages, now a fire; Their ambush here relentless ruffians lay, And here the fell attorney prowls for prey; Here falling houses thunder on your head, And... Miscellaneous and Fugitive Pieces - Page 301by Samuel Johnson - 1774 - 375 pagesFull view - About this book
| Robert Dodsley - English poetry - 1755 - 356 pages
...decay : Here malice, rapine, accident, confpire, And now a rabble rages, now a fire ; Their ambufh here relentlefs ruffians lay, And here the fell attorney...contains Of diffipated wealth the fmall remains, On Thames's banks, in filent thought we flood. Where Greenwich fmiles upon the filver flood : Struck with... | |
| Robert Dodsley - English poetry - 1758 - 384 pages
...decay : Here malice, rapine, accident, confpire, And now a rabble rages, now a fire ; Their ambufh here relentlefs ruffians lay, And here the fell attorney...contains Of diffipated wealth the fmall remains, On Thames's banks, in filent thought we ftood, Where Greenwich fmiles upon the filver flood : Struck with... | |
| 1758 - 352 pages
...age decay: Here malice, rapine, accident, confpire, And now a rabble rages, now a fire ; Their ambulh here relentlefs ruffians lay, And here the fell attorney...contains Of diffipated wealth the fmall remains, On Thames's banks in filent thought we Hood, -A-. Where Greenwich fmiles upon the filver flootf. '--I... | |
| Robert Dodsley - English poetry - 1765 - 392 pages
...decay ; Here malice, rapine, accident, confpire, And now a rabble rages, now a fire j Their ambufh here relentlefs ruffians lay, And here the fell attorney...contains Of diffipated wealth the fmall remains, On Thames's bank in filent thought we ftood, Where Greenwich fmiles upon the filver flood. fc — —... | |
| English poetry - 1765 - 396 pages
...decay ; Here malice, rapine, accident, confpire, And now a rabble rages, now a fire ; Their ambufh here relentlefs ruffians lay, And here the fell attorney...your head, And here a female atheift talks you dead. ' While THALES waits the wherry that contains Of diflipated wealth the fmall remains, On Thames's bank... | |
| Collection - 1766 - 356 pages
...decay ; Here malice, rapine, accident, confpire, And now a rabble rages, now a fire ; Their ambufh here relentlefs ruffians lay, And here the fell attorney...And here a female atheift talks you dead. c While THALKS waits the wherry that contains Of diffipated wealth the fmall remains, On Thames's bank in filent... | |
| Oliver Goldsmith - English poetry - 1767 - 290 pages
...decay : Here malice, rapine, accident, confpire ; And now a rabble rages, now a fire : Their ambufh here relentlefs ruffians lay, And here the fell attorney...your head, And here a female atheift talks you dead. While Thales waits the wherry that contains Of di'.'pated wealth the fraall remains, On Thames's bank... | |
| Oliver Goldsmith - English poetry - 1767 - 294 pages
...decay : Here malice, rapine, accident, confpire ; And now a rabble rages, now a fire : Their ambufh here relentlefs ruffians lay, And here the fell attorney prowls for prey : D6 Her* Here falling houfes thunder on your head, And here a female atheift talks you dead. While... | |
| Samuel Johnson - English literature - 1774 - 374 pages
...decay : Here Malice, Rapine, Accident, confpire, And now a Rabble rages, now a Fire ; Their Ambufh here relentlefs Ruffians lay, And here the fell Attorney...contains Of diffipated Wealth the fmall Remains, On Tkames's Banks in filent Thought we flood, Where Greenwich fmiles upon the filver Flood: Struck with... | |
| Randal (squire.) - 1777 - 168 pages
...Abridged. '*' Here malice, rapine, accident confpire ; And now a rabble rages, now a fire. Their ambufti here relentlefs ruffians lay, And here the fell attorney...your head, And here a female atheift talks you dead. - - < Here let thofe reigi>, whom penfions can inch« To vote a patriot black, a courtier white ; Explain... | |
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