A GREAT VARIETY OF OTHER MINOR ASSURANCES NOT COMPRISED WITH COPIOUS EXPLANATORY AND PRACTICAL NOTES. BY S. F. T. WILDE, Esq. OF THE INNER TEMPLE, BARRISTER AT LAW. The Third Edition. TO WHICH ARE ADDED, A GREAT VARIETY OF MERCANTILE AND COMMERCIAL PRECEDENTS, AND ALSO FORMS OF BILLS AND OTHER PROCEEDINGS IN PARLIAMEN SUITED TO PAROCHIAL AND COUNTY PURPOSES. BY CHARLES BARTON, JUN. OF LINCOLN'S INN, Esq. IN THREE VOLUMES. VOL. I.-A-B. LONDON: HENRY BUTTERWORTH, LAW BOOKSELLER AND PUBLISHER, 1826. PREFACE. ON my first appearance before the Profession as an Author, it may be expected that I should express myself fearful of being accused of temerity, in attempting the revisal of a work originally compiled by so able a practitioner as MR. WILDE; and indeed so conscious was I of the apparent justice as well as probability of such an accusation, that I should not have ventured upon so hazardous an undertaking, but at the express request of my FATHER, and under his kind promise of assistance should I in any case deem it requisite; this promise he has amply performed, and under such a sanction my veracity might be justly doubted were I to express any considerable degree of anxiety as to the success of my endeavours to render the present Edition more extensively useful than the former ones. With a view of attaining this object, I have not merely substituted the later decisions and statutes in the room of those which have been overruled or repealed since the last Edition, but have introduced a very great number and variety of Precedents, which from my own experience, and the suggestions of others, appeared still to be wanting: a considerable portion of these will be found to relate more particularly to commercial, parochial, and county matters; in which all other collections of a similar kind, are, as it seems to me, extremely deficient. b |