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VOL. 4.] old tyrant proves often too strong for Dinna let the warld get a grip o' ye, his insurgent rebels. Jock-but keep the gear thegither !

" I canna do't," he answered, with and whate'er ye do, dispone Beersheba a voice of despair. "It would kill me at no rate. Let the creatures stay at a

to do't-how can ye bid me pay back siller, when ye ken how I want it? or dispone Beersheba, when it lies sae weel into my ain plaid-nuik? Nature made Dumbjedikes and Beersheba to be ae man's land-She did by *** Nichil, it wad kill me to part them."

But ye maun die, whether or no, Laird,' said Mr. Novit; and maybe ye wad die easier it's but trying. I'll scroll the disposition in nae time.'

moderate mailing, and hae bite and soup: it will maybe be the better wi' your father where he's gaun, lad."

After these contradictory instructions, the Laird felt his mind so much at ease that he drank three bumpers of brandy continuously, and "soughed awa, as Jenny expressed it, in an attempt to sing "De'il stick the minister.""

To this specimen we need scarce

"Dinna speak o't, Sir, or I'll fling ly add, that we retract every censure the stoup at your head-But Jock, lad, upon The Heart of Mid-Lothian, exye see how the warld warstles with me cept when compared with the foron my death-bed. Be kind to the puir mer productions of the same author. creatures the Deanses and the Butlers.



From the New Monthly Magazine, August, 1818.

COMETHING extraordinary is al- coast; my intention however is not to ways making its appearance in Amer enter into any disquisition whether or ica, and accounts of the same generally no they are of the same species with appear in the English journals grossly those of antiquity-those which destroyexaggerated. I am one of those who ed Laocoon and yet figure in sculpture, from experience have learnt the caution that which proved the youthful nerves necessary to be observed before placing of Hercules, or the more sagacious one implicit confidence in the relations of which foretold the death of Julian, and our trans-atlantic brethren, and am old thereby proved itself a good christian. enough to remember the sensation This I will leave to my American caused by the supernatural appearances brethren who are well qualified for such on the Apalachian mountains; the researches. I merely intend to state glory by which they were surrounded, that the Serpent of the Ocean, such as dispelling the darkness, as the morning they are described in the accounts from sun triumphs over the clouds of night; America, are no novel appearance, but the vision lasted until some fanatic as- have been seen in the Mediterranean. serted it was the "descent of the New Jerusalem," when reason prevailed, and we heard of the inhabitants and them no more.* Lately we have had "moving stones" in Carolina, but which ceas. ed their motion when Dr. James, of Commissary-General Macdowel, and

New York, set on foot an enquiry concerning them. What I at present wish to observe upon is, the account of "huge Sea Serpents," lately said to have been seen along that wonderful

I happened to be on board the Philomel, one of his Majesty's brigs of war.commanded by Captain Guison; having joined her on the 12th of December, 1811, at Gibraltar; Lord Cochrane,

Captain Hardinge of the engineers, were passengers.* I mention them thus par

* Those luminous appearances on the Apalachian mountains were ascribed to the particular state of the atmosphere. Some of the American phlosophers even travelled from Philadelphia to observe them.

* Captain Hardinge, a man of considerable talent. took views of the city mole and batteries at Algiers whilst the master of the brig sounded the bay mi nutely, under pretence of grappling for the lost anchor. I should believe Lord Exmonth acted upon Capt. Hardinge's plan, ast gentleman re marked to me in case of a Lonbardment the very situation occupied by the Queen Charlotte on that memorable event afterwards taking place.


Sea-Serpents !

[VOL. 4

ticularly as they are living, and can con- abandon the vicinity of the vessel on the tradict me if I state any thing which is occasion, which confirmed me in my opinion that, from the size of the mouth,

not correct.

who believed if they left the bay the fish would also leave it.

They had not, to me, that "carved" appearance noticed by the Americans.

After relieving with a supply of pro- they were incapable of being dangerous visions the Portuguese fortress of Me- to men. We saw them every day durlillo on the coast of Barbary, and an- ing our stay, until our removal into the choring for one day before the celebrat- Mole, when they left us, or rather we ed ruins of Oran, we entered the bay of left them. An old Greek renegado Algiers, and moored the vessel about told me they were common in the bay, three miles to the eastward of the city, but he had never known any of them where vessels in common do not ride. - being caught. Achmet, the admiral's Our motive for chusing this position was pilot, then on board the fifty gun ship, in order to sound the bay as secretly destroyed shortly after by Lord Exas possible. The depth of water might mouth, said they were regarded by the be nine fathoms. One of the cables was fishermen with a superstitious reverence, cut under water on the second day of our anchorage, I apprehend by the coral rocks, near which place the ship was. A seaman remarked to me from the poop, where he was fishing, that he be- I might have discovered that and several lieved the devil in the shape of a serpent other peculiarities of form in them by a had cut our cable, and was now along- more narrow scrutiny, but I imagined side as long as the ship. I immediately they were only curiosities to myself, looked over the gangway and perceived and scarce worth recording in my four of these reptiles sporting in the journal. I did however record them water: they appeared to me about from a practice never to omit noticing thirty feet in length, of a dark brown whatever passed under my own obsercolour, with a slight silvery tinge on vation. I pointed then out to Lord the belly, and on each side of the head: Cochrane and the other passengers, and the head was small, and in thickness of if I recollect aright, his Lordship said body the size of a stout man's thigh, they were not uncommon, or words tapering towards the tail. I observed bearing that construction. After this them frequently roll over, stretched at statement, "the American serpent," full length, and when preparing to losing its claim to novelty, is divested advance, the head was raised and the tail rolled upwards like a coach wheel in size nearly to the middle of the animal's back; lowering its head, which seemed to have been raised as a necessary action to preserve its balance in folding up the tail, it darted forward Fitzroy Place. with considerable velocity, unfurling itP. S. The master of an American vesself as it advanced. The sailors vainly sel arrived at Penobscot asserts his havendeavoured to catch one of them, let- ing encountered at sea a serpent full ting down shark-hooks with different one hundred feet long, and in thickness baits. My opinion was, that the mouth greater than a water cask. This forof the animal, which generally appeared midable animal reared itself several feet open when the head was reared, would out of the water, took a look at the ship, not admit a bait larger than an orange, and quietly glided away. An affidavit being quite out of our ideas of propor- is said to be preparing for the master tion with respect to its body. They and crew to establish this extraordinary never came nearer to the surface than fact. This account is given in Lloyd's six feet, so we found it useless to attempt list, which alone renders it worthy of them with a harpoon. The men bathed notice. The dimensions of a water cask amongst them unmolested, nor did they are various, barrels, butts, and pun

of much of its interest; as it is no more wonderful that the serpent of the Mediterranean should be seen on that coast, than the whale of Greenland on the coast of Cornwall.

I am, &c.


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On Novel-Reading.


cheons, and those called gang-casks on give no credit. "Jonathan" had heard board of merchant ships commonly con- of the serpent, and determined to have tain two hundred or more gallons, and a share in the glory of fixing it as a are at least three feet in diameter; if the native of "the Columbian Ocean." latter is meant, "astonishing" indeed National vanity is deemed preferable must be the size of this animal; if by to truth by most American seamen, and "water cask" is meant the barrel in the above may be set down as a fit comcommon use, about one foot in diameter, panion to the Scotch Mermaids which more astonishing still must it be in the were exhibited in the western isles, and former case, as the master's fears must were actually sworn to by several have magnified his powers of vision, and Scotch persons and second-sighted old in the latter it may be accounted for by women. I see no reason to alter my suffering him to have passed a cable opinion, that the serpent of America washed off some ship's deck in a gale of and the Mediterranean are of the same wind, which I think not improbable, species, and not uncommon, though About twelve years ago an American rarely noticed. The difference in size eaptain trading for furs, saw on the shores will soon bereconciled, and as America of New Zealand an animal of the serpent is the land of the marvellous they are kind which rose out of the water and entitled to forty or fifty feet extra upon looked into his main-top; of this fact such an occasion. I expect some other " an affidavit was also prepared but captain, on the strength of this great never administered;" perhaps this may discovery, will import us a parody to be the same animal, and the discoverer its honour on the famous national song, the same person. I have heard more extraordinary things asserted by American captains, whose accounts cannot be too cautiously received, but to this I


such as

Hail Columbia! favour'd strand!
Fill'd with snakes by sea and land.


Extracted from the British Critick, Jnue 1818.

S public opinion is by no means order to gratify the pampered palate of fictitious compositions, an indolent public. Labouring too with we allude to novels; it is our intention a success, which has never known a to devote a few pages of our present moment's diminution, they have, on number to an investigation of the prin- that account, brought down upon their cipal causes, which have led many to heads the ruthless vengeance of all the

condemn every work of that nature, as injurious in its consequences, and unworthy the attention of any rational being.

other practitioners in literature. Theologians, historians, moralists, and philosophers, are all animated with the same spirit of hostility; and, however they differ upon other points, are unan

We do not pretend to enter into such a discussion with unbiassed feel- imous in conferring the most offensive ings; on the contrary, we are warm terms upon these light-hearted children partizans of that degraded and perse- of pleasure and imagination. Not, cuted tribe of authore, who are known however, content with directing the by the name of novellists, and think venom of their malice against the comthat no writers have contributed more posers, they must even endeavour to than they have to the amusement and fling it upon us, who are merely the instruction of society. Labouring in a readers of such publications. field, which has been so long the com- theologian assures us, that the time mon property of every dabbler in let- spent in these idle pursuits would be ters, they are making it produce, day better employed in meditating on more after day, new and succulent plants, in important and less worldly objects:

The 16

On Novels-M. de Stael's Zulma, &t!

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the historian informs us, that, in with- being prejudicial to the mental faculties, drawing our attention from the inci- is actually favourable to their further dents of real life to those, which never developement. For reflection, as Maddid, and never can occur, we are weak- ame de Stael has well observed, finds ening the mind, and misleading the judganent; whilst the moralist asserts, that, as we only live to read, instead of reading how to live, we are perpetually nothing is so well calculated to excite

developing those passions, of which the influence, as it is most dangerous, ought to be kept under the severest control. What other charges may be denounced against us, we are at a loss to discover: if there be any, in all probability they will be of a similar nature, and may therefore, for the present, remain unnoticed. Before the conclusion of this article, we will examine the grounds on which all such accusations rest; because, by so doing, we shall make it evident to all our readers, that the perusal of a good novel is neither a misapplication of time, nor a study calculated to warp the understanding, or foster an improper portion of enthusiastic feeling.

much more to discover in the details of society, than in any ge eral idea, which you may throw out regarding it: and

reflection, especially in the minds of the young, as the fictitious narratives, of which we are speaking. For to them such works serve as living pictures of manners as they rise, and by exhibiting, in strong and vivid colours, the imbecilities and follies of mankind, impart the first rudiments of that knowledge of the human heart, which is so necessary to insure our happiness, and which is so difficult, and so dangerous, and so tedious to acquire, if it is to be gleaned from the great book of nature. Thus affording what is said to be the result of age alone, experience, they make youth acquainted with the vices and profligacies of the world, at the same time that they withdraw it from the sphere of their contamination. Nor are these advantages confined only to the younger branches of the community; they extend also to the more advanced in life: for to them they recall (and the recollection, whether in the noon or evening of existence, is and ought to be pleasant,) the pursuits, distresses, and enjoyments of their earlier years: they rekindle in their bosoms those milder and gentler feelings of our nature, which time and toil, and vexation and anguish, are perpetually tending to extinguish in us all: and though much stress may not be placed upon the observation, they often supply those useful hints for the conduct of individuals in society, and for the internal reg

Previously to taking up the gauntlet in defence of novel-readers, it may be necessary to state explicitly, that we are not desirous of recommending to any person, in any station of life, an indiscriminate perusal of every novel or romance, which emanates from the Minerva or Apollo press, and which is therefore pre-doomed to occupy a place on the shelves of our circulating libraries. We are as well aware, as individuals can be, that nothing exceeds the trash, which defiles the pages of some of these productions: but there are others, in which the great truths of morality and religion are advocated in such powerful and impressive language, as would not disgrace the austerest philosopher. Like the character, which ulation of faminies, which are not likeMartial gave to his own epigrams, some ly to be found in the multifarious volare good, some bad, and the majority umes, which learned divines have put moderate. From a collection of this forth for the amendment of the age, nature, where the different particles are nor in any of those ingenious discourses known to us, more or less, through the on morality, which philosophers have medium of common conversation, a indited for its edification from the judicious selection may be easily made: combined love of fame, money, and and the reading of such works, in this mankind. department of literature, as have met It has been thought proper to mark with general approbation, so far from out thus distinctly the limits, within

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On Novel-Reading.


which we defend novel-reading, in or- their work to a dissertation on one of der that we may be released from the the moral virtues, is more calculated necessity of combatting those objec- than any other to counteract the effect tions, which apply only to such works which they are so desirous of producof this description, as are in themselves ing. A novel never can succeed, in indecent and improper. We shall now which the fable merely serves as a veproceed, after making this limitation, to hicle for tedious disquisitions on theostate how far, and under what circum- retical ethics, or still more tedious ebulstances, we advocate the cause of novel- litions of mawkish sentimentality. writers. As long then as they are con- These essays, considered as essays, tented with merely not transgressing may be very good, but unfortunately the boundaries of morality and decency, they are not at all entertaining: and and with merely shewing an external novel-readers insist on being amused, compliance with the established forms in the first place, and merely submit to and institutions of society, as long as be instructed in the second. They they think, that their duty is fully per- will be satisfied with publications of formed, if they do not throw a gorgeous this sort, if in their perusal they expeveil over the deformities of vice, and do rience delight without reaping benefit, not apply their talents to defend an er- but not, if they are to reap benefit roneous system of philosophy, so long without experiencing delight. The they are only entitled to the faint and moral must therefore be the invisible negative praise of doing no harm. Be- power, which directs the events of the fore they aspire to a higher meed, they story, because, if it becomes the actuatmust zealously inculcate the precepts ing and visible power, it destroys the and the practice of virtue: and, so far dramatic effect, and consequently, the from being satisfied with standing on illusion of the fiction. In such a case, the defensive, when morality is attack- as the author has two objects in view, ed, they must be ever ready to run all to make us feel a moral truth, and to hazards in behalf of its ordinances. charm by the recital, which is to prove No sarcasm, therefore, however poign- it, he generally loses one of them in the ant, no witticism, however brilliant, necessity which he feels of obtaining must tempt them to admit into their the other. He either represents the writings the shadow of a syllable, de- abstract idea vaguely, in order to prerogatory to natural or revealed religion. serve the probability and connection of They must shew as well by argument his incidents, or he sacrifices truth and as by example, that if the very first in- nature, to be mathematically precise in roads of vice be not strenuously resist- his philosophical speculations. In ed, transgression will so produce trans- either case he is unfortunate: in the gression, that the difficulty of reforma- first, he cannot amuse, because every tion will increase with each succeeding sentiment which he utters, and every minute: and that the momentary situation which he describes, is considgratification of any illegal passion, ered as merely figuring towards the whether it be revenge, ambition, ava- ethical result, and of little importance rice, lust, or any other improper appe- to the denouement of the tale: in the tite of the mind, will be followed by latter, he cannot instruct, because the many a long year of tribulation and language of the passions will sometimes anguish. glance across the coldness and spoil the wisdom of metaphysical exactness. Each chapter is thus a kind of allegory,

Not that in order to promote this laudable purpose, an author should pursue the plan, which is adopted by in which the events can never be lookMrs. West, Miss Hannah More, or ed upon in any other light than so matheir imitators;-far from it. The ny different emblems of the little pithy system which these ladies unfortunately adage, which is to be placed at their follow, the system of dedicating a cer- conclusion: and the whole narrative tain number of pages in each chapter of creates that species of disgust and dis



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