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the intellectual powers, it will have this effect in a greater degree, the carlier it is introduced, and the more pliable and ductile is the mind that is employed on it. After a certain time. the mind that was neglected in the beginning, grows aukward and unwieldy. Its attempts at alertness and grace are abortive. There is a certain flowness and ftupidity that grows upon it. He therefore that would enlarge the mind and add to its quantity of existence, must enter upon his task at an early period.

The benefits of claffical learning would perhaps never have been controverted, if they had not been accompanied with unneceffary rigours, Children learn to dance and to fence, they learn French and Italian and mufic, without its being found neceffary to beat them for that purpose. A reasonable man will not eafily be perfuaded that there is fome mysterious quality in claffical learning that should make it an exception to all other inftances.

There is one obfervation arifing from the view here taken on the subject, that probably deferves to be ftated. It has often been faid that claffical learning is an excellent accomplishment in men devoted to letters, but that it is ridiculous, in parents whofe children are deftined to more ordinary occupations, to defire to give them a


fuperficial acquaintance with Latin, which in the fequel will infallibly fall into neglect. A conclufion oppofite to this, is dictated by the preceding reflections. We can never certainly foresee the future deftination and propenfities of our children. But let them be taken for granted in the present argument, yet, if there be any truth in the above reasonings, no portion of claffical inftruction, however small, need be wholly loft. Some refinement of mind and fome clearnefs of thinking will almost infallibly refult from grammatical studies. Though the language itself should ever after be neglected, some portion of a general science has thus been acquired, which can scarcely be forgotten. Though our children fhould be deftined to the humbleft occupation, that does not feem to be a fufficient reason for our denying them the acquifition of fome of the most fundamental documents of human understanding.

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INNUMERABLE are the discussions that have originated in the comparative advantages of public and private education. The chief benefit attendant on private inftruction feems to be the following.

There is no motive more powerful in its operations upon the human mind, than that which originates in fympathy. A child must labour under peculiar difadvantages, who is turned loofe among a multitude of other children, and left to make his way as he can, with no one ftrongly to intereft himself about his joys or his forrows, and no one eminently concerned as to whether he makes any improvement or not. In this unanimating fituation, alone in the midft of a crowd, there is great danger that he fhould become fullen and felfish. Knowing nothing of his fpecies, but from the aufterity of difcipline or the shock of contention, he must be expected to acquire a desperate fort of firmness and inflexibility. The fecial affections are the chief

chief awakeners of man. It is difficult for me to feel much eagerness in the purfuit of that by which I expect to contribute to no man's gratification or enjoyment. I cannot entertain a generous complacency in myself, unless I find that there are others that set a value on me. I fhall feel little temptation to the cultivation of faculties in which no one appears to take an intereft. The first thing that gives fpring and expanfion to the infant learner, is praife; not fo much perhaps because it gratifies the appetite of vanity, as from a liberal fatisfaction in communicated and reciprocal pleafure. To give plea. fure to another produces in me the most animated and unequivocal confcioufnefs of exiftence. Not only the paffions of men, but their very judgments, are to a great degree the crcatures of fympathy. Who ever thought highly of his own talents, till he found thofe talents obtaining the approbation of his neighbour? Who ever was fatisfied with his own exertions, till they had been fanctioned by the fuffrage of a bystander? And, if this fcepticism occur in our matureft years, how much more may it be expected to attend upon inexperienced childhood? The greateft ftimulus to ambition is for me to conceive that I am fitted for extraordinary things; and the only mode perhaps to infpire me

with felf-value, is for me to perceive that I am regarded as extraordinary by another. Those things which are cenfured in a child, he learns to be ashamed of; thofe things for which he is commended, he contemplates in himself with pleasure. If therefore you would have him eagerly defirous of any attainment, you must thoroughly convince him that it is regarded by you with delight.

This advantage however of private education. it is by no means impoffible in a great degree to combine with public. Your child may be treated with esteem and diftinction in the intervals of his fchool education, though perhaps thefe can fcarcely follow him when he returns to the roof of inftruction. Praife, to produce its juft effect, ought not perhaps to be adminiftered in too frequent dofes.

On the other hand, there is an advantage in public education fimilar in its tendency to that juft defcribed. Private education is almoft neceffarily deficient in excitements. Society is the true awakener of man; and there can be little true fociety, where the disparity of disposition is fo great as between a boy and his preceptor. A kind of lethargy and languor creeps upon this fpecies of ftudies. Why fhould he ftudy? He has neither rival to furpafs, nor com


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