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Quel légume allez-vous commander, Jean?

J'aimerais avoir des petits pois.

Garçon, vous pouvez nous apporter des glaces, et une tasse de café.

Café nature (café noir), ou café au lait?

Que voulez-vous comme dessert?

L'addition, s'il vous plaît. N'oubliez pas de donner un

pourboire au garçon. Avez-vous de la petite monnaie?

Voici une pièce de vingt-cinq centimes.

Donnons-lui cinquante cen


The Restaurant

Aren't you hungry?

Let us enter this restaurant here.

Here is a small table vacant.

Let me see the bill of fare.

Do you wish red wine, or white?

What kind of soup should you


(To the waiter.)

some roast beef.

Bring us

Do you wish it rare, or well done?

We have already given our order.

What kind of vegetables are

you going to order, John? I should like to have some peas.

Waiter, you may bring us some ice cream, and a cup of coffee.

Black coffee, or coffee with milk?

What do you wish for dessert?

The bill, please.

Do not forget to tip the waiter.

Have you any small change?

Here is a twenty-five-centime piece (five cents).

Let us give him fifty centimes (ten cents).

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à, to, at, with, in, by, of, from,


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accabler, to overwhelm.

accent, m., accent, tone. accepter, to accept. accessoire, accessory, allied. accident, m., accident. accompagner, to accompany. accorder, to grant. accourir, to hasten, run up. accoutumé, -e, accustomed. accueillir, to receive, greet. accuser, to accuse, charge; recognize. acheter, to buy. acheteur, m., buyer, purchaser.

achever, to finish.

acide, m., acid; — prussique, prussic acid.

acte, m., act.

adapter, to adapt, fit.

adjuger, to adjudge, award.

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parole, to direct his speech; s', to address one's self, address.

adversaire, m., adversary. affaire, f., affair; -s, pl., business; avoir à, to have to do with, deal with; entendre son-, to understand his business; tenir son, to gain one's desire. affectation, f., affectation. affectionner, to be fond of. affiche, f., placard, handbill. affront, m., affront, insult. afin (de), in order to;

in order that. Africain, m., African. âge, m., age; quel



vous? how old are you? âgé, -e, aged, old.

agir, to act, treat, deal; il s'agit de, the question is, it concerns.

agonie, f., agony; à l'—, dying.

agrandir, to enlarge.

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[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

apercevoir, to perceive, notice, see; s'-, to perceive. apôtre, m., apostle. appareil, m., attire, dress, apparatus.

apparence, f., appearance. apparent, -e, apparent. appartement, m., apartment. appartenir, to belong. appel, m., appeal, call. appeler, to call; s'-, to be called; comment vous appelez-vous? what is your name?

appétit, m., appetite. applaudir, to applaud. appliquer, to apply, stick. apporter, to bring, carry. appréciation, f.,



appréhender, to apprehend, arrest, fear.

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