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Crow, large black bird.
Thief, one who steals.

Mos'-sy, soft and downy.
Gay, bright.

Gold, a yellow metal.

Sil'-ver, white shining metal.

Sprang, jumped.

Chased, ran after.

Slipped, slid.

Reach, grasp.

Bill, beak of a bird.

Cheese, food made from milk.

DICK was a little boy who took care of cows in a park not far from a wood.


fine sunny day in June, Dick having sung himself a song, said, "I will now take my dinner." So down he sat upon a mossy bank, and pulled out his bread and his cheese; but just as he was about to begin, a but-ter-fly, with its gay wings shining in the sun, flew past. "Oh, what a lovely but-ter-fly!" said Dick; "its wings are all shining with gold and silver! I must have it." So down he laid his bread and cheese, sprang to his feet, and off he ran after the but-ter-fly. He chased it from flower to flower, but just as he was about to catch it his foot slipped, and down he fell flat on the grass. When he rose, the but-ter-fly was far out of his reach. "Well, well," said

Dick, "I cannot help it. I will just go back to my dinner, since I have lost the




but-ter-fly." But Dick soon found that he had lost more than the but-ter-fly; for, as he was going back to his dinner, he saw a great black crow flying off with his cheese in its bill. 0 you thief of a crow!" cried Dick, "that was my cheese that you have got in your great greedy mouth. What right have you to that cheese?" crow turned round, shook its big waving wings at Dick, as much as to say, "Just as much right have I to the cheese, as you to the wings of that gay but-ter-fly. I have only done to you what you tried to do to the but-ter-fly."


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What was Tell what a What a What does

What was Dick herding ? | said the boy to this? Where? What did he sit down to the crow's answer? do? On what? What had he for butterfly comes from. dinner? What flew past? crow comes from. What did he then do? What did he lose by chasing the butterfly? What took it away? What

the story of Dick and the crow teach us?

WRITE, on the slate, names of things in the school-room.

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THE lion is a brave but fierce beast. His limbs are very strong, and he has a shaggy mane and a long tail. His roar is very loud, and when heard at night it is truly grand, and seems like distant thunder.

A hunter, in a distant land, where lions are found, was on his way home. He had



to cross a field, where he saw a lion close by, watching him. The hunter had lost his shot-bag, and he could not run away from the lion, so he looked round about for a safe place to hide in for the night, but could

see none.

At last he fell on a plan to cheat the lion. He crept under the ledge of a high cliff, and hid where the lion could not see him. It was now dark, but the man could see that the lion had come after him, and was but a little way off. He took off his hat and coat, and putting them on his gun, so as to make them look like a man, he waved them above the edge of the rock.

As soon as the lion came up, he saw the coat and the hat, and at once made a spring at them. He bounded right over the cliff where the man lay, and was dashed to pieces on the rocks below.

The hunter heard with joy the lion's dying yells as he fell from rock to rock.

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LET us laugh and let us sing,
Dancing in a merry ring;
We'll be fairies on the green,
Sporting round the Fairy Queen.

Like the seasons of the year,
Round we circle in a sphere;
I'll be Summer, you'll be Spring,
Dancing in a fairy ring.

Harry will be Winter wild;
Little Annie, Autumn mild;
Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring,
Dancing in a fairy ring.

Spring and Summer glide away,
Autumn comes with tresses gray;
Winter, hand in hand with Spring,
Dancing in a fairy ring.

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