EDITED BY THE REV. M. G. GLAZEBROOK, D.D. Lessons from the Old Testament NEW AND REVISED EDITION, 1923 The Text of the Bible in Selections SENIOR COURSE In three volumes, each containing Notes, Maps, Illustrations, and Dictionary, suitable for the work of a school year : : Vol. I.-The Creation to the Judges (Lessons i.-xxxiv.), 6s. Vol. II. Samuel to Hosea (Lessons xxxv.-lxiv.), 6s. Vol. III.—Isaiah to Simon Maccabaeus (Lessons lxv.-xcvi.), 6s. JUNIOR COURSE Text and Notes in One Volume, 6s. Text only, in One Volume, 4s. 6d., or in Three Parts : Part I.—The Creation to Joshua (Lessons i.-xxx.). Text and Notes, 2s. 6d. Text only, Is. 9d. Part II.—The Judges to Solomon (Lessons xxxi.-lx.). Text and Notes, 2s. 6d. Text only, 1s. 9d. Part III.-Jeroboam to Nehemiah (Lessons lxi.-xc.). Text and Notes, 2s. 6d. Text only, Is. 9d. LONDON RIVINGTONS THE OLD TESTAMENT NEW AND REVISED EDITION 1923 The Text of the Bible in Selections from the Revised Version EDITED BY THE REV. M. G. GLAZEBROOK, D.D. CANON RESIDENTIARY OF ELY FORMERLY HEAD MASTER OF CLIFTON COLLEGE JUNIOR COURSE RIVINGTONS 34 KING STREET, COVENT GARDEN LONDON 1923 A REVISED edition of these Lessons was planned in 1914, but was delayed by the same causes as the revised edition of the Senior Course, which was published last year. No change has been made in the general plan of the book, which has stood the test of use for thirty years. But added experience and the advance of Biblical study have enabled the editor to effect considerable improvements. The text of this edition is taken from the Revised Version, whose superiority is now generally recognised. The omission of unessential matter has made it possible both to shorten some of the Lessons and to insert a few characteristic passages from the Prophets, which illustrate the narrative. The advance of textual criticism since the date of the Revised Version has offered many corrections which are tolerably certain, and greatly improve the sense. The more important of these are printed as footnotes to the text. The text is illustrated by a series of historical maps, and by pictures of places and of objects in the British Museum. The commentary has been revised in the light of fuller knowledge, but the notes have been kept short and simple. Both in selecting the text and in writing the commentary, the editor has desired to emphasise the truth that the Old Testament contains the history of a progressive revelation. He has drawn attention to the different levels of belief and practice which appear in the records of different periods; and he hopes that he may thereby save many a young reader from the moral confusion that was caused by the old view (not yet quite obsolete) which assigned an equal authority to all parts of the Scripture. Teachers who possess copies of the Senior Course will find that its commentary and dictionary supply them with much useful material wherewith to supplement the designedly meagre notes of this edition. M. G. GLAZEBROOK. |