CLASSICAL AND FOREIGN QUOTATIONS LAW TERMS AND MAXIMS, PROVERBS, MOTTOES, IN FRENCH, GERMAN, GREEK, ITALIAN, LATIN, WITH Translations, Beferences, Explanatory Notes, and Endexes. BY WM. FRANCIS HENRY KING, M.A., Cн. CH., OXFORD. NEW AND REVISED EDITION. "A Quotation without a reference is like a geological specimen of unknown locality." l'exactitude de citer. C'est un talent plus rare que l'on ne pense." 1010-80 Newman Ben. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. THE chief difference in this Edition, as compared with its predecessor, is the correction of false quotation, faulty accents, faulty references, and mistranslations. The whole book has in this way been submitted to a thorough revision from beginning to end, so that I should hope that the errata still remaining are exceedingly few. Besides corrections of this kind, the Indexes have been entirely rewritten and enlarged, and, as regards the Subject Index, put into more literary shape. In the original Subject Index, sayings of a cognate kind were grouped under some proverb-heading which seemed to express their general tendency; but as this was considered somewhat cumbersome and unscientific, a more precise method has been substituted, by which the quotations are, as a rule, referred to under a single word more or less representing their drift and meaning. Thus, Circumlocution is given instead of Beat about the bush; Many a slip 'twixt cup, etc., is now found under Uncertainty; and the sayings expressive of Call a spade a spade are more concisely indexed under Truth. So much of our knowledge is, however, contained in proverb-shape, and the point of a saying so generally summed up in our minds in its customary proverbial expression, that I still doubt whether the new method will prove more 274168 |