783. Compositum miraculi causa. (L.) Tac. A. 11, 27.-A story got up to create astonishment. 784. Compos mentis. faculties. (Law L.)-In the possession of his Compos or non compos are used to denote the saneness, or not, of any one. Tu mentis es compos? Tu non constringendus? Cic. Phil. 2, 38, 97.-Are you then in your right mind? Are you not a person to be kept under restraint? 785. Con amore. (It.)—With love. Enthusiastically. 786. Concessa pudet ire via, civemque videri. (L.) Luc. 2, 446.—He is ashamed to advance by the public way, and to appear in the character of an honest man. Julius Cæsar. Said of 787. Concordans. (L.)-Agreeing together. Motto of the Order of Concord, Brandenburg. 788. Concordia discors. (L.) Luc. 1, 98.-Discordant harmony. Ill-assorted union or combination of persons or things: agreeable discords in music. 789. Concordia, integritate, industria. (L.)-By concord, integrity, and industry. Motto of Lord Rothschild. 790. Concordia parvæ res crescunt, discordia maxumæ dilabuntur. (L.) Sall. Jug. 10, 16.-If harmony be preserved, small undertakings will prosper; but dissension will bring the greatest states to the ground. (The first four words are the Motto of Merchant Tailors' Company.) 791. Concurritur: horæ Momento cita mors venit, aut victoria læta. (L.) Hor. S. 1, 1, 7. One short, sharp shock, and presto! all is done : 792. Condicio dulcis sine pulvere palmæ. (L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 1, 5 v.—The certainty of winning the coveted palm without an effort. 793. Condo et compono quæ mox depromere possim. (L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 1, 12.—I am storing and collecting what some day or other I shall be able to produce. 794. Con el Rey y con la Inquisicion, chitos! (S.) Prov.About the King and the Inquisition, not a word! 795. Confido, conquiesco. (L.)—I trust and rest. Earl of Dysart and Lord Tollemache. Motto of 796. Confiteor, si quid prodest delicta fateri. (L.) Ov. Am. 2, 4, 3.-I confess my fault if the confession can be of any avail. (2.) Confiteor, a part of the office of the Mass. 797. Congé d'eslire. (Fr.)-Leave to elect. Term used in the Anglican Church to express the permission granted by the Sovereign to the Chapter of a cathedral to elect a Bishop. This is, however, a matter of form, as the Chapter is bound to nominate the person recommended in the Royal letter which accompanies the Congé. 798. Conjugium vocat, hoc prætexit nomine culpam. She calls it marriage now; such name (L.) Virg. A. 4, 172. She chooses to conceal her shame.-Conington. Dido's guilty love for Æneas: not the only woman who has endeavoured to screen her shame under a false title. 799. Connubialis amor de Mulcibre fecit Apellem. (L.)—) -Love turned a blacksmith into an Apelles. Epitaph of Quintin Matsys, the blacksmith-painter of Antwerp. 800. Conscia mens recti famæ mendacia risit Sed nos in vitium credula turba sumus. (L.) Ov. F. 4, 311. Conscious of truth, the mind can smile at lies, Si quid Usquam justitia est, et mens sibi conscia recti. Virg. Conscia mens recti is sometimes used as a periphrasis for innocence, conscious integrity. 801. Conscientiam rectæ voluntatis maximam consolationem esse rerum incommodarun. (L.) Cic. Fam. 6, 4, 2.— Consciousness of an honourable intention is the greatest consolation in troubles. (2.) Conscientia mille testes. Quint. 5, 11, 41.-A good conscience is worth a thousand witnesses; and cf. Mea mihi conscientia pluris est quam omnium sermo. Cic. Att. 12, 28, 2.-The verdict of my own conscience is more to me than the testimony of all men put together. (3.) Bona conscientia turbam advocat, mala etiam in solitudine anxia atque solicita est. Sen. Ep. 43, 5.-A good conscience invites the inspection of all, a bad is anxious and distressed even in solitude. If 802. Consensus tollit errorem. (L.) Law Max.-Consent does away with all objections on the score of irregularity. an action ought to have been laid in Surrey, but with the consent of the parties (per assensum partium) it is tried in Middlesex, no objection can be taken on the ground of irregularity. 803. Consentientes et agentes pari pœna plectentur. (L.) Law Max.-Parties to a wrongful act are to be visited with the same penalties as the principals. 804. Consequitur quodcunque petit. (L.) He attains whatever he aims at. Motto of the Marquess of Headfort. 805. Conservez bien la foi, conservez votre loi. (Fr.) Breton Prov.-Keep well your faith, keep your law. 806. Consilia firmiora sunt de divinis locis. (L.) Plaut. Most. 5, 1, 55.—Advice is more reliable that comes from consecrated spots. 807. Consilia qui dant prava cautis hominibus Et perdunt operam et deridentur turpiter. Who ill advice on wary men confer (L.) Phædr. 1, 25, 1. Waste time and shameful ridicule incur.-Ed. 808. Consilio et animis. (L.)-By wisdom and courage. Motto of the Earl of Lauderdale. 809. Constans et fidelitate. (L.)—Constant and with faithfulness. Motto of Order of St Hubert. 810. Constantia et virtute. (L.)-By constancy and virtue. Motto of Earl Amherst. 811. Constructio legis non facit injuriam. (L.) Law Max.The construing or interpretation of the law must not be allowed to injure any one. 812. Consuetudinem sermonis vocabo consensum eruditorum ; sicut_vivendi consensum bonorum. (L.) Quint. 1, 4, 3.-I consider the style of speaking adopted by men of education to be the standard of correct language, just as the example of good men furnishes the model for our own lives. Consensus the collective opinion or general agreement of any body of men upon any given question. Cf. Consuetudo vero certissima loquendi magistra; utendumque plane sermone, ut nummo, cui publica forma est. Id. ibid.-Custom after all is the best rule in speaking, and we should choose words, as we do money, that have the public stamp on them. 813. Consuetudinis magna vis est. -Great is the force of habit. (L.) Cic. Tusc. 2, 17, 40. 814. Consuetudo est altera lex. (L.) Law Max.-Custom is a second law. 815. Consuetudo est secunda natura. (L.) S. Aug. adv. Jul. 5, 59.-Custom is second nature. Cf. Morem fecerat usus. Ov. M. 2, 345.-Custom had made it a habit. 816. Consuetudo loci est observanda. (L.) Law Max.-The customary law of a particular place is to be observed,such, e.g., as the custom of gavelkind in parts of Kent. But the custom must be capable of being reduced to a certainty, and it must be reasonable under these conditions, Consuetudo ex certa causa rationabili usitata privat communem legem, Custom, when grounded on a certain and reasonable cause, supersedes the common law. 817. Consule veritatem. (L.) Cic. Or. 48, 159.-Consult the etymology (of the word): in Greek, Tò Tupov, the literal sense of a word according to its origin. 818. Consummatum est. (L.) Vulg. Joan. xix. 30.-It is finished. 819. Contemnuntur ii, qui nec sibi, nec alteri, ut dicitur: in quibus nullus labor, nulla industria nulla cura est. (L.) Cic. Off. 2, 10, 36.-Those men are held in deserved contempt, who do no good to themselves or any one else, as the saying is; who make no exertion, show no industry, exercise no thought. 820. Contemporanea expositio est optima et fortissima in lege. (L.) Law Max.-The best and surest way of expounding any statute is by referring to the construction put upon it at the time it was made, and, Optimus legis interpres consuetudo, Customary usage is the best expounder of the import of a statute. 821. Contemptor suæmet vitæ, dominus alienæ. (L.) Sen. ?The man who puts small value on his own life will be master of the lives of others. 822. Contentement passe richesse. (Fr.)-A mind contented with its lot, is more valuable than riches. 823. Contesa vecchia tosto si fa nuova. (It.) Prov.-An old feud is soon renewed. 824. Conticuisse nocet nunquam, nocet esse locutum. (L.) Anth. Sacr. Jac. Billii (in loquaces).—It never hurts a man to keep silence, but often to speak. G 825. Continuo culpam ferro compesce, priusquam Dira per incautum serpant contagia vulgus. Prompt measures. (L.) Virg. G. 3, 468. Cut off at once with knife the mischief's head, Lest thro' the unthinking crowd the poison spread.-Ed. Prompt measures must be taken with disorders, either of the natural or the political body: sedition, like any other ulcer, must be at once removed. 826. Con todo el mondo guerra, y paz con Inglaterra. (S.) Prov.-War with all the world, and peace with England. 827. Contra malum mortis, non est medicamen in hortis. (L.) Med. Aphor.-No chemist's herbarium contains a remedy against death. 828. Contranando incrementum. (L.)-Progress by swimming against the stream. Motto of the town of Peebles. 829. Contra verbosos noli contendere verbis ; Sermo datur cunctis, animi sapientia paucis. (L.) Dion. Cato. Avoid wrangling with the contentious; speech is given to every man, wisdom to few. 830. Contredire, c'est quelquefois frapper à une porte, pour savoir s'il y a quelqu'un dans la maison. (Fr.) Prov. ?— To contradict, sometimes means to knock at the door to find out whether there is any one at home. 831. Contre fortune bon cœur. (Fr.)—Against the fickleness of fortune oppose a bold heart. 832. Contre les rebelles, c'est cruauté que d'estre humain et humanité d'estre cruel. (Fr.) Corneille Muis, Bp. of Bitonte. Against rebels, it is cruelty to be humane, and humanity to be cruel. A maxim adopted by Catherine de Médici in her "Counsels" to her son Charles IX. 833. Contumeliam si dicis, audies. (L.) Plaut. Ps. 4, 7, 77.— If you abuse others, you will have to listen to it yourself. 834. Coram domino rege. (L.)—Before our lord the king. (2.) Coram non judice. Law Term.-Before one who is not a judge. If judgment be delivered in a county which has no jurisdiction to try the case, the judgment is a mere nullity. Thus, a case belonging to the provincial Court of Canterbury, if tried before a judge sitting at Westminster, would be coram non judice, and the judgment consequently null. (3.) Coram nobis.Before us. Before the Court. |