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729. Chi piu intende, piu perdona. (It.) Prov.-The more a man knows, the more he forgives.

730. Chi prende, si vende. (It.) Prov.-Who takes a present, sells himself.

731. Chi serve al commune serve nessuno. (It.)-He who serves the public, serves no one. Services performed are soon forgotten, and the public are in general ungrateful.

732. Chi ti fa carezze piu che non suole,

O t'ha ingannato, o ingannar ti vuole. (It.) Prov.He who bestows on you more attentions than usual, either has deceived you, or has the intention to do so.

733. Chi troppo abbraccia nulla stringe. (It.) Prov.-He who grasps too much, will hold nothing.

734. Chi va piano va sano, e chi va sano va lontano. (It.) Prov. He who goes gently travels in safety, and goes far in the day. Slow and sure.

735. Chi vuol vada, chi non vuol mandi. (It.)-He who wishes something done, let him go himself; he who is indifferent about it, let him send another. If you want a thing done, do it yourself.

736. Chreme, tantumne ab re tua est otii tibi

Aliena ut cures, eaque nihil quæ ad te attinent?
Homo sum;
humani nihil a me alienum puto.

(L.) Ter. Heaut. 1, 1, 24.

Menedemus. Have you such leisure, Chremes, from your own affairs,
To attend to those of others, which concern you not?

Chremes. I am a man. And nothing that belongs to man

Do I consider indifferent to me.-.

737. Christen haben keine Nachbarn. (G.) Prov.-Christians have no neighbours.

738. Christiana militia. (L.)-Christian warfare. Motto of the Order of Christ of Portugal.

739. Christianos ad leonem. (L.) Tert. Apol. 40.—To the lion with the Christians! Cry of the pagans against the Catholics in the early persecutions of the Church, when anything adverse occurred either in the natural or political world. Also, aipe Toùs äeovs. (Gr.) Euseb. iv. 15.-Away with the atheists!

740. Ciel pommelé, femme fardée

Ne sont pas de longue durée. (Fr.) Prov.-A dappled sky, and a woman who paints, are not of long duration.

741. Ci-gît ma femme: ah! qu'elle est bien
Pour son repos et pour le mien.

Here lies my wife: there let her lie!
She's in peace, and so am I.

742. Ci-gît Piron, qui ne fût rien

(Fr.) Du Lorens?

Pas même Academicien. (Fr.)-Here lies Piron, who was nothing, not even a member of the Academy. The witty epitaph composed for himself by Alexis Piron. 743. Cineri gloria sera venit. (L.) Mart. 1, 26, 8.-Glory comes too late when one is turned to ashes.

744. Ciò che Dio vuole, Io voglio. (It.)-What God wills, I will. Motto of Lord Dormer.

745. Cio che si usa, non ha bisogno di scusa.
(It.) Prov.-
That which is customary requires no excuse.
746. Citharædus Ridetur chorda qui semper oberrat eadem.
(L.) Hor. A. P. 356.

The harp-player, who for ever wounds the ear
With the same discord, makes the audience jeer.-Conington.

747. Citius venit periculum cum contemnitur. (L.)


Decim. Laber. ?—Laugh at danger, and it comes all the


748. Cito rumpes arcum, semper si tensum habueris, At si laxaris, cum voles, erit utilis.

Sic ludus animo debet aliquando dari,

Ad cogitandum melior ut redeat sibi. (L.) Phædr. 3, 14.
The bow that's always bent will quickly break;
But if unstrung 'twill serve you at your need.

So let the mind some relaxation take

To come back to its task with fresher heed.-Ed.

749. Cito scribendo non fit ut bene scribatur, bene scribendo fit ut cito. (L.) Quint. 10, 3, 10.-Quick writing does not make good writing; the way to write quickly is to write well.

750. Clarior e tenebris. (L.)-I shine all the clearer in the gloom. Motto of Earl' Motto of Earl of Milltown.

751. Claudite jam rivos, pueri; sat prata biberunt.

(L.) Virg. E. 3, 11.

Now close the hatches, boys, the meads have drunk enough.

752. Clausum fregit. (L.) Law Term.He has broken into my enclosure. He has committed a trespass.

753. Cœpisti melius quam desinis: ultima primis

Cedunt: dissimiles hic vir, et ille puer. (L.) Ov. H.

9, 23.-You began better than you end: your later achievements must yield the palm to those before: how little does the man correspond to the promise of the child. Deianira reproaching Hercules.

754. Cœur content soupire souvent. (Fr.) Prov.-A satisfied heart will often sigh. The cross proverb says: Coeur qui soupire n'a pas ce qu'il desire. The heart that sighs has not got what it desires.

755. Cogenda mens est ut incipiat. (L.) Sen. -The mind must be compelled to make a beginning.

756. Cogitato mus pusillus quam sit sapiens bestia


Etatem qui uni cubili nunquam committit suam.
Plaut. Truc. 4, 4, 15.-Consider what a clever animal
the little mouse is, that never trusts its life to one hole
only. Chaucer, Wif of Bath (Prol. 572), has:

I hold a mouse 's hert not worth a leek

That hath but oon hole to sterte to.

757. Cogito, ergo sum. (L.)-I think, therefore I exist. Descartes' first principle. Thought, or rather self-consciousness, is man's only ground for the truth of anything, even of his own existence.

758. Cognovit. (L.) Law Term.-He has admitted. Term signifying that a defendant admits that the plaintiff's action is just (cognovit actionem), and suffers judgment to be entered against him without trial.

759. Colubrum in sinu fovere. (L.) Phædr. ?—To cherish a serpent in your bosom. To harbour, or, to admit into your confidence, a false friend.

760. Combien de héros, glorieux, magnanimes, ont vécu trop d'un jour! (Fr.) J. B. Rousseau? How many illustrious and noble heroes have lived too long by one day! Their reputation would have been absolutely without blemish, had their lives been cut off at some earlier date.

761. Comédiens c'est un mauvais temps

La Tragédie est par les champs. (Fr.) Song of '93.Comedians! what a wretched time with Tragedy abroad! Cf. Que parles-tu, Vallier, de faire des tragédies? La Tragédie court les rues! Ducis?-What do you mean by writing tragedies, when Tragedy herself is stalking the streets?

762. Comes jucundus in viâ pro vehiculo est. (L.) Pub. Syr. Frag. An agreeable companion on a journey is as good

as a coach. He will beguile the time. Text of Spectator 122, Sir Roger riding to the County Assizes.

763. Comitas morum. (L.) Cic. Am. ?-Courteous manners. Cf. Suavissimi mores. Id. Att. 16, 16, a, 6.—Most charming manners.

764. Comitas inter gentes. (L.)-Civility between nations. 765. Comme il faut. (Fr.)-As it ought to be,-i.e., properly, well done. Such a thing is done comme il faut. This expression is also used to imply persons of respectability, as, des gens comme il faut, gentlefolks.

766. Comme je fus. (Fr.)—As I was. Motto of Earl of Dudley and Ward.

767. Comme je trouve. (Fr.)-As I find it. Motto of Marquess of Ormonde.

768. Commune bonum. (L.)-The common good. A thing of public advantage or benefit.

769. Commune id vitium est: hic vivimus ambitiosa

Paupertate omnes. Quid te moror? Omnia Romæ
Cum pretio.

It is, I fear, an universal vice;

(L.) Juv. 3, 182.

Here we're all struggling hard, as poor as mice,

To outdo one another. In a word,

Money at Rome is king and sovereign lord.-Ed. 770. Commune naufragium omnibus est consolatio.


general shipwreck is a consolation to all. A general calamity, in which an entire neighbourhood, or a whole nation is involved, is always borne with more firmness of mind, and supported with greater resignation. 771. Commune periculum concordiam parit. (L.)—A common danger produces concord.

772. Commune quod est, ne tuum solum dicas. (L.)—That which is common property you may not call your own. 773. Communia esse amicorum inter se omnia. (L.) Prov. Ter. Ad. 5, 3, 18.—All things are common property amongst friends.

774. Communibus annis. (L.)-On an average of years. One year with another.

775. Communi fit vitio naturæ, ut invisis, latitantibus atque incognitis rebus magis confidamus, vehementiusque exterreamur. (L.) Cæs. B. C. 2, 14.—It is a common fault of our nature to give greater credence to those things

which are unseen, concealed, and unknown, and to be more violently alarmed by them.

776. Communitates Burgi de Dorchestria. (L.)—The Corporation of the Burgh of Dorchester.

777. Comparaison n'est pas raison. (Fr.)-Comparison is no


778. Compedes, quas ipse fecit, ipsus ut gestet faber. (L.) Aus. Id. 6 fin.-The smith must wear the fetters he himself has made. As you have made your bed, so must you lie. Cf. Tute hoc intristi; tibi omne est exedendum. Ter. Phorm. 2, 2, 4.-You have made this dish, and you must eat it up. You began the affair and you must go through with it.

779. Compendiaria res improbitas, virtusque tarda. (L.) Dishonesty chooses the most expeditious route, virtue the more circuitous one.

780. Complectamur illam et amemus: plena est voluptatis si illâ scias uti . . . jucundissima est ætas devexa, non tamen præceps: et illam quoque in extrema regulâ stantem, judico habere suas voluptates, aut hoc ipsum succedit in locum voluptatum, nullis egere. (L.) Sen. Ep. 12.As for old age, embrace and love it. It abounds with pleasure, if you know how to use it. The gradually (I do not say rapidly) declining years are amongst the sweetest in a man's life; and, I maintain, that even where they have reached the extreme limit, they have their pleasures still; or else, this takes the place of pleasures, to need them

no more.

781. Componitur orbis

Regis ad exemplum; nec sic inflectere sensus
Humanos edicta valent, quam vita regentis.

(L.) Claud. IV. Cons. Hon. 299.

A Prince's Example.

The great world moulds its manners on the king's
Example: nor can wisest laws constrain

His people half so much, as the king's life.-Ed.

782. Compositum jus fasque animo, sanctosque recessus

Mentis, et incoctum generoso pectus honesto. (L.) Pers. 2, 73.-Regulated principles of justice and duty in the mind: pure thoughts within; and a breast filled with an instinctive sense of honour. (Compositum jus fasque animi. Motto of Lord Ellenborough.)

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