Caput rerum. Id. A. 1, 47.—Head of things (civilisation). All said of Imperial Rome. 593. Cara al mio cuor tu sei, Ciò ch'è il sole agli occhi miei. (It.)? -Thou art as dear to my heart as the light to my eyes. Cf. Gray, Bard, 1, 3, 12: Dear as the light that visits these sad eyes, Dear as the ruddy drops that warm my heart. 594. Car il n'est si beau jour qui n'amène sa nuit. [We seek to prolong human pleasures in vain,] For the sunniest day brings the night in its train. (Fr.) Epitaph of Jean d'Orbesan, quoted by Chateaubriand in the Memoires d'Outre-Tombe. 595. Cari sunt parentes, cari liberi, propinqui, familiares; sed omnes omnium caritates patria una complexa est: pro qua quis bonus dubitet mortem oppetere, si ei sit profuturus. (L.) Cic. Off. 1, 17, 57.-Dear are our parents, dear to us our children, relations, and friends: but the attachment of all of these combined is embraced in the thought of one's country, for whose sake who would hesitate to face death, should it be of any advantage to her? 596. Carmen hic . . . intus canit. (L.) Cic. Agr. 2, 26, 68. -He sings for himself. Consults his own interests. 597. Carmen triumphale. (L.)-Song of triumph. 598. Carmina nil prosunt: nocuerunt carmina quondam. (L.) Ov. Ep. 4, 13, 41.-Verse does no good: it has done sometimes harm. 599. Carmina proveniunt animo deducta sereno; Nubila sunt subitis tempora nostra malis. Poems the offspring are of minds serene; (L.) Ov. T. 1, 39. Sea, winds, and winter tease me at their pleasure. Fancy the knife is at my throat each night.-Ed. 600. Carmina spreta exolescunt; si irascare, agnita videntur. (L.) Tac. A. 4, 34.--Leave a scurrilous libel unnoticed, and it will expire of itself; but show that you are hurt, and you seem to admit its application. 601. Carmina sublimis tunc sunt peritura Lucreti, Exitio terras quum dabit una dies. The Poet's Immortality. (L.) Ov. Am. 1, 15, 23. Sublime Lucretius' verses then shall die, When Heaven and Earth shall all in ruins lie.-Ed. 602. Carmine di superi placantur, carmine Manes. The gods above, the shades below (L.) Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 138. 603. Carte blanche. (Fr.)-A blank card. Giving a person a carte blanche in any affair, is giving him full permission to act according to his own pleasure or discretion. Caseus 604. Caseus est nequam quia concoquit omnia secum. est sanus quem dat avara manus. (L.) Maxims of the School of Salerno.-Cheese is injurious, because it digests all other things with itself. Cheese when given with a sparing hand is wholesome On the superiority of either of these two contending aphorisms over the other, it must be left to the caseists and anticaseists of the medical world to decide. 605. Cassis tutissima virtus. (L.)-Virtue is the safest helmet. Motto of the Marquess of Cholmondeley and Lord Delamere. 606. Castigat ridendo mores. (L.) Santeuil, XVIIth, century. -He corrects men's manners in a playful way. Adopted as motto by the Comédie Italienne and the Opéra Comique theatres at Paris. 607. Castum esse decet pium poetam Ipsum: versiculos nihil necesse est. (L.) Cat. 16, 5. A poet should be chaste himself, I know: But nought requires his verses should be so.-Ed. 608. Casus belli. (L.)-Fortune of war. In modern Latin it = a case, or, ground for proceeding to war. 609. Casus omissus et oblivioni datus dispositioni communis juris relinquitur. (L.) Law Max.-Any case which has been omitted and overlooked by the statute must be disposed of according to the law as it existed prior to such statute. The maxim refers to exceptional and individual cases which it would be impossible to provide for in framing a statute, and therefore, ad ea quæ frequentius accidunt jura adaptantur, the laws are adapted to those cases which most frequently occur. 610. Casus quem sæpe transit, aliquando invenit. (L.) Pub. Syr. Misfortune often passes by a man without harming him, but reaches him some day. The pitcher goes often to the well, but is broken at last. 611. Casus ubique valet; semper tibi pendeat hamus : Quo minime credas gurgite, piscis erit. Luck. (L.) Ov. A. A. 3, 425. There's always room for chance, so drop your hook ; A fish there'll be where least for it you look.-Ed. 612. Cato contra mundum. (L.) ?—Cato against the world. Cf. Victrix causa, etc. This saying and the similar one (Athanasius contra mundum) is quoted of any man who, like Cato in his ineffectual struggle against Cæsar, or Athanasius in his single-handed defence of the truth, champions an unpopular and desperate cause in the face of general public opinion. 613. Caton se le donna; Socrate l'attendit. (Fr.)-Lemierre, Barnevelt. Cato inflicted it on himself; Socrates waited till it came,-i.e., death. 614. Catus amat pisces, sed non vult tingere plantas. (L.) Med. Lat.-Pussy loves fish, but is unwilling to wet her feet. 615. Causa latet, vis est notissima. (L.) Ov. M. 4, 287. The cause is hidden, its effect most clear.-Ed. 616. Causam hanc justam esse, animum inducite, Ut aliqua pars laboris minuatur mihi. (L.) Ter. Heaut. Prol. 41.-Believe me that this is a just request, that so some portion of my labours may be diminished. 617. Cause célèbre. (Fr.)-A celebrated case. Said generally of any celebrated action at law, e.g., the Tichborne trial. 618. Cautus enim metuit foveam lupus, accipiterque Suspectos laqueos, et opertum miluus hamum. (L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 16, 50. The wolf avoids the pit, the hawk the snare, And hidden hooks teach fishes to beware.-Conington. 619. Caveat emptor, quia ignorare non debuit quod jus alienum emit. (L.) Law Max.-Let a purchaser beware, for he ought not to be ignorant of the nature of the property which he is buying from another party. The maxim "caveat emptor," let a purchaser beware, applies in the purchase of land and goods, with certain restrictions, both as to the title and quality of the thing sold. Out of the legal sphere the phrase is used as a caution in the case of any articles of doubtful quality offered for sale. 620. Cavendo tutus. (L.)-Safe by caution. Punning motto of the Duke of Devonshire, Lord Waterpark, and Lord Chesham (Cavendish). 621. Cavendum est ne . . . in festinationabus suscipiamus nimias celeritates. (L.) Cic. Off. 1, 36, 131.-We must take care not to let our haste lead us into unnecessary hurry. More haste, less speed. 622. Cave sis te superare servom siris faciundo bene. (L.) Plaut. Bacch. 3, 2, 18.-Take care you don't let your servant surpass you in well doing. 623. Cead mille failthe. (Celt.)—A hundred thousand welcomes. 624. Cedant arma toga, concedat laurea linguæ. (L.) Cic. Off. 1, 22, 77.-Let arms give place to the robe, and the laurel of the warrior yield to the tongue of the orator. So the line is usually quoted, though Cicero wrote laudi, not linguæ. It is sometimes said of the diplomatic discussions which follow upon, and not unfrequently fritter away, the successes gained in the field. 625. Cedant carminibus reges, regumque triumphi. (L.) Ov. Am. 1, 15, 33. To verse must kings, and regal triumphs yield.-Ed. 105th Foot. 626. Cede nullis. (L.)-Yield to none. 627. Cede repugnanti: cedendo victor abibis. (L.) Ov. A. A. 2, 197.-Yield to your opponent, by yielding you will come off conqueror. Cases often occur when a prudent and dignified concession gives the person making it a decided advantage over his adversary. 628. Cedit amor rebus, res age, tutus eris. (L.) Ov. R. A. 144.-Love gives way to matters of business, be busily occupied and you will be safe. 629. Ceaite Romani scriptores, cedite Graii, Nescio quid majus nascitur Iliade. (L.) Prop. 2, 34, 65. Your places yield, ye bards of Greece and Rome, A greater than the Iliad has come !-Ed. 630. Cedunt grammatici, vincuntur rhetores. Turba tacet. Omnis (L.) Juv. 6, 437.—The philologists are dumb, the rhetoricians are beaten, the whole crowd is silent: while Messalina, wife of Claudius, descants upon the merits of Homer and Virgil. 631. Cela m'échauffe la bile. (Fr.)—It stirs my bile. 632. Cela n'est pas de mon ressort. (Fr.)-That is not in my line of business, It is not in my province. 633. Cela va sans dire. (Fr.)-That is a matter of course. I need not say. It is unnecessary to add. 634. Celer et audax. Rifles. (L.)—Active and daring. Motto of 60th 635. Ce livre n'est pas long, on le voit en une heure ; La plus courte folie est toujours la meilleure. (Fr.) And shortness does always a folly enhance. (From the frontispiece of a collection of Joyeux épigrammes of La Giraudière, 1633.) 636. Celsæ graviore casu Decidunt turres, feriuntque summos Fulgura montes. High places. (L.) Hor. C. 2, 10, 10. The higher the tower, the worse the crash The mountain tops.-Ed. 637. Celui-là est le mieux servi, qui n'a pas besoin de mettre les mains des autres au bout de ses bras. (Fr.) Rous.? He is the best served who does not need to have other people's hands at the ends of his own arms. If you want a thing done, do it yourself. 638. Celui qui a de l'imagination sans érudition a des ailes, et n'a pas de pieds. (Fr.) Joubert ?—The man who has imagination without learning, has wings without feet. 639. Celui qui a trouvé un bon gendre, a gagné un fils; mais celui qui en a rencontré un mauvais, a perdu une fille. (Fr.) Prov.-The man who has got a good son-in-law has found a son, but he who has met with a bad one has lost a daughter. 640. Celui qui dévore la substance du pauvre, y trouve à la fin un os qui l'étrangle. (Fr.) Prov.-He who devours the substance of the poor will meet, in the end, with a bone to choke him. 641. Celui qui met un frein à la fureur des flots, Sait aussi des méchants arrêter les complots. (Fr.) Rac. Athalie, 1, 1. For He who can bridle the rage of the waves Can hinder the mischievous plottings of knaves.—Ed. 642. Celui qui veut, celui-là peut. (Fr.) Breton Prov.-He who wills, can. 643. C'en est fait. (Fr.)-It is all over. |