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469. Ave! Imperator, morituri te salutant. (L.) Suet. Claud. 21.-Hail, Emperor, those who are about to die, salute you. Greeting of the combatants to the Emperor Claudius at a naval fight on the Lago Fucino. Claudius, instead of Valete, replied, "Avete vos," as bidding them farewell but the gladiators taking it in its usual sense, as, "Live! Long life to you," refused to fight, and interpreted the words as a reprieve; nor could they be induced to proceed with the show.

470. Ave, Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum, etc. (L.) Vulg. Luc. 1, 28.-Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, etc. The first words of the Angelic Salutation or greeting of the Angel Gabriel to the B.V.M.; and since then, with other words, used by Catholics as a prayer to be said daily along with the Lord's Prayer.

471. A verbis legis non est recedendum. (L.) Law Max.—No departure can be allowed from the express letter of a statute.

472. Avia Pieridum peragro loca, nullius ante

Trita solo; juvat integros accedere fonteis

Atque haurire; juvatque novos decerpere flores,
Insignemque meo capiti petere inde coronam,
Unde prius nulli velarint tempora Musæ.

The Poet.

I love to roam amid the secret haunts

Of the Pierides, where no foot hath trod.

(L.) Lucret. 1, 925.

To visit virgin springs, and thence to drink;
Fresh flowers to gather, that shall make a crown
The Muses never twined for mortal brows. -Ed.
Sed me Parnassi deserta per ardua dulcis

Raptat amor; juvat ire jugis, qua nulla priorum
Castaliain molli divertitur orbita clivo.

Led on by Love I climb Parnassus' height
Lonely and steep to wander I delight

Where foot of man has never turned to mount
The slope that rises to Castalia's fount.-Ed.

Virg. G. 3, 291.

473. Avi numerantur avorum. (L.)—I boast of a long train of ancestors. Motto of Lord Grantley.

474. Avise la fin. (Fr.)-Weigh well the end. Motto of the Marquess of Ailsa.

475. Avita et aucta. (L.)-Inherited and increased.


of Order of the Iron Crown (Austrian), instituted by Napoleon I. in 1805 on his coronation as King of Italy with the Iron Crown of Lombardy. The motto on the

badge round the crown is, Dio me la diede, guai a chi la tocca (God gave it me, woe to him who touches it !).

476. Avito viret honore. (L.) He flourishes with honours derived from his ancestors. Motto of the Marquess of Bute and Earl of Wharncliffe.

477. A volonté. (Fr.)—At will. According to your inclination or desire.

478. Aymez loyauté. (Fr.)-Love loyalty. Motto of Duke of Cleveland, the Marquess of Winchester, and Lord Bolton.


479. Balnea, vina, Venus corrumpunt corpora nostra ;

Sed vitam faciunt balnea, vina, Venus. (L.) Inscr. Grüter. Wine, women, baths, with health are quite at strife; Yet baths, wine, women, make the sum of life.--Ed. 480. Barbara Celarent Darii Ferioque prioris

Cesare Camestres Festino Baroko secundæ, etc. (L.) Commencement of ancient mnemonic lines of unknown origin, giving the 19 moods and 4 figures in which a syllogism may be stated. Each vowel has its signification. Aan universal affirmative proposition; E, an universal negative; I, a particular affirmative; and O, a particular negative. The following is a syllogism in Barbara :

A. All alcohol is intoxicating;

A. All wine contains alcohol; therefore
A. All wine is intoxicating.

481. Barbarus hic ego sum, quia non intelligor ulli:
Et rident stolidi verba Latina Getæ.

The traveller in foreign parts.

I'm a foreigner here on this shore,
For none understand what I say.

At my Latin the Thracian boor

(L.) Ov. T. 5, 10, 37.

Only laughs in his thick-headed way. --Ed.

482. Basis virtutum constantia. (L.)-Constancy is the foundation of virtue. Motto of Viscount Hereford.

483. Beatam vitam non depulsione mali, sed adeptione boni judicemus: nec eam cessando, sive gaudentem

sive non dolentem, sed agendo aliquid considerandoque quæramus. (L.) Cic. Fin. 2, 13, 41.-Life is to be considered happy, not in the absence of evil, but in the acquisition of good: and this we should seek for, not in inactivity, enjoyment, or freedom from trouble, but by employment of some kind, or by reflection.

484. Beati immaculati in via. (L.) Vulg. Ps. cxviii. 1.—Blessed are those that are undefiled in the way.

485. Beati misericordes, quoniam ipsis misericordia tribuetur. (L.)—Blessed are the merciful, for mercy shall be shown to them. Motto of Scots' Company.

486. Beati monoculi in regione cæcorum. (L.) Prov.-Blessed are the one-eyed in the kingdom of the blind.

487. Beati mundi corde: quoniam ipsi Deum videbunt.

(L.) Vulg. St. Matt. v. 8.—Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. First three words are the Motto of Lancing College.

488. Beati possidentes. (L.)-Blessed are the wealthy, or those that possess! Applicable to any fortunate beings "in possession," regarded from the point of view of one debarred from such enjoyment. This is founded upon

Horace's Non possidentem, etc., of which it is the exact opposite.

489. Beatus ille qui procul negotiis, Ut prisca gens mortalium, Paterna rura bobus exercet suis, Solutus omni fœnore.

The bliss of a country life.

Happy the man who far from town

(Like one of earth's primeval nations)


Hor. Epod. 2, 1.

Ploughs his own land, with team his own,

Untroubled by the last quotations.-Ed.

490. Beaucoup de mémoire, et peu de jugement. (Fr.) Prov.A good memory, but little judgment.

491. Beau monde. (Fr.)-The fashionable world. The upper ranks of society.

492. Beaux esprits. (Fr.)-Wits. Men of quick parts, and ready at repartee.

493. Beinahe bringt keine Mücke um. (G.) Prov.-Almost never killed a fly.

494. Beleidigst du einen Mönch, so knappen alle Kuttenzipfel bis nach Rom. (G.) Prov.-Offend one single monk, and the lappets of all cowls will flutter as far as Rome. 495. Bella femmina che ride, vuol dir borsa che piange. (It.) Prov.-A beautiful woman smiling means a purse weeping. The purse must shed its contents to ensure the continuance of the lady's smiles.

496. Bella! horrida bella! (L.)

Virg. A. 6, 86.-War!

horrible war! Motto of Lord Lisle.

Cf. Multos castra juvant, et lituo tubæ
Permixtus sonitus, bellaque matribus

Some love the camp, the clarion's joyous ring,

Hor. C. 1, 1, 23.

And battle, by the mother's soul abhorred.-Conington.

497. Belle fille et méchante robe trouvent toujours qui les accroche. (Fr.) Prov.-A pretty girl and a torn gown always find something to hook them.

498. Bellende Hunde beissen nicht. (G.) Prov.-Barking dogs don't bite.

499. Bellicæ virtutis præmium. (L.) The reward of valour in war. Motto of Order of St Louis and of the Legion of Honour.

500. Bellum internecinum. (L.) Liv. 9, 25.—Internecine war. War of extermination. War to the knife.

501. Bellum nec timendum nec provocandum.

(L.) Plin. Pan. 16.-War should neither be dreaded, nor rashly provoked.

502, BELLUM joined with PAX (Peace and War).

(1.) Bellum ita suscipiatur, ut nihil aliud nisi pax quæsita
videatur. (L.) Cic. Off. 1, 23, 80.-If a war is undertaken,
it should be shown that peace is the only object sought to be
gained. (2.) Suscipienda quidem bella sunt ob eam causam,
ut sine injuria in pace vivatur. Cic. Off. 1, 11, 35.-The
grounds for engaging in any war should be that one may be
able to live at peace without dishonour. (3.) Pax paritur bello.
Nep. Epam. 5.-Peace is procured by war.
Cf. Si vis pacem,
para bellum.-If you want peace, be prepared for war.
Miseram pacem vel bello bene mutari. Tac. A. 3, 44.-Even
war is a better alternative than a dishonourable peace.

503. Bellus homo et magnus vis idem, Cotta, videri:
Sed, qui bellus homo est, Cotta, pusillus homo est.

(L.) Mart. 1, 10, 1.

You wish to be a fop, and great man too;
But fops are mostly but a paltry crew.-Ed.


504. Benedictus es, O Domine; doce me statuta tua. (L.) Cf. Vulg. Ps. cxviii. 12.-Blessed art Thou, O Lord; teach

me Thy statutes.

Bradfield College.

505. Benefacta sua verbis adornant. (L.) Plin. Ep. 1, 8, 15. -They enhance the value of their favours by the words with which they are accompanied.



(L.)-A favour; kindness.


(1.) Quid est ergo beneficium? Benevola actio tribuens gaudium,
capiensque tribuendo, in id quod facit prona, et sponte sua
parata. Itaque non quid fiat, aut quid detur, refert, sed qua
mente. (L.) Sen. Ben. 1, 6.—A favour is a kind action con-
ferring and receiving pleasure by the mere act of giving, and done
from a prompt and spontaneous inclination of the giver; so that
the gift or benefit itself is not of so much importance as the
spirit in which it is done. (2.) Beneficium non in eo quod fit
aut datur, consistit, sed in ipso dantis aut facientis animo.
Sen. Ben. 1, 6.-A favour does not consist in the service done
or given, but in the spirit itself of the man who confers it. (3.)
Gratissima sunt beneficia, parata, facile occurrentia, ubi nulla
mora fuit, nisi in accipientis verecundia. Sen. Ben. 2, 1.
-The most acceptable favours are those which are prompt,
quickly forthcoming, and where there is no hesitation, except it
arise from the modesty of the recipient. (4.) Tempore quædam
magna fiunt, non summa. Sen. Ben. 3, 8.-The greatness
of gifts depends not so much in the amount, as the time when
they are given. (5.) Primum est antecedere desiderium cujus-
que; proximum, sequi. Sen. Ben. 2, 1.-The best thing is
to anticipate a person's wants; the next best to grant them.
(6.) Illud melius, occupare antequam rogemur; quia quum
homini probo ad rogandum os concurrat, et suffundatur rubor,
qui hoc tormentum remittit, multiplicat munus suum. Sen.
Ben. 2, 1.-The better way is to forestall a petition; because
when an honest man has to frame his lips to ask a favour, he
is covered with blushes, and to relieve him of this torture is
greatly to enhance your benevolence. (7.) Ingratum est bene-
ficium, quod diu inter manus dantis hæsit, quod quis ægre
dimittere visus est; et sic dare, tanquam sibi eriperet. Sen.
Ben. 2, 1.-A benevolence loses its grace, if it cling so long to
the hand of the giver, that he seem to part with it with diffi-
culty, and gives it at last as though he were robbing himself.
(8.) Benefacta male locata, malefacta arbitror. Enn. ap. Cic.
Off. 2, 18, 62.-Favours injudiciously conferred I consider
as so much injury. Indiscriminate charity. (9.) Sunt quæ-
dam nocitura impetrantibus; quæ non dare, sed negare, bene-
ficium est. Sen. Ben. 2, 14.- Where the gifts would be
injurious to those who seek them, to refuse instead of granting,
is a real kindness. (10.) Nullum beneficium esse duco id,
quod, quoi facias, non placet. Plaut. Trin. 3, 2, 12.—I do
not consider that a kindness, which gives no pleasure to the man
you show it to. (11.) Non est dicendum, quid tribuerimus. Qui
admonet, repetit nisi ut aliud dando, prioris admoneas.
Sen. Ben. 2, 11.-Do not tell what you have given. Το
remind a man of his obligations, is to seek a return: only by
repeating a benevolence, is it allowable to call former bounties
to mind. (12.) Beneficium dedisse qui dicit, petit. Pub.
Syr. Who talks of the favours he has given, is seeking
one himself. (13.) Un bienfait reproché tint toujours lieu
d'offense. (Fr.) Rac. Iphig. 4, 6.-—To reproach a man with your

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