Why pay rent? You only are the wise and lucky fellows Who see your money in your tidy villas.-Ed. Here's an advertisement for suburban building societies! 5317. Vos valete et plaudite. (L.) Ter. Heaut. 5, 5, 24.Adieu, and give us your applause. The usual finale of the Latin comedy. 5318. Vota vita mea. (L.)—My life is devoted. Earl of Meath. Motto of the 5319. Vouloir garder la chèvre et les choux. (Fr.) Prov.-To wish to keep the goat and the greens. your cake and eat it. You can't have 5320. Vous êtes Empereur, seigneur, et vous pleurez ! (Fr.) Racine, Bérénice.-You are Emperor, sire, and you weep! with allusion to the words of Marie Mancini (“vous pleurez, et vous êtes le maître !") in bidding farewell to Louis XIV., who was passionately in love with her. 5321. Vous êtes orfèvre, Monsieur Josse ! (Fr.) Molière, L'Amour Médecin, 1, 1.-You are a goldsmith, Mr Josse! Said to any one who has a direct interest in what he is praising, which is what Molière's goldsmith was doing. 5322. Vous ne jouez donc pas le whist, Monsieur? Hélas! quelle triste vieillesse vous vous préparez! (Fr.) Talleyrand? -You do not play at whist, Sir? Alas! what a sad old age you are preparing for yourself. 5323. Vous parlez devant un homme à qui tout Naples est connu. (Fr.) Molière, L'Avare. You are speaking in the presence of one to whom all Naples is well known. Said of those who undertake to instruct a man who is a complete master of the subject. 5324. Vox clamantis in deserto. (L.) Vulg. Es. 40, 3.-The voice of one that crieth in the wilderness. 5325. Vox et præterea nihil. (L.) A voice and nothing more. Said of (?) Echo, or of the nightingale. Vide Cornelius a Lapide, Comment. on Isaiah, 40, 3: "Sic vulgo dicimus, Philomela est tota vox, quia non aliud facit quam canere (We commonly say that the nightingale is all voice, because she does nothing but sing). See No. 2181. 5326. Vox populi, vox Dei. (L.)-The voice of the people is the voice of God. 5327. Vulgus ex veritate pauca, ex opinione multa æstimat. (L.) Cic. Rosc. Com. 10, 29.-The common people judge of most things by report, few things by the real truth. 5328. Vulneratus non victus. (L.)-Wounded not vanquished. Viscount Guillamore and (plur.) of Cook's Company. 5329. Vultus est index animi. (L.) Prov.-The countenance is the index of the mind. W. 5330. Wage du zu irren und zu träumen : Hoher Sinn liegt oft im kind'schem Spiel. (G.) Schill. Thekla.-Dare to err and to dream; a deep meaning often lies in childish play. 5331. Wär' der Gedank' nicht so verwünscht gescheidt, Man wär' versucht, ihn herzlich dumm zu nennen. (G.) Schill. Piccolom. Were not the thought so cursedly sensible, one were tempted to call it thoroughly stupid. 5332. Was die Fürsten geigen, müssen die Unterthanen tanzen. (G.) Prov.-Subjects must dance as princes choose to fiddle. 5333. Was du besitzest, kann ein Raub des Schicksals sein; Was du besassest, bleibt für alle Zeiten dein. (G.) Hieronim-Lorm.-What you possess may be a prey to fortune; what you possessed remains yours for ever. 5334. Was Hänschen nicht lernt, lernt Hans nimmer. (G.) Prov. -What Jack does not learn, John never will. 5335. Was Jeder thun soll, thut Keiner. (G.)-What is every one's business is no one's business. 5336. Was uns alle bändigt, das Gemeine. (G.) Goethe, Epilog zu Schiller's Glocke.-That which enslaves us all, vulgarity. The passage, to give it more completely, is as follows: Und hinter ihm in wesenlosem Scheine Lag was uns alle bändigt, das Gemeine. 5337. Was verschmerzte nicht der Mensch ? (G.) Schill. Wallenstein.-What cannot man learn to bear? 5338. Was vom Herzen kommt, das geht zum Herzen. (G.) Prov.-What comes straight from the heart, goes straight to the heart. 5339. Welch Glück geliebt zu werden: Und lieben, Götter, welch ein Glück! (G.) Goethe, Wilkom. und Absch.-What happiness to be loved! and to love-ye Gods, what bliss! 5340. Wen die Götter lieben Den führen sie zur Stelle, wo man sein darf. (G.) Goethe, Elpenor.-Whom the Gods love, they take to the place where one should be. 5341. Wenn dich die Lästerzunge sticht, So lass dir zum Troste sagen: Die schlechtsten Früchte sind es nicht, Calumny. (G.) Bürger? If calumny wound thee, to solace thee, say, 'Tis not always the worst fruit on which the wasps prey.—Ed. 5342. Wenn Jemand eine Reise tut, So kann er was verzählen. (G.) Claudius ?-When any one goes on his travels, he has something to recount. 5343. Wenn mancher Mann wüsste, Was mancher Mann wär', Tät' Mancher Mann manchem Mann If many men knew What many men were, Then many to many Would show more honour.-Ed. (G.) Prov. Cf. Grieshaber's Alt deutsche Predigten (2, 8), and Büchmann, p. 54. 5344. Wer andern eine Grube gräbt, fällt selbst hinein. (G.) Prov.-Who digs a pit for others, falls into it himself. 5345. Wer glücklich ist, der bringt das Glück Und nimmt es nicht, im Leben : Es kommt von ihm, und kehrt zurück Zu ihm der es gegeben. (G.) Mirza Schaffy?—The happy man does not acquire his happiness out of life but brings it within himself. It emanates from him and reflects back upon him, its original source. 5346. Wer kann was Dummes, wer was Kluges denken, Das nicht die Vorwelt schon gedacht? (G.) Goethe, Faust, Pt. 2, Act 2.-Who can think anything stupid or clever, that the world has not thought already? 5347. Wer lügt, der stiehlt. (G.) Prov.-Who lies, steals. 5348. Wer nicht liebt Wein, Weib und Gesang, Who does not love wine, women, and song, (G.) Attributed to Luther, but more probably a saying of J. 5349. Wer niemals einen Rausch gehabt, Der ist kein braver Mann. (G.) Perinet ?—He who has never had a carouse is no true man. 5350. Wer nie sein Brod mit Thränen ass, Wer nie die kummervollen Nächte Auf seinem Bette weinend sass, Der kennt euch nicht, ihr himmlischen Mächte. (G.) Goethe, Wilh. Meister. Who never ate with tears his bread, Nor, through the sorrow-laden hours Of night, sat weeping on his bed, He knows ye not, ye heavenly powers!-Ed. 5351. Wer oft schiesst, trifft endlich. (G.) Prov.-He who is often shooting, hits the mark at last. 5352. Wer sich selbst kitzelt, lacht wenn er will. (G.) Prov.— The man who tickles himself, can laugh when he chooses. 5353. Wer über gewisse Dinge den Verstand nicht verliert, der hat keinen zu verlieren. (G.) Lessing, Emilia Galotti. -He who does not lose his reason on certain subjects, has none to lose. 5354. Wie die Alten sungen, so zwitschern auch die Jungen. (G.) Prov.-As the elders sing, so will the young ones twitter. Like father, like son. 5355. Wie gewonnen, so zerronnen. (G.) Prov.-As it is gained, so is it spent. Light come, light go. 5356. Wie schränkt sich Welt und Himmel ein, Wenn unser Herz in seinen Schranken banget! (G.) Goethe, Die Natürliche Tochter.-How small earth and heaven grow, when the heart itself is full of anxiety. 5357. Willst du immer weiter schweifen? Sieh' das Gute liegt so nah! Lerne nur das Glück ergreifen, Denn das Glück ist immer da. (G.) Goethe.— Wilt thou ever farther roam? See, what is good lies so near! Only learn to seize happiness, for it is ever there. 5358. Wo der liebe Gott eine Kirche baut, da baut der Teufel eine Kapelle. (G.) Prov.-Where God builds a church, there the devil builds a chapel. Z. 5359. Ζηλωτὸς ὅστις εὐτύχησεν ἐς τέκνα. (Gr) Eur. Or. 542. He is to be envied who has prospered with his children. 5360. Zúŋ kai fúxn. (Gr.)—My life and soul. See Byron's Maid of Athens. "It means," adds the author in a 5362. Ζῶμεν οὐχ ὡς θέλομεν, ἀλλ' ὡς δυνάμεθα. (Gr.) 3-We live not as we would, but as we can. |