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3932. Plus fait douceur que violence. (Fr.) La Font. 6, 3.Gentleness does more than violence.

3933. Plus in posse quam in actu. (L.)—More possible, than actual power.

3934. Plus je vis l'étranger, plus j'aimai ma patrie. (Fr.) De Belloy, Siége de Calais.—The more I saw of foreign lands, the more I loved my own country.

3935. Plus ne m'est rien, rien ne m'est plus.


to me now is nothing. Motto adopted by Valentine Visconti (daughter of Gian Galeazzo Visconti, Duke of Milan) after the death of her husband Louis de Bourbon, son of Charles V. of France, in 1425.

3936. Plus salis quam sumptus. (L.) Nep. Att. 13, 2.-More taste than expense.

3937. Plus vetustis nam favet

Invidia mordax, quam bonis præsentibus.

(L.) Phædr. 5, Prol. 8.

For carping envy always spares

Old things, much more than modern wares.-Ed.

Old works of art, authors, and maxims are less liable to exception than the productions of a new man.

3938. Poco dâno espanta, y mucho amansa. (S.) Prov.-A slight loss alarms, a heavy loss quiets.

3939. Poema . . . ita festivum, ita concinnum, ita elegans, nihil ut fieri possit argutius. (L.) Cic. Pison. 29, 70.-A poem so gay, neat, and elegant, that nothing could be more brilliant in its way.

3940. Poeta nascitur, non fit. (L.)?—A man is born a poet, not made one. Cf. Nascimur poetæ, fimus oratores.— We are born poets, we are made orators. The poetic gift is Nature's inspiration, and cannot be acquired as oratory. 3941. Poetica surgit Tempestas. (L.) Juv. 12, 23.-A poetical storm is gathering.

3942. Point d'argent, point de Suisse. (Fr.) Prov. Rac. Plaideurs. -No money, no Swiss. Originally meant as a hit at the Swiss Guards, the proverb is used to signify that if you want a thing, you must pay for it. Nothing for nothing. 3943. Pol, hic quidem fungino genere est, capite se totum tegit. (L.) Plaut. Trin. 4, 2, 9.-'Gad, the man's a kind of mushroom, his head covers him all round. Said of a man wearing a petasus or very broad-brimmed hat.

3944. Πολλὰ μεταξὺ πελεῖ κύλικος καὶ χείλεος ἄκρου.

There's many a slip

"Twixt cup and lip.

3945 Pol! me occidistis, amici,

Non servastis, ait: cui sit extorta voluptas,
Et demtus per vim mentis gratissimus error.

(Gr.) 1

(L.) Hor. Ep. 2, 2, 138.

Good friends, quoth he,

Call you this saving? Why, 'tis murdering me!
Your stupid zeal has spoilt my golden days,

And robbed me of a most delicious craze.-Conington.

3946. Pompa mortis magis terret quam mors ipsa. (L.)?-The trappings of death frighten more than death itself. 3947. Ponamus nimios gemitus; flagrantior æquo Non debet dolor esse viri, nec vulnere major.

(L.) Juv. 13, 11.

Then moderate thy grief: 'tis mean to show
An anguish disproportioned to the blow.―Gifford.

3948. Pone seram, cohibe; sed quis custodiet ipsos
Custodes ?

(L.) Juv. 6, 346.

Clap on a lock, keep watch and ward!

But who the guards themselves shall guard?-Ed.

3949. Pons Asinorum. (L.)-The asses' bridge. Name given to the Fifth Proposition of Euclid (Bk. I.).

3950. Ponto nox incubat atra

Intonuere poli et crebris micat ignibus æther.

A storm at sea.

(L.) Virg. A. 1, 89.

Clouds black as night brood on the deep
And, pall-like, o'er the surges sweep:
Loud peals the shaking thunder-crash ;
The lightning leaps in vivid flash.-Ed.

3951. Populus me sibilat; at mihi plaudo

Ipse domi, simul ac nummos contemplor in arca.

The Miser.

(L.) Hor. S. 1, 1, 66.

Folks hiss me, said he, but myself I clap

When I tell o'er my treasures on my lap.-Conington.

3952. Populus vult decipi, decipiatur. (L.) The people wish to

be deceived, then let them.

3953. Porro unum est necessarium.

(L.) Vulg. Luc. 10, 42.—

But one thing is needful. Motto of Earl Cowley.

3954. Posse comitatus.

(L.) Law Term.-The power of the county, which the sheriff has the power to raise in case of riot, opposition shown to the king's writ, or the execution of justice.

3955. Post bellum auxilium.

ance when it is useless.

(L.)-Aid after the war. Assist

3956. Postea. (L.) Law Term.-Afterwards. The endorsement of the judge on the back of the Nisi Prius record of what was done in any cause tried before him.

3957. Post epulas stabis vel passus mille meabis.

(L.)-After meals you should either stand, or walk a mile; also, Post prandium stabis, post cœnam ambulabis, After dinner rest a while, after supper walk a mile.

3958. Posthabui tamen illorum mea seria ludo.

(L.) Virg. E. 7, 17.

I postponed my own business to their sport.-Dryden.

3959. Post hoc, ergo propter hoc. (L.) Log.-After this, therefore on account of this.

Fallacy in argument by which a mere precedence of circumstance is put forward as the cause of certain effects following. "He died immediately after eating his dinner, therefore, post hoc ergo propter hoc, the dinner was the cause of death." This falsity is also referrible to the head of non causa pro causa, a wrong cause for the true cause; as when Whitfield attributed his being overtaken by a hailstorm to his not having preached at the last town. arguing from cause to effect, two things are necessary: (1) The sufficiency of the cause; (2) its establishment: if either of these be unduly assumed, no conclusion can be proved as to the matter in hand (see Whateley, Logic, p. 135).


3960. Post mediam noctem visus quum somnia vera. (L.) Hor. S. 1, 10, 33.-He appeared to me after midnight, when

dreams are true.

3961. Post mortem medicina (or medicus). (L.) Prov.-Medicine (or the doctor) after death, i.e., when it is too late. 3962. Post prælia præmia. (L.)-After battle rewards. Motto of Lord Rossmore.

3963. Post tenebras lux. (L.) ?—After darkness light. 3964. Post tot naufragia portum. (L.)-After so many shipwrecks we reach a port. Motto of the Earl of Sandwich. 3965. Postulata. (L.)-Things assumed, or taken for granted. Points in any argument mutually admitted by either side, and called postulates.

3966. Pour bien connaître un homme il faut avoir mangé un boisseau de sel avec lui. (Fr.) Prov.-One must have eaten a bushel of salt with a man in order to know him thoroughly.

3967. Pour bien désirer.

Lord Dacre.

(Fr.)-To desire good. Motto of

3968. Pour comble de bonheur. (Fr.)-As the climax of happiness. To complete your enjoyment.

3969. Pour connaître le prix de l'argent, il faut être obligé d'en emprunter. (Fr.)-To know the value of money, you must be obliged to borrow it.

3970. Pour couper court.


(Fr.)-To cut the matter short. In

3971. Pour dompter les Anglais,

Il faut bâtir un pont

Sur le Pas-de-Calais. (Fr.)-To conquer the English one must build a bridge from Calais to Dover.

From a song

in a farce sung at one of the French theatres some fifty years since.

3972. Pour encourager les autres. (Fr.)-To encourage the rest.

Witty remark of Voltaire, à propos of the execution of Admiral Byng for losing Minorca to the French in 1756. The phrase is often used with reference to any harsh or unjust treatment of any one, particularly in a matter of general interest.

3973. Pour être assez bon, il faut l'être trop.

(Fr.) Prov.-In order to be good enough, one must (often) be too good. It is best to err on the side of benevolence.

3974. Pour obtenir un bien si grand, si precieux,

J'ai fait la guerre aux rois, je l'aurais fait aux dieux.
(Fr.) Du Roger, Alcyone.

To win such a treasure of price, I have even

Taken arms against kings, and I would against Heaven.-Ed. When his love for Mme. de Longueville had driven La Rochefoucauld to join the Fronde (1649), he used to quote this couplet in apology for the course he had taken.

3975. Pour parvenir à bonne foy. (Fr.)-To succeed honourably. Motto of Cutlers' Company.

3976. Pour qui ne les croit pas, il n'est pas de prodiges. (Fr.) Volt.-There are no miracles for those who do not believe in them.

3977. Pourquoi vis-tu ?

Je vis par curiosité.

(Fr.) Victor Hugo, Marion Delorme.

King. Why do you live?

I live from curiosity.

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A line which should belong to the Reign of Terror. 3978. Pour ranger le loup, il faut le marier. (Fr.) Breton Prov.-To keep a wolf quiet, marry him. If you would keep a troublesome son quiet, get him a wife.

3979. Pour se faire valoir. (Fr.)-To push one's self forward. To give one's self importance in the opinions of others.

3980. Pour tromper un rival l'artifice est permis :

On peut tout employer contre ses ennemis.

(Fr.) Richelieu, Thuileries.

To outwit a rival use all artifice :

All means are permitted against enemies.-Ed.

3981. Pour y parvenir. (Fr.)-To succeed. To gain your point. Motto of the Duke of Rutland and Lords Canterbury

and Manners.

3982. που στῶ. (Gr.)-Where I may stand. locus standi.)

A basis. (See

Phrase connected with the name of Archimedes, who is reported to have said, Δός μοι πᾶ βῶ καὶ κινῶ τὴν γᾶν. Simplicius in Phys. 424a ed. Brandis.-Only give me a place where I may stand and I will move the earth, sc. with the lever. His well-known exclamation, Euρnka (Vitruv. IX. init.), I have found it, is said to have escaped his lips in the bath on solving the problem proposed to him by King Hiero, viz., the amount of alloy fraudulently used by the goldsmith in making the crown of pure gold ordered by the King.

3983. P. P. C. (pour prendre congé). (Fr.)-To take one's leave. Formula of bidding adieu generally notified to friends on quitting a place.

3984. Præcedentibus insta. (L.)—Follow on those who precede you. Motto of the Earl of St Germans.

3985. Præcepto monitus, sæpe te considera. (L.) Phædr. 3, 8, 1.-Warned by the lesson, often consider your own case. 3986. Præcipuum munus annalium reor, ne virtutes sileantur, utque pravis dictis factisque ex posteritate et infamia metus sit. (L.) Tac. A. 3, 65.


This I hold to be the chief office of history, to rescue virtuous actions from oblivion, and to make men fear the infamy which posterity will surely attach to vile words and deeds.

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