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3680. On n'est jamais si heureux, ni si malheureux qu'on se l'imagine. (Fr.) La Rochef. Max. p. 37, § 49.

One is never either so happy or so miserable as one imagines.

3681. On n'est jamais si riche que quand on déménage. (Fr.) Prov.-One is never so rich as when one moves house. Such a collection of things!

3682. On n'est jamais si ridicule par les qualités que l'on a que par celles que l'on affecte d'avoir. (Fr.) La Rochef. Max. p. 47, § 134.-We are never rendered so ridiculous by the qualities we possess, as by those which we affect to have.

3683. On n'est jamais trahi que par ses siens. (Fr.)-One is never betrayed except by one's own friends.

3684. On ne trouve jamais l'expression d'un sentiment que l'on n'a pas; l'esprit grimace et le style aussi. (Fr.) Lamennais, Euv. Posth.-It is impossible to give proper expression to a sentiment which the writer does not share; both idea and words have an unnatural look.

3685. On ne vaut dans ce monde que ce qu'on veut valoir. (Fr.) La Bruy. Car. ?-A man's worth in this world is

estimated according to the worth he wishes to be placed upon himself.

3686. On ne vit dans la mémoire du monde que par des travaux pour le monde. (Fr.) Chateaubriand?-Those only live in the world's memory who have laboured on the world's behalf. Said of Joubert.

3687. O noctes cœnæque deum! quibus ipse, meique,

Ante larem proprium vescor, vernasque procaces

Pasco libatis dapibus.


(L.) Hor. S. 2, 6, 65.

O nights and suppers, most divine!

When met together, I and mine,

Round my own hearth have bite and sup:
What's left my merry slaves eat up.-Ed.

3688. "Ον οἱ θεοὶ φιλοῦσιν ἀποθνήσκει νέος.

(Gr.) Menand. ex

bis Fallente, p. 46.-Whom the gods love dies young. 3689. On pardonne, aisément un tort que l'on partage. (Fr.) Jouy. W. Tell. We easily pardon faults which we ourselves share.

3690. On perd tout le temps qu'on peut mieux employer. (Fr.) Rouss. -Time is so much lost which might be better employed.

3691. On peut attirer les cœurs par les qualités qu'on montre, mais on ne les fixe que par celles qu'on a. (Fr.) De Moy.-Assumed qualities may catch the affections of some, but one can only win the heart by those which we really possess.

3692. On peut dire que son esprit brille aux dépens de sa mémoire. (Fr.) Le Sage, Gil Blas, 3, 11.—It may be said that his wit shines at the expense of his memory. His jokes are

at second-hand. Borrowed from Joe Miller. Cf. R. B. Sheridan (Reply to Mr Dundas): "The Right Hon. Gentleman is indebted to his memory for his jests, and to his imagination for his facts."

3693. On peut dominer par la force, mais jamais par la seule adresse. (Fr.) Vauvenargues?-One can govern by force, but never by craft alone.


3694. On prend le peuple par les oreilles, comme on fait un pot les anses. (Fr.) Prov.-The common people are to be caught by the ears, as one catches a pitcher by the handles.

3695. On revient toujours à ses premiers amours.

(Fr.) Prov. 3696. On se persuade mieux pour l'ordinaire par les raisons qu'on a trouvées soi-même, que par celles qui sont venues dans l'esprit des autres. (Fr.) Pascal, Pensées, 29, 36.We are in general more easily convinced by reasons that we have discovered ourselves, than by those suggested to us by others.

-We always return to our first love.

3697. On s'éveille, on se lève, on s'habille et l'on sort;

On rentre, on dîne, on soupe, on se couche et l'on dort.
(Fr.) Piis, L'Harmonie imitative.

Woke, rose, dress'd myself and then out o' doors stept;
Came home again, dined, supp'd, to bed and then slept.

This may recal the style of the diaries of our youth (see
M. Twain's Innocents Abroad, p. 637).

3698. On spécule sur tout, même sur la famine. (Fr.) Armand Charlemagne, Agioteur.-Men speculate on everything, even on famine.

3699. On termine de longs procès

Par un peu de guerre civile. (Fr.) Marigny-We bring tedious law-suits to an end by a little civil war. Written with reference to the Fronde, it applies equally well to the Revolution (200 years after) of 1848.

3700. O nuit desastreuse! O nuit effroyable, où retentit tout à coup comme un éclat de tonnerre cette étonnante nouvelle : Madame se meurt! Madame est morte! (Fr.) Bossuet, Or. Fun, de Mme. Henriette d'Angleterre.-Oh disastrous night! dreadful night! when, like a thunder-clap, resounded these fearful tidings: Her Highness is dying! Her Highness is dead!

3701. Onus probandi. (L.)-The burden of proving. The onus probandi lies always on the person making the charge. 3702. On voit mourir et renaître les roses; il n'en est pas ainsi de nos beaux jours. (Fr.) Charleval, 17th cent.-Roses die and bloom again, not so with the spring-time of our days.

3703. ὦ παῖ, γένοιο πατρὸς εὐτυχέστερος

τὰ δ ̓ ἄλλ' ὅμοιος· καὶ γένοι ̓ ἂν οὐ κακός. (Gr.) Soph. Αj. 550.-My son, resemble thy father in all things, except in a happier fortune, and thou wilt not be amiss.

3704. Opera illius mea sunt. (L.)—His works are mine. Motto of Earl Brownlow.

3705. Opes regum, corda subditorum.

(L.)-The hearts of his

subjects are a king's riches. M. of the Order of Leopold. 3706. píλo ovdeìs píλos. (Gr.) Diog. Laert. 5, § 21.-The ᾧ φίλοι man who has many friends (patrons) has no friend. As Gray says, Death of a Favourite Cat:

A favourite has no friends.

Motto of

3707. Opiferque per orbem Dicor. (L.) Ov. M. 1, 521.—I am known all over the world as the Healer. Apothecary's Company.

3708. Opinionum enim commenta delet dies, naturæ judicia confirmat. (L.) Cic. N. D. 2, 2, 5.-Time effaces all fancies and delusions, and confirms the judgments of


3709. Οπου τις ἀλγεῖ, κεῖσε καὶ τὴν χεῖρ ̓ ἔχει. (Gr.)Where any one suffers pain, there he is sure to place his hand. 3710. Opprobrium medicorum. (L.)—The disgrace of physicians. Said of incurable diseases.

3711. O præclarum custodem ovium, ut aiunt, lupum! (L.) Cic. Phil. 3, 11, 27.-The wolf makes a truly fine shepherd, as the saying is! Cf. Ter. Eun. 5, 1, 16: Lupo ovem commisisti, You have put the sheep in the care of the wolf.

3712. ὀψὲ θεῶν ἀλέουσι μύλοι, ἀλέουσι δὲ λεπτά. (Gr.) Paroemiogr. p. 154. Gaisf. Prov.-The mills of the gods grind slowly, but they grind small. Retribution though deferred overtakes the offender. Another form (Orac. Sibyll.

8, 14) is, Οψὲ Θεοῦ μύλοι ἀλέουσι τὸ λεπτὸν ἄλευρον.

3713. Optat ephippia bos: piger optat arare caballus. (L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 14, 43.-The ox covets the horse's trappings, the lazy horse wishes to plough. Man is never contented in the station in which Providence has placed him.

3714. Optima Graiorum sententia, quippe homini aiunt,
Non nasci esse bonum, natum aut cito morte potiri.
(L.) Auson. Id. 15.

Wise Greeks, who said of man's mortality,
Not to be born is best, or quick to die.-Ed.

3715. Optima quæque dies miseris mortalibus ævi
Prima fugit; subeunt morbi tristisque senectus,
Et labor, et duræ rapit inclementia mortis.

(L.) Virg. G. 3, 66.

Life's happiest days are first to take their flight,
Poor mortals that we are! Sickness and age,
Labour and sorrow come apace, till Death,
Stern and relentless, snatches us away.-Ed.

Cf. Delille's, Hélas! nos beaux jours s'envolent les

3716. Optimum obsonium labor. (L.) Prov.-Labour gives the

best relish.

3717. O pudor! O pietas! (L.)

Oh! piety!

Mart. 8, 78, 4.-Oh! modesty !

3718. Opum furiata cupido. (L.) Ov. F. 1, 211.-A fierce thirst

after wealth.

3719. O qualis facies et quali digna tabella!

-What a face for a fine picture! satirically or seriously.

(L.) Juv. 10, 157. May be said either

3720. O quanta species, inquit, cerebrum non habet.


Phædr. 1, 7, 2.-Pity so fine a face should have no brains!

The fox and the mask.

3721. O quid solutis beatius curis

Quum mens onus reponit, ac peregrino

Labore fessi venimus larem ad nostrum !
Desideratoque acquiescimus lecto,

Hoc est, quod unum est pro laboribus tantis.

(L.) Cat. 31, 7.

No place like home.

How sweet to cast care to the wind,

Aud of its burden ease the mind:

And, tired with work abroad, to come
All weary to my own dear home,
And rest my head

On my own bed

This, this alone repays such toil accomplished !-Ed.

3722. Ora et labora. (L.)-Pray and work.

Motto of the Earl of Dalhousie. The old maxim of the Benedictine Monks was Laborare est orare, To work is to pray.

3723. Orando laborando.

of Rugby School.

(L.)—By prayer and labour. Motto

3724. Orandum est ut sit mens sana in corpore sano. (L.) Juv. 10, 356. We should pray for a sound mind in a sound body.

3725. Orate pro anima, etc.. (L.)-Pray for the soul of, etc. Form of inscription on tombs.

3726. Ore tenus. (L.)—Merely from the mouth. Verbal. 3727. O Richard! O mon roy, l'univers t'abandonne !

Sur la terre il n'est que moy qui s'intéresse de tes affaires, etc. (Fr.)-0 Richard! O my king! the world forsakes thee! and on the earth I am the only one that cares for thy interests, etc. Old Royalist song, notably sung at the dinner given to the soldiers in the Opera Salon at Versailles, October 1, 1789. The king and Marie Antoinette appeared after dinner, the band striking up the air of the song quoted above. See Carlyle, French Revol. vol. i. 239 [Boston, 8vo, 1838].

3728. Orientis partibus

Adventavit asinus,
Pulcher et fortissimus,
Sarcinis aptissimus,
Hé, Sire Âne, hé! etc.

From the regions of the East


(Blessings on the bonny beast!)
Came the donkey, stout and strong,
With our packs to pace along.

Hee haw! Sir Ass, Hee haw! etc. (?)

Medieval hymn of nine stanzas, of which this is the first, sung formerly at Beauvais at the Feast of Fools (called also Festum asinorum, The Feast of Asses), when a donkey was led up to the altar of the cathedral and greeted with the above lines. At the conclusion of the hymn the priest was, by rubric, directed to bray three times, and the people to respond in the same way.

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