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3627. Omnia mutantur, nihil interit.

(L.) Ov. M. 15, 165 (see passage).

Transmigration of souls.

Thus all things are but altered, nothing dies.-Dryden.

3628. Omnia mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis. (L.) Borbonius (16th cent.).—All things change, and we change amongst them. Generally quoted as Tempora mutantur,


3629. Omnia non pariter rerum sunt omnibus apta. (L.) Prop. 3, 9, 7.—All things are not alike suitable to all men.

3630. Omnia P. C. quæ nunc vetustissima creduntur, nova fuere et quod hodie exemplis tuemur, inter exempla erit. (L.) Tac. A. 11, 24.-Everything, Conscript Fathers, which is now considered to belong to remote antiquity was once new, and what we are to-day defending by precedent, will rank hereafter as a precedent itself. Cf. Tertull. Marc. 1, 9: Omnis res anterior posteriori normam præministravit. Every previous event has supplied the rule for dealing with a subsequent one of the kind.

3631. Omnia perdidimus, tantummodo vita relicta est. (L.) Ov. Ep. 4, 16, 49.—I have lost everything, life only remains. 3632. Omnia perversas possunt corrumpere mentes. (L.) Ov. T. 2, 301.-Anything is sufficient to corrupt a perverted mind.

3633. Omnia præsumuntur rite et solenniter esse acta.


Law Max.-All acts are presumed to have been rightly and regularly done.

Cf. Ex diuturnitate temporis omnia præsumuntur rite et solenniter esse acta, Whatsoever has been established for a long time is presumed to have been done of right and not of wrong. This applies to matters of dispute, either public or private. Again, where acts are of an official nature, requiring the concurrence of official persons, a presumption arises in favour of their due execution, since Omnia præsumuntur rite et solenniter esse acta, donec probetur in contrarium, Everything is presumed to be rightly and regularly performed, until the contrary is shown (see Broom, Legal Max. pp. 907 seqq.). 3634. Omnia prius experiri, quam armis, sapientem decet. (L.) Ter. Eun. 4, 7, 19.—A wise man will try all methods before having recourse to arms.

3635. Omnia subjecisti sub pedibus Ejus, oves et boves. (L.) Vulg. Ps. viii. 8.-Thou hast placed all things in subjection under His feet: both sheep and oxen.

the Butchers' Company.

Motto of

3636. Omnia sunt hominum tenui pendentia filo:

Et subito casu, quæ valuere ruunt. (L.) Ov. Ep. 4, 3, 35.-All human things hang by a slender thread, and a sudden fall will bring to the ground things that before seemed secure.

3637. Omnia tempus habent, et suis spatiis transeunt universa sub cælo. (L.) Vulg. Eccles. iii. 1.-To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven. 3638. Omnia tuta timens. (L.) Virg. A. 4, 298.—Distrusting all things, even what seemed safe.

[She feels each stirring of the air]

And e'en in safety dreads a snare.-Conington.

Said of poor Dido.

3639. Omnia vincit amor, nos et cedamus amori.

(L.) Virg. E. 10, 69.

Love conquers all, and we must yield to love.-Dryden.

3640. Omnibus hoc vitium est cantoribus, inter amicos Ut nunquam inducant animum cantare rogati, Injussi nunquam desistant.

Drawing-room singers.

(L.) Hor. S. 1, 3, 1.

All singers have this fault: if asked to sing
In friendly circle, they can never bring

Themselves to yield consent: yet, if unasked,

They'll sing and sing, till patience' self is tasked.-Ed.

3641. Omnibus hostes

Reddite nos populis, civile avertite bellum. (L.) Lucan.
2, 53.-Commit us to hostility with every other nation,
but avert from us civil war.

3642. Omnibus in terris, quæ sunt a Gadibus usque
Auroram et Gangem, pauci dignoscere possunt
Vera bona, atque illis multum diversa, remota
Erroris nebula.

(L.) Juv. 10, 1.

In every clime, from Ganges distant stream
To Cadiz, gilded by the western beam,
Few, from the clouds of mental error free,
In its true light, or good or evil see.-Gifford.

3643. Omnis ars imitatio est naturæ.

art is an imitation of nature.

3644. Omnis enim res

(L.) Sen. Ep. 65.-Al

Virtus, fama, decus, divina humanaque pulcris
Divitiis parent; quas qui construxerit, ille

Clarus erit, fortis, justus.

(L.) Hor. S. 2, 3, 94.

The magic of wealth.

For all things, human and divine, renown,
Honour and worth at money's shrine bow down;
And he who has made money, fool or knave,

Becomes that moment noble, just, and brave.-Conington.

3645. Omnis homo mendax. (L.) Vulg. Ps. 115, 2.—All men are liars. This is what the Psalmist said "in his haste." 3646. Omnis Minerva homo. (L.) Petr. 43, 8.—A Jack of all trades.

3647. Omnis ratihabitio retrotrahitur et mandato priori æquiparatur. (L.) Law Max.-A subsequent ratification has a retrospective effect, and is equivalent to a prior command. Thus the title of an administrator dates back to the time of the death of the intestate, and entitles him to sue for goods sold by any one pretending to act as agent for the administrator (see Broom, p. 835).

3648. Omnium autem rerum, ex quibus aliquid acquiritur, nihil est agricultura melius, nihil uberius, nihil dulcius, nihil homine libero dignius. (L.) Cic. Off. 1, 42, 151.—of all profitable pursuits, nothing is preferable to agriculture, nothing more productive, nothing more pleasant, nothing more worthy of the attention of a gentleman.

3649. Omnium horarum homo. (L.) Quint. 6, 3, 110.—A man ready for every emergency.

3650. Omniumque quæ diceret atque ageret, arte quadam ostentator. (L.) Tac. H. 2, 80.-A man who set off anything he said or did with a peculiar skill of his own.

3651. Omnium rerum, heus, vicissitudo est. (L.) Ter. Eun. 2, 2, 44.-There are changes, hark ye, in all things.

3652. On affaiblit toujours tout ce qu'on exagère. (Fr.) La Harpe, Mélanie, 1, 1.—To exaggerate invariably weakens the point of everything we have to say.

3653. On a souvent besoin d'un plus petit que soi. (Fr.) La Font. 2, 11.-One has often need of the help of one smaller than one's self.

3654. On a toujours assez de force pour supporter les malheurs de ses amis. (Fr.)-We are always strong enough to bear the misfortunes of our friends.

3655. On commence par être dupe,

On finit par être fripon. (Fr.)

Mme. Deshoulières,

Réflex. sur le jeu.-One begins by being a dupe, and one ends by being a swindler. On gambling.

3656. Õn dit. (Fr.)—They say. Report says. of the on dits of the day.

3657. On dit, est souvent un grand menteur.

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'They say" is often a great liar.

3658. On entre et on crie,

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Et voilà la vie !

On crie et on sort,

Et voilà la mort! (Fr.)-We enter and cry, and such is life! We cry and depart, and such is death!

3659. On est, quand on le veut, le maître de son sort. (Fr.) Ferrier, Adraste.-Man is, when he wishes, his destiny's lord. 3660. On fait souvent tort à la vérité par la manière dont on se sert pour la défendre. (Fr.)?—The cause of truth is often prejudiced by the means employed in its defence.

3661. On gagne peu de choses par habileté. (Fr.) Vauvenargues? —One gains but little in this world by cleverness.

3662. O nimium faciles! o toto pectore capta. (L.) Ov. F. 6, 509.-Too simple souls! Demented creatures!

3663. O nimium nimiumque oblite tuorum. (L.) Ov. H. 1, 41. -Too, too forgetful of thy kindred art thou!

3664. On jette enfin de la terre sur la tête, et en voilà pour jamais. (Fr.) Pasc. Pensées, 29, 55.-A little earth cast upon the head, and there is an end of it. The long farewell to the departed, "until the day dawn and the shadows flee away."

3665. On met tout en œuvre pour assortir les fortunes, on ne se met point en peine pour assortir les cœurs. (Fr.) Massillon?—No stone is left unturned to match the respective fortunes (of the fiancés), while no pains are taken to match their affections. Such marriages are called mariages de convenance, marriages of expediency, in which rank, or money (or both), takes the place of real attachment. 3666. On n'aime plus comme on aimait jadis. (Fr.) Mme. Deshoulières ?—No one loves now as they used to do. 3667. On n'a jamais bon marché de mauvaise marchandise. (Fr.) Prov.-Bad wares are never cheap.

3668. On n'a point pour la mort de dispense de Rome. (Fr.) Mol. L'Étourdi, 2, 4.--There is no dispensation at Rome to be had against death; translated from the Latin (? De Imitat. Christi) Nemo impetrare potest a papa bullam nunquam moriendi.

3669. On n'a rien pour rien. (Fr.) Prov.-Nothing is to be had for nothing.

3670. On n'auroit guère de plaisir, si l'on ne se flattoit point. (Fr.)? We should enjoy little pleasure, if we did not sometimes flatter ourselves a little.

3671. On ne considère pas assez les paroles comme des faits. (Fr.)-One does not sufficiently consider words in the light of deeds.

3672. On ne donne rien si libéralement que ses conseils. (Fr.) La Rochef. Max. p. 45, § 110.-There is nothing which men give so freely as their advice.

3673. On ne jette des pierres qu'à l'arbre chargé de fruits. (Fr.) Prov.-People throw stones only at trees which have fruit

on them. To be abused is no sign of want of capacity. 3674. On ne loue d'ordinaire que pour être loué. (Fr.) La Rochef. Max. p. 49, § 146.—Praise is commonly bestowed in the expectation that it will be repaid with interest.

3675. On ne lui fait pas prendre des vessies pour des lanternes. (Fr.) Prov.-You won't make him take bladders for lanterns. He is wide awake.

3676. On ne perd les états que par timidité. (Fr.) Volt. Mahomet, 1, 1.-'Tis timidity only that throws states away.

3677. On ne peut contenter tout le monde et son père. (Fr.)?— It is impossible to please all the world and one's father too. Saying of 15th cent., and borrowed by La Fontaine to point the moral to his fable of the Miller and his Son (3, 1):

Est bien fou de cerveau

Qui prétend contenter tout le monde et son père.

3678. On ne ramène guère un traître par l'impunité, au lieu que par la punition l'on en rend mille autres sages. (Fr.) Richelieu ?—No man ever yet converted a single traitor by letting him off, whereas punishment will show a thousand others the error of their ways. Doubtless the Cardinal was thinking of Cinq-Mars.

3679. On ne se blame que pour être loué. (Fr.) La Rochef. Max. Persons only blame themselves for the purpose of being praised. In imputing to ourselves any fault, we always expect that a compliment will be paid us in reply.

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