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3129. Multæ terricolis linguæ, cœlestibus una. μὲν θνητοῖς γλώτται, μία δ ̓ ἀθανάτοισιν. -The inhabitants of earth have many

heaven have but one.

(Ζ.), or Πολλαὶ (Gr.) H. Carey ? languages, those of

3130. Multa fero ut placeam genus irritabile vatum.

(L.) Hor. Ep. 2, 2, 102.

Much I endure indeed (perhaps you know it)
To please the irritable genus poet.-Ed.

3131. Multa ferunt anni venientes commoda secum;
Multa recedentes adimunt.

(L.) Hor. A. P. 175.

Years, as they come, bring blessings in their train :
Years, as they go, take blessings back again.-Conington.

3132. Multa petentibus

Desunt multa. Bene est cui Deus obtulit

Parca, quod satis est, manu. (L.) Hor. C. 3, 16, 42.

Who much require are much in want;
'Tis best if, just what life demands,
God furnish us with sparing hands.-Ed.

3133. Multa quidem scripsi: sed quæ vitiosa putavi
Emendaturis ignibus ipse dedi.

(L.) Ov. T. 4, 10, 61.

-I have written much, but what I thought faulty I threw
myself into the corrective flames.

3134. Multa renascentur quæ jam cecidere, cadentque
Quæ nunc sunt in honore vocabula, si volet usus,
Quem penes arbitrium est, et jus, et norma loquendi.

(L.) Hor. A. P. 71.

Yes, words long faded may again revive;
And words may fade now blooming and alive,
If usage wills it so, to whom belongs

The rule and law, the government of tongues.-Conington.


3135. Multa rogant utenda dari; data reddere nolunt. Ov. A. A. 1, 433.-They (women) are always asking you to lend them money; but they never repay the loan. 3136. Multa senem circumveniunt incommoda ; vel quod Quærit, et inventis miser abstinet, ac timet uti; Vel quod res omnes timide gelideque ministrat. (L.) Hor. A. P. 169.

Drawbacks of old age.

Grey hairs have many evils: without end

The old man gathers what he dares not spend.

While, as for action, do he what he will,

'Tis all half-hearted, spiritless, and chill.—Conington.

3137. Multi adorantur in ara qui cremantur in igne. (L.) Augustin. Many are worshipped at the altar who are burning in flames. Said of the worship paid to heathen deities, the emperor, etc.

3138. Multi Committunt eadem diverso crimina fato,

Ille crucem sceleris pretium tulit, hic diadema.

(L.) Juv. 13, 103.

Men the same crimes commit with varying end;
And some a scaffold, some a throne ascend.-Ed.

3139. Multi, inquam, sunt, Lucili, qui non donant, sed projiciunt; non voco ego liberalem, pecuniæ suæ iratum. (L.) Sen. Ep. 120.--There are many, Lucilius, who do not give, but throw away; and I do not call a man liberal because he is angry with his money.

3140. Multi multa, nemo omnia novit.

(L.) —Many men have

known much, no one has ever known everything.

3141. Multis ille bonis flebilis occidit;

Nulli flebilior quam tibi, Virgili. (L.) Hor. C. 1, 24, 9.

By many a good man wept, Quintilius dies;

By none than you, my Virgil, trulier wept.-Conington.

3142. Multitudinem decem faciunt. (L.) Coke?—Ten persons

make a crowd.



3143. Multo plures satietas quam fames perdidit viros.
Many more men die of surfeit than of hunger.
Multos morbos multa fercula fecerunt. Sen. Ep. 95.-
Many maladies are the result of dinners of many courses.

3144. Multorum manibus grande levatur opus. hands make light work.


3145. Multos experimur ingratos, plures facimus.

(L.) Sen.

Ben. 1, init.—We find many men who are ungrateful;

we make more.

3146. Multos in summa pericula misit

Venturi timor ipse mali. Fortissimus ille est
Qui promtus metuenda pati, si cominus instent,
Et differre potest.

True courage.

(L.) Lucan. 7, 104.

Many's the mortal whom the very dread

Of coming ill has into danger sped.

But bravest he who, prompt to meet his fate,

Can face the shock, or can with patience wait.-Ed.

3147. Multos modios salis simul edendos esse, ut amicitiæ munus expletum sit. (L.) Cic. Am. 19, 67.-(As the saying

goes) We must eat many bushels of salt together, before we can achieve a real friendship.

3148. Multum est demissus homo. (L.) Hor. S. 1, 3, 57.—He is a very unassuming man.

3149. Multum in parvo.


(L.)—Much in little. Much in a little

3150. Multum sapit qui non diu desipit. (L.)-He is wise who does not persist in folly long.

3151. Mundæque parvo sub lare pauperum

Cœnæ, sine aulæis et ostro,

Sollicitam explicuere frontem. (L.) Hor. C. 3, 29, 14.

The poor man's supper, neat but spare,

With no gay couch to seat the guest,

Has smooth'd the rugged brow of care.-Conington.

3152. Munditiis capimur. (L.) Ov. A. A. 3, 133.—We are attracted by neatness.

3153. Mundus scena, vita transitus, venisti, vidisti, abiisti. (L.)? -The world is a stage, and life your passage across it; you enter, you look around you, you make your exit.

3154. Mundus universus exercet histrioniam.

(L.) Petron. Fr. 10.-All the world plays the actor's part.

3155. Munit hæc, et altera vincit. (L.)-This defends, and the other conquers. Nova Scotia Knights.

3156. Munus et officium nil scribens ipse docebo,

Unde parentur opes, quid alat formetque poetam ;
Quid deceat, quid non: quo virtus, quo ferat error.
(L.) Hor. A. P. 306.

Although no writer, I may yet impart

To writing folk the precepts of their art.

Whence come its stores, what trains and forms the bard,

And how a work is made, and how 'tis marred.-Conington.

3157. Munus nostrum ornato verbis quod poteris. (L.) Ter. Eun. 2, 1, 8.—Set off my present with all the eloquence

you can.

3158. Murranum hic, atavos et avorum antiqua sonantem Nomina, per regesque actum genus omne Latinos.

(L.) Virg. A. 12, 529.

Murranus too, whose boastful tongue

With high-born sires and grandsires rung,

And pedigrees of long renown

Through Latian monarchs handed down.-Conington.

3159. Murus æneus conscientia sana. (L.)-A healthy conscience is a wall of brass. Motto of the Earl of Scarborough. 3160. Mutare vel timere sperno. (L.)—I scorn either to change

or to fear. M. of the Duke of Beaufort and Lord Raglan. 3161. Mutatis mutandis. (Law L.)-The necessary changes being made. If the persons, places, dates, events, circumstances (or what not) be changed, the same remark will apply.

3162. Mutum est pictura poema.

A picture is a poem without words.



3163. Nach Canossa gehen wir nicht. (G.)-We are not going to Canossa. Bismarck in Parliament, May 1872.

Canossa is a town near Reggio in Northern Italy, where Emperor Henry IV. (1077) obtained absolution from Pope Gregory VII. (Hildebrand) after three days' humiliation. Bismarck's phrase implied that the present German Empire was not going to surrender so abjectly to the Papal claims.

3164. Næ amicum castigare ob meritam noxiam

Immune est facinus. (L.) Plaut. Trin. 1, 1, 1.-Truly, it is a thankless office enough to reprove a friend for a fault when he deserves it.

3165. Nam de mille fabæ modiis dum surripis unum, Damnum est, non facinus mihi pacto lenius isto.

(L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 16, 55.

Steal but one bean, although the loss be small,
The crime's as great as if you stole them all.-Conington.

3166. Nam dives qui fieri vult, Et cito vult fieri.

(L.) Juv. 14, 176.

Who'd be rich would be so quickly.-Shaw.

3167. Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est. (L.) Bacon, Medit. Sacr. de Hæresibus. For knowledge itself is power.

Cf. Vir sapiens, fortis est: et vir doctus robustus et validus. Vulg. Prov. 24, 5.—A wise man is strong, and a learned man is powerful and mighty.

3168. Nam genus, et proavos, et quæ non fecimus ipsi,

Vix ea nostra voco.

(L.) Ov. M. 13, 140.

For birth and lineage and all such renown,

Bequeathed not made, can scarce be called our own.-Ed.

Last four words, Motto of Earl of Warwick and Lord

3169. Nam jam non domus accipiet te læta, neque uxor Optuma, nec dulces occurrent oscula nati

Præripere, et tacita pectus dulcedine tangent.

A father's death.

(L.) Lucret. 3, 907.

No more shall thy family welcome thee home,
Nor around thee thy wife and sweet little ones come,
All clamouring joyous to snatch the first kiss,
Transporting thy bosom with exquisite bliss.-Ed.

3170. Nam neque divitibus contingunt gaudia solis,
Nec vixit male qui natus moriensque fefellit.

(L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 17, 9.

Joys do not happen to the rich alone,

Nor he liv'd ill, that lived and died unknown.-Ed.

3171. Nam nunc mores nihil faciunt quod licet, nisi quod lubet. (L.) Plaut. Trin. 4, 3, 25.-Nowadays it is the custom

to make no account of what is correct, but only what is pleasant.

3172. Nam quæ inscitia est Adversum stimulum calces. (L.) Ter. Phorm. 1, 2, 27.- What folly 'tis to kick against the goad Cf. Si stimulos pugnis cædis, manibus plus dolet. Plaut. Truc. 4, 2, 55.--If you fight the goad with your fists, so much the worse for your knuckles. An evil is often only aggravated by useless opposition.

3173. Namque adserit urbes

Sola fames, emiturque metus quum segne potentes
Vulgus alunt: nescit plebes jejuna timere.

How to stifle panic.

(L.) Lucan. 3, 56.

Hunger's enough to set whole cities free.

Then buy your fears, like some commodity,

And let the rich supply the poor with bread;

A famished mob has lost all sense of dread.-Ed.

3174. Nam quum magna malæ superest audacia causæ,

Creditur a multis fiducia.

(L.) Juv. 13, 109.

Urge a bad cause with boundless impudence

And 'twill be thought by many innocence.-Ed.

3175. Nam timor unus erat, facies non una timoris. (L.) Ov. A. A. 1, 121.—-One and the same fear possessed them all, but they did not all show it in the same way. The attitude of the Sabine women when seized by the soldiers of Romulus.

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