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3099. Molliter ossa cubent. (L.) Ov. T. 3, 3, 76.—Light rest

his bones!

3100. Mon âme a son secret, ma vie a son mystère.


Arvers, Heures Perdues, 1833.-My soul has its secret, my life its mystery.

3101. Mon ami, le temps de la commandite va passer, mais les badauds ne passeront pas occupons nous de ce qui est éternel. (Fr.) Philipon. My friend, the age of chivalry is passing away, but the age of loafers will never endlet us occupy ourselves with the eternal.

3102. Mon Dieu est ma roche. (Fr.)-God is my rock. Lord Fermoy.

3103. Mone sale. (L.)-Advise with salt. Lord Emly. 3104. Moniti meliora sequamur. (L.) Virg. A. 3, 188.—Being admonished (or warned), let us pursue a better course. 3105. Monstro quod ipse tibi possis dare: semita certe Tranquillæ per virtutem, patet unica vitæ.

(L.) Juv. 10, 363.

I but teach

The blessings man by his own powers may reach.
The path to peace is virtue.-Gifford.

3106. Monstrum horrendum, informe, ingens, cui lumen ademptum. (L.) Virg. A. 3, 657.—An awful, hideous, huge, sightless monster. Description of Polyphemus, the Cyclops, after his one eye had been put out by Ulysses. 3107. Montis insignia Calpe. (L.) The insignia of Mount Calpe (Gibraltar). Motto of 39th, 56th, and 58th Foot.

3108. Morbus signa cibus blasphemia dogma fuere

Causæ cur Dominum turba secuta fuit.

(L.) St Albert?

Sickness, food, miracles, blasphemy, the Word,

Are reasons five why crowds pursued our Lord.-Ed.

3109. More meo or suo, etc. (L.)—As is my or his wont. (2.) More majorum.-After the manner of our ancestors. (3.) Sicut meus est mos. Hor. S. 1, 9, 1.-As is my wont. (4.) Suus cuique mos.-Every one has his own habits.

3110. Morgen-Stunde hat Gold im Munde. (G.) Prov.-The morning hour has gold in its mouth. Early to bed, etc.

3111. Moriamur, et in media arma ruamus,
Una salus victis nullam sperare salutem.

(L.) Virg. A. 2, 353.

Come, rush we on our fate!

No safety may the vanquished find

Till hope of safety be resigned.-Conington.

An instance of ὕστερον πρότερον, or inversion of order of ideas (let us die, and rush into the field).

3112. Moribus antiquis res stat Romana virisque.

(L.) Enn. ap. Aug. Civ. Dei. 2, 21.

It is her simple, hardy ancestry

That gives to Rome her greatness of to-day.-Ed.

3113. Moriemur inultæ ?

Sed moriamur, ait. Sic, sic juvat ire sub umbras.

Death of Dido.

(L.) Virg. A. 4, 659.

To die, and unrevenged! she cried,
Yet let me die! thus, thus I'll go

Rejoicing to the shades below.-Conington.

Cf. Horace's Parody (S. 2, 8, 34):

Nos nisi damnose bibimus, moriemur inulti.
Except we drink his cellar dry

'Tis plain that unavenged we die. -Ed.

3114. MORS. (L.) MORT, LA. (Fr.)-Death.
(2.) Pallida mors æquo pulsat pede pauperum tabernas
Regumque turres. O beate Sexti,

Vitæ summa brevis spem nos vetat inchoare longam.
(L.) Hor. C. 1, 4, 12.
Pale death, impartial, walks his rounds: he knocks at cottage-

And palace-portal. Sestius, child of bliss!
How should a mortal's hopes be long, when short his being's


(3.) Sub tua purpurei venient vestigia reges

Deposito luxu, turba cum paupere mixti.
Omnia mors æquat.

Claud. Rapt. Pros. 2, 300.

Kings in thy train shall come (their purple robes
And state laid down) mixed with the common herd:
Death levels all.


Ov. Liv. 359.

(4.) Tendimus huc omnes: metam properamus ad unam
Omnia sub leges mors vocat atra suas.
Here tend we all: all hasten to one goal,
Beneath its sway death summons every soul.-E

(5.) Nec forma æternum, aut cuiquam est fortuna perennis:
Longius aut propius, mors sua quemque manet.

Prop. 2, 28, 57.

Beauty must fade; fortune has but its day:
Death, soon or late, claims each one as its prey.-Ed.

(6.) Tibi crescit omne

Et quod occasus videt, et quod ortus;
Sis licet segnis, properamus ipsi:
Prima quæ vitam dedit, carpsit hora.

Thine, death, is all that lives and grows,
Thine both its blossom and decay:
We hasten fast though thou delay,

And life's first hour portends its close.-Ed.

Sen. Herc. Fur. ?

(7.) Scilicet omne sacrum Mors importuna profanat, Omnibus obscuras injicit illa manus.

Death of Tibullus.

Ov. Am. 3, 9, 19.

Death lays his impious touch on all things rare :
His shadowy hands no sacred office spare.-Ed.

(8.) Miremur periisse homines? monumenta fatiscunt:

Mors etiam saxis nominibusque venit. Auson. Epig. 35, 9.Can you wonder that men perish, when even their monuments crumble to pieces? Death visits even marbles, and stone inscriptions.

(9.) Frange toros: pete vina: rosas cape: tingere nardo. Ipse jubet mortis te meminisse Deus.

Mart. 2, 59,


Fill the couches, call for wine-cups, unguents bring and rosy
wreath !

In the midst of your carousing God bids you remember death.

(10.) Moriendum enim certe est, et id incertum, an eo ipso die.
Cic. Sen. 20, 74.-It is certain we must die, and we know not if it
may not be this very day. (11.) Mors. . . quasi saxum Tantalo,
semper impendet. Cic. Fin. 1, 18, 60.-Death, like Tantalus' rock,
is always hanging over us. (12.) Mors ultima linea rerum est.
Hor. Ep. 1, 16, 79.-Death is the furthest limit of human vicissitude.
(13.) Mors sola fatetur Quantula sint hominum corpuscula. Juv.
10, 172.-Death alone proves how very puny are the bodies of mortal
men. Originally said of Alexander the Great. Macaulay quotes
the line of Louis XIV., whose stature, reputed tall during his life-
time, was discovered on the exhumation of his body (in the First
Revolution) not to have exceeded 5 ft. 8 in. (Essay on Mirabeau.)
(14.) Nil melius æterna lex fecit, quam quod unum introitum nobis
ad vitam dedit, exitus multos. Sen. Ep. 70.-The fixed law of our
existence has done nothing better than in ordering one mode of enter-
ing life, and many modes of departing out of it. (15.) Dulce et
decorum est pro patria mori. Hor. C. 3, 2, 13.-It is sweet and
honourable to die for one's country. Cf. O fortunata mors, quæ
naturæ debita, pro patria est potissimum reddita! Cic. Phil. 14,
112, 31.-Happy is the death which, though due to nature, is cheer-
fully surrendered for the sake of one's country. (16.) Optima mors
parca quæ venit apta die. Prop. 3, 3, 40.-That death is best
which arrives opportunely and soon. (17.) Quem di diligunt,
Adolescens moritur, dum valet, sentit, sapit. Plaut. Bacch. 4, 7,
18.-Whom the gods love dies young while his strength and senses
and faculties are in their full vigour. Byron says, "God gives his
favourites early death." (18.) Optanda mors est, sine metu mortis

mori. Sen. Troad. 869.-That death is to be desired which is free
from all fear of death. (19.) Mortem optare, malum; timere
pejus. Sen. Ed. ?—To wish for death is bad, to fear it, worse.
(20.) C'est ici que j'attend la mort,

Sans la désirer, ni la craindre.

The hour of death I wait for here:
Without desire, and without fear.-Ed.

(Fr.) Maynard?

(21.) Et metus ille foras præceps Acherontis agendus
Funditus humanam qui vitam turbat ab imo,
Omnia suffuscans mortis nigrore, neque ullam
Esse voluptatem liquidam puramque relinquit.

(L.) Lucret. 3, 39.

Drive headlong out of doors that fear of death
That troubles human life from top to base,
And clouds all things in inky gloom, nor leaves
One single joy to be completely pure.-Ed.

(22.) Scire mori sors prima viris, sed proxima cogi.

Lucan. 9,

211.-To die of one's own free choice is man's best fortune, the next best to be slain.

(23.) Eripere vitam nemo non homini potest

At nemo mortem.

Any an take from me the right to live,
But none the right to die.-Ed.

Sen. Theb.?

24.) Nihil sic revocat a peccato, quam frequens mortis meditatio. S. Aug. lib. exhort. ?-Nothing is so efficacious in preserving a man from sin, as constant meditation on death. (25.) Mourir n'est rien, c'est notre dernière heure. (Fr.) Palisse, Deserteurs.-To die is nothing, 'tis but our last hour.

(26.) Heureux l'inconnu qui s'est bien su connaître

Il ne voit pas de mal à mourir plus qu'à naître :

Il s'en va comme il est venu. Hénault?-Happy the man who though unknown to others has learnt to know himself well. He thinks no more harm in dying than in being born. He departs as he came. (27.) Mors janua vitæ. (L.)-Death is the entrance into life. (28.) Mortem aliquid ultra est? Vita, si cupias mori. Sen. Ag. 996.-Electra. Is there anything after death? Ægistheus. Yes, life, if you desire to die. (29.) Acerba semper et immatura mors eorum, qui immortale aliquid parant. Plin. Min. 5, 5.—The deaths of those men who have some immortal work in hand, always seem cruelly premature.

3115. Mors potius macula. (L.)—Death rather than dishonour. Lord Ffrench.

3116. Mortales inimicitias, sempiternas amicitias. (L.) Cic. Rab. Post. 12, 32.-Let our enmities be short-lived, our friendships immortal.

3117. Mortalia facta peribunt,

Nedum sermonum stet honos et gratia vivax.

(L.) Hor. A. P. 68. Man's works must perish: how should words evade The general doom, and flourish undecayed?-Conington.


3118. Mortalium rerum misera beatitudo.

(L.) Boeth. Cons.

Ph. 2, 4.—The miserable blessedness attending human


3119. Mos pro lege.

(L.)-Usage for law. Long established

custom has the force of law.

3120. Mot à mot. (Fr.)-Word for word. Literally. (2.) Mot du guet.-A watch-word. (3.) Mots d'usage.-Words in

common use.

3121. Moveo et profiteor. (L.)—I move and prosper.


Earl of 3122. Mugitus labyrinthi. (L.) Juv. 1, 53.-The roaring of the labyrinth.

imprisoned in the Theseus slew him Juvenal mentions

The monster, Minotaur, half man, half bull, was
Labyrinth in Crete, and fed on human flesh.
and escaped by the clew furnished by Ariadne.
it as a hackneyed topic of fourth-rate Roman poets.

3123. Mulier cupido quod dicit amanti,

In vento et rapida scribere oportet aqua. (L.) Catull. 70, 3.-What a woman says to her ardent lover, ought to be written on the winds, or on running water. Transient, fleeting vows and professions.

Cf. Keats' epitaph :

Here lies one whose name was writ in water.

3124. Mulier profecto nata est ex ipsa mora.

(L.) Plaut. Mil. 4, 7, 9.-Woman certainly is the offspring of tardiness


3125. Mulier quæ sola cogitat male cogitat. (L.) Prov.-A woman who thinks alone, thinks of mischief.

3126. Mulier recte olet, ubi nihil olet. (L.) Plaut. Most. 1, 3, 141.-A woman smells sweetest, when she smells of nothing.

3127. Multa cadunt inter calicem supremaque labra. (L.) ? Aul. Gell.-There's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip.

3128. Multa dies, variique labor mutabilis ævi,

Rettulit in melius, multos alterna revisens
Lusit, et in solido rursus fortuna locavit.


(L.) Virg. A. 11, 425.

Time, toil, and circumstance full oft

A humbled cause has raised aloft,

And fortune whom she mocked before

Has placed on solid ground once more.--

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