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2946. Malum consilium consultori est pessimum. (L.) Annal. Max. ap. Gell. 4, 5 (trans. of Hes. Op. et D. 264: ý dè κακὴ βουλὴ τῷ βουλεύσαντι κάκιστη). (Gr.)--Bad counsel is worst for the counsellor. Like Haman's advice to Ahasuerus.

2947. Malum est consilium, quod mutari non potest. (L.) Gell. Noct. Attic. 18.-It is bad advice that cannot be altered.

2948. Malum est mulier, sed necessarium malum. (L.)—Woman is an evil, but a necessary one.

2949. Malum in se. (L.)—A thing evil in itself. and in all its stages.

Bad in itself,


2950. Malus clandestinus est amor; damnum 'st merum. Plaut. Curc. 1, 1, 49.-Clandestine love is bad; it is simple ruin.

2951. Malus usus est abolendus.

(L.) Law Max.-An evil custom ought to be abolished. Notwithstanding that long usage gives the force of law, yet, when it is proved to be prejudicial, it should be abolished.

2952. Mandamus. (L.) Law Term. We enjoin. Writ in form of command from the Court of King's Bench requiring any

person, corporation, or inferior Court of Judicature to perform certain duties.

2953. Man darf nur sterben um gelobt zu werden. (G.) Prov. -Man has only to die to be praised.

2954. Manet alta mente repostum

Judicium Paridis spretæque injuria formæ. (L.) Virg. A. 1, 26.-Deep-seated in her heart remains the decision of Paris, and the affront shewn to her slighted beauty. Juno resenting the judgment of Paris in awarding the golden apple to Venus as most fair.

2955. Manibus victoria dextris. (L.)- Victory by my righthand. Lord Waveney.

2956. Man lebt nur einmal in der Welt. (G.) Goethe, Clavigo, 1, 1 (Carlos loq.).—Man lives but once in the world. Cf. Schiller's (Resignation) Des Leben's Mai blüht einmal und nicht wieder.—The May of life blooms once and not again.

2957. Manliana. (L.)—A Manlian command. A severe order. Called after L. Manlius Torquatus Imperiosus, who ordered his son to be scourged and executed for fighting against orders. Cf. Vide, ne ista sint Manliana vestra aut majora etiam, si imperes quod facere non possim. Cic. Fin. 2, 32, 105.-Are not your commands very Manlian, or even more than Manlian, if you command me to do what I cannot possibly perform?

2958. Man schont die Alten, wie man die Kinder schont. (G.) Goethe, Sprüche. We bear with age, as with children.

2959. Man sieht sich, lernt sich kennen,

Liebt sich, muss sich trennen. (G.) ?—We meet, we learn to know and to love each other, and then-we have to part!

2960. Man spricht vergebens viel, nur zu versagen,

Der And're hört von Allem nur das Nein! (G.) Goethe, Iphigenia, 1, 3.—In vain one adds words only to refuse, the other, first and last, only hears the "No!"

2961. Man steigt den grünen Berg des Lebens hinauf, um oben auf dem Eisberge zu sterben. (G.) Jean Paul We

climb up the green mountain of life in order to die upon the glaciers.

2962. Μάντις δ ̓ ἄριστος ὅστις εἰκάζει καλῶς. (Gr.) Eurip. Fr. 944, Dind. He is the best divine who best divines. He is the best prophet who guesses best. Motto of "Guesses at Truth."

2963. Mantua me genuit, Calabri rapuere, tenet nunc

Vit. Virg.

Cecini pascua, rura, duces. (L.) Donat. Mantua was my birth-place, the Calabrian winds carried me off, Naples holds me now. I sang pastures, fields, heroes. Virgil's epitaph.

2964. Mantua, væ! miseræ nimium vicina Cremona. (L.) Virg. E. 9, 28.—Ah! Mantua! too near the unhappy Cremona. Said to have been quoted by Dean Swift on seeing a lady whisk a violin off a table with the edge of her mantle.

2965. Manu forti. (L.)-With a strong hand. M. of Lord Reay. 2966. Manum de tabula. (L.) Cic. Fam. 7, 25, 1.—Hands off the picture! Add no more to your work! Enough! 2967. Manum non vertere (ne manum quidem vertere). (L.)— Not to move a hand, make no effort. Cf. Cic. Fin. 5, 31, 93. Ne digitum quidem ejus causa porrigendum. Id. ibid. 3, 17, 57.-It is not worth while moving a finger for the sake of it.

2968. Manus hæc inimica tyrannis

Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem. (L.) Alg. Sidney-My hand is hostile to tyrants alone, and draws the sword only to obtain peaceful retirement combined with liberty. First line is motto of Earl of Carysfort. John Quincy Adams († 1848) in his Album has thus rendered it: This hand, to tyrants ever sworn the foe,

For freedom only deals the deadly blow:

Then sheathes in calm repose the vengeful blade
For gentle peace in freedom's hallowed shade.

2969. Manus manum lavat. (L.) Sen. Apoc. 9.-One hand washes the other. One helps the other. Cf. La Font. 8,

17: Il se faut entr'aider, c'est la loi de nature.—It is our duty to assist each other; it is the law of nature.


2970. Marchand qui perd, ne peut rire. (Fr.) Mol. G. Dandin, 2, 9.-The dealer who loses cannot afford to laugh. those laugh who win.

2971. Mare apertum. (L.)-An open sea. Mare clausum.closed sea, viz., to general commerce and navigation.



2972. Mare cælo miscere. (L.)—To mingle sea and sky together. Raise heaven and earth, make a terrific bluster.

Cf. Cælum ac terras miscere. Liv. 4, 3, 6.-To confound heaven and earth, throw all into confusion. Clames licet et mare cælo Confundas, homo sum. Juv. 6, 282.—Though you may shout and make such a bluster, I am a poor mortal, like the rest; and id. 2, 25.

2973. Mare ditat, rosa decorat.

(L.)-The sea enriches, the rose adorns. Motto of the town of Montrose. 2974. Maria montesque polliceri cæpit. (L.) began to promise seas and mountains. vagant promises.

Sall. C. 23.—He
To make extra-

2975. Marie ton fils quand tu voudras, mais ta fille quand tu pourras. (Fr.) Prov.-Marry your son when you please, your daughter when you can.

2976. Marmoreo Licinus tumulo jacet, at Cato parvo;

Pompeius nullo. Quis putet esse Deos?

Saxa premunt Licinum, levat altum fama Catonem,
Pompeium tituli. Credimus esse Deos. (L.) See
Varr. Atac. in Anthol. Lat. Tom. i. p. 205.—Licinus
(barber and freedman of Augustus) lies in a splendid
marble tomb, Cato in a poor one, Pompey in none.
would believe that God existed? Reply (by a later



hand): Licinus is buried in oblivion, while fame exalts the noble Cato, and Pompey lives by his renown.

that God does exist.

We believe

2977. Mars gravior sub pace latet. (L.) Claud. VI. Cons. Hon. 307.—A graver warfare lies concealed under a semblance of peace.

2978. Martem accendere cantu. (L.) Virg. A. 6, 165.-To incite to battle by martial music. Thus in the Highland regiments, the sound of the pibroch rouses the men almost to madness, and nothing can resist the impetus of their charge.

2979. Mater artium necessitas. (L.) Prov.-Necessity is the mother of invention (lit. arts).

Cf. The Greek χρεία διδάσκει, κἂν βραδύς τις ᾖ, σοφόν. Eur. Fr. 709. -Necessity will teach a man, however slow he be, to be wise; and Xpeía didáσkel, кäv äμovoos. Menand. Carchedon. 6.-Necessity teaches, however unpolished she may be; and Πολλῶν ὁ λιμὸς γίγνεται didáσkaλos.-Hunger teaches a man many things (in Latin, Multa docet fames).

2980. Mater familias. (L.)-The mother of a family.

2981. Materiem, qua sis ingeniosus, habes. (L.) Ov. A. A. 2, 34. You have materials in which to show your ingenuity.

2982. Materiem superabat opus. (L.) Ov. M. 2, 5.-The workmanship surpassed in value the material. Description

of the Palace of the Sun, the silver doors of which were enriched with embossed work by Vulcan. This may be said of any object of art where the material falls out of sight and the workmanship is everything.

2983. μαθοῦσιν αὐδω, κοὐ μαθοῦσι λήθομαι. (Gr.) Asch. Αg. 39. -I speak to those who understand, those who do not I purposely pass over. Like Verbum sap.

2984. Mature fieri senem, si diu velis esse senex. (L.) Prov. ap. Cic. Sen. 10, 32.-(The proverb says) You must be an old man young, if you would be an old man long.

2985. Maulesel treiben viel Parlaren

Dass ihre Voreltern Pferde waren.

Mules deliver big discourses,

Because their ancestors were horses.-Ed.

2986. Mauvaise honte. (Fr.)-False shame.

(G.) Prov.

2987. Maxima quæque domus servis est plena superbis. (L.) Juv. 5, 66.-Every great house is crowded with insolent


Every big house has a crowd of
Supercilious servants.-Shaw.

2988. Maximus in minimis. (L.)-Very great in very little things. A person who gives great attention to trifling objects.

2989. Mea culpa! (L.)-My fault! I am to blame.

2990. Mecum facile redeo in gratiam. (L.) Phædr. 5, 3, 6.-I easily effect a reconciliation with myself.

2991. Medice, cura te ipsum. (L.) Prov. Vulg. Luc. 4, 33.— Physician, heal thyself.

2992. Medicus dedit qui temporis morbo curam,

Is plus remedii quam cutis sector dedit.


physician who allows time for the cure of a disease, gives a better remedy than if he used the knife.

2993. Mediocria firma. (L.)-The middle station is the most secure. Motto of Earl of Verulam, and inscribed over his door at Gorhambury by Sir N. Bacon.

2994. Médiocre et rampant, et l'on arrive à tout. (Fr.) Beaum. Mar. de Figaro.-Be second-rate, cringe, and you may attain to anything. Cf. Omnia serviliter pro dominatione. (L.) Tac. H. 1, 36.-Servile in all things so it might lead him to power. Said of the Emperor Otho.

2995. Mediocribus esse poetis

Non Dii, non homines, non concessere columnæ.

(L.) Hor. A. P. 372.

But gods and men and booksellers agree

To place their ban on middling poetry.-Conington.

2996. Mediocritatem illam tenere, quæ est inter nimium et parum. (L.) Cic. Off. 1, 25, 89.-To observe that mediocrity which is the mean between too much and too little.

2997. Medio tutissimus ibis. (L.) safer to go in the middle.

tene.-Hold your course

Ov. M. 2, 137.-You will be And id. ibid., Inter utrumque between the two. Avoid ex

tremes. Phoebus' directions to Phaethon for guiding the chariot of the Sun.

2998. Me focus et nigros non indignantia fumos

Tecta juvant, et fons vivus et herba rudis.

Sit mihi verna satur: sit non doctissima conjux,

Sit nox cum somno, sit sine lite dies.

(L.) Mart. 2, 90, 7.

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