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1563. Ex otio plus negotii quam ex negotio habemus. (L.) Vet. Schol. ad Ennium in Iphigen.—Idleness gives us more to do than business.

1564. Ex parte. (L.)-Of the one part. Ex parte evidence only is heard by grand juries on the side of the prosecution.

Statements, evidence, commissions, are called ex parte where one side only speaks or acts, the other party not having been heard or refusing to join. Hence, any argument or statement which takes only one view of the case is called ex parte, in the sense of being one-sided and particular instead of general, and as expressing, more or less, an interested and biassed opinion.

1565. Ex pede Herculem. (L.)—You can judge of Hercules's stature by his foot. Judge of the whole of anything from the part. Cf. Ex ungue leonem.--You may tell the lion from his claw. The master's touch may be recognised from the smallest part of his work.

1566. Expedit esse deos, et ut expedit, esse putemus:

Dentur in antiquos thura merumque focos.

Nec secura quies illos similisque sopori
Detinet: innocui vivite, numen adest.

(L.) Ov. A. A. I, 637.

'Tis right there should be gods, therefore let's so believe, And wine and incense on time-honoured altars give : Nor do they rock themselves in heedless ease, or sleep: The Deity is here! watch o'er your actions keep !—Ed. 1567. Expende Hannibalem: quot libros in duce summo Invenies. (L.) Juv. 10, 147.

Weigh out Hannibal: see how many
Pounds there'll be in that great Captain !-Shaw.

1568. Experiar quid concedatur in illos

Quorum Flamminia tegitur cinis atque Latina. (L.) Juv. 1, 170.—I will try what I may against those whose dust lies buried by the Flaminian and the Latin ways. I will satirize the vices of the living under the names of the dead who cannot harm me.

Since none the living dare implead,

Arraign them in the persons of the dead. (?)

1569. Experientia docet. (L.) Prov.-Experience teaches. We learn by experience. Cf. Usus, magister egregius. Plin. Ep. 1, 20, 12.-That excellent master, Experience.

1570. Experimentum crucis. (L.)—The ordeal of the cross. A crucial experiment; a severe test.

1571. Experto credite. (L.) Virg. 11, 283.-Believe one who speaks from experience.

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'Experto crede" would mean I know what I am saying. Cf. the mediæval line, Quam subito, quam certo, experto crede Roberto.How suddenly and how certainly (it will come) you may learn from Robert, who speaks from experience. Also see Antonius de Arena († 1544) Poemat. (ad compagnones, vers. 3), Hier. Ep. 51, and Büchmann, Geflügelte Wörte, p. 305, where the saying is traced to other sources.

1572. Expliquera morbleu ! les femmes qui pourra.

(Fr.) Barthe, Fausses Infidélités.

Explain the women? Zounds! let him who can !-Ed.

1573. Exploranda est veritas. (L.) Phædr. 3, 10, 5.-The truth must be investigated.

1574. Explorant adversa viros, perque aspera duro

Nititur ad laudem virtus interrita clivo. (L.) Sil. 4, 605.
Adversity's the test of men; unterrified

Virtue fights up the rugged steep to fame.-Ed.

1575. Ex post facto. (L.) Law Max.-By something done afterwards. Laws enacted with retrospective effect intended to deal with a particular offence already committed, would come under the head of ex post facto legislation. 1576. Expressa nocent, non expressa non nocent.

(L.) Law Max. What is expressed may be prejudicial, what is not expressed cannot be so. With reference to the law of contracts and interpretation of deeds.

1577. Expressio unius, est exclusio alterius. (L.) Law Max.The express mention of one thing implies the exclusion of another.


A first principle in the construction of deeds. Covenants with express stipulations may not be extended by implication. conditions expressed are taken to express all the conditions affecting the parties to the agreement.

1578. Ex quovis ligno non fit Mercurius. (L.) Prov.-A Mercury is not to be made out of any piece of wood.

1579. Exsulis hæc vox est; præbet mihi litera linguam;

Et, si non liceat scribere, mutus ero. (L.) Ov. Ep. 2, 6, 3.
Foreign letters.

The voice of the exile, his pen is his word:

And were't not for letters, I should not be heard.-Ed.

1580. Ex tempore. (L.)-Off hand. Without deliberation or preparation applied to preachers or speakers who speak without a written discourse.

1581. Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus. (L.) Cf. S. Cyp. Ep. 4, 4,

and 73, 18.-Outside the Church there is no salvation.

Cf. S. Aug. vol. ix. 422 D. (Bened. Ed.), Extra Ecclesiam Catholicam totum potest præter salutem. Potest habere honorem, potest habere sacramentum, potest cantare Halleluia, potest respondere Amen, potest Evangelium tenere, potest in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti fidem et habere et prædicare: sed nusquam nisi in Ecclesia Catholica salutem poterit invenire.-Outside of the Catholick Church everything may be had except salvation. You may have Orders and Sacraments, you may sing Alleluia and answer Amen, you may hold the Gospel and have and preach the faith in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost: but nowhere except in the Catholick Church can salvation be found. 1582. Extra fortunam est, quidquid donatur amicis ; Quas dederis, solas semper habebis opes.

(L.) Mart. 5, 42, 7.

Who gives to friends so much from Fate secures,
That is the only wealth for ever yours.-Hay.

Cf. the Epitaph of Edward, Earl of Devon († 1419), and of Mabel
his wife :

What we gave, we have,

What we spent, we had,

What we left, we lost.

1583. Extrema gaudii luctus occupat.

And sorrow treads upon the heels of joy.

1584. Extremis malis, extrema remedia. demand extreme remedies.

(L.) ?

(L.)—Extreme evils

1585. Exuerint sylvestrem animum, cultuque frequenti,

In quascunque voces artes, haud tarda sequentur.
(L.) Virg. G. 2, 51.

They change their savage mind,

Their wildness lose, and quitting nature's part,
Obey the rules and discipline of art.-Dryden.

1586. Ex uno disce omnes. (L.)—From one example you may form an opinion of all.

1587. Ex uno puteo similior nunquam potest aqua aquai sumi. (L.) Plaut. Mil. 2, 6, 70.-You couldn't draw water liker to water out of the same well. As like as two peas.

1588. Fabas indulcat fames.


(L.) Prov.-Hunger sweetens beans. A good appetite gives a relish to the most humble fare.

1589. Fabrum esse suæ quemquam fortunæ. (L.) App. Claud. ap. Sall. de Rep. ord. 1.-Each man is the architect of his own fortunes. You are young, and the world is before you; but all depends upon your own exertions, Faber est quisquam fortunæ suæ, Each man is the architect, etc.

1590. Fabula (nec sentis) tota jactaris in urbe. (L.) Ov. Am. 3, 1, 21.—You don't know it, but you are the talk of all the town.

1591. Faciendi plures libros nullus est finis: frequensque meditatio, carnis afflictio est. (L.) Vulg. Eccles. xii. 12.— Of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.

1592. Facies non omnibus una,

Nec diversa tamen; qualem decet esse sororum. (L.) Ov. M. 2, 13.-The features were not the same in all, nor yet the difference great: but such as is the case between sisters. A family likeness.

1593. Facies tua computat annos. face tells your age.

(L.) Juv. 6, 199.-Your

1594. Facile est imperium in bonis. (L.) Plaut. Mil. 3, 1, 17.It is easy to rule over the good.

1595. Facile est inventis addere. (L.) It is easy to add to things already invented.

1596. Facile largiri de alieno. (L.) See Just. 36, 3, 9.—It is easy to be generous with other people's property.

1597. Facile omnes cum valemus recta consilia ægrotis damus.

Tu, si hic sis, aliter sentias. (L.) Ter. And. 2, 1, 9.
When we are well, we can all give good advice to the sick.
You, if you were in my place, would judge otherwise.

1598. Facile princeps. (L.)-Easily the first.

ahead of all the rest; by far the best.

1599. Facilis descensus Averno;

Noctes atque dies patet atri janua Ditis;

A long way

Sed revocare gradum superasque evadere ad auras,
Hoc opus, hic labor est.

(L.) Virg. A. 6, 126.

The descent to the Lower World.

Smooth the descent and easy is the way;
(The Gates of Hell stand open night and day):
But to return, and view the cheerful skies,

In this the task and mighty labour lies.-Dryden


Applicable to the ease with which men fall into vicious habits, and the difficulty of retracing their steps. Cf. Vulg. St Matt. vii. 13. Lata porta, et spatiosa via est quæ ducit ad perditionem, et multi sunt qui intrant per eam.- -Wide is the gate, etc.

1600. Facilius crescit quam inchoatur dignitas. (L.) ?—It is more easy to gain an accession of dignity, than its first step. The first round of the ladder of advancement accomplished, the rest is easy.

1601. Facinus audax incipit

Qui cum opulento pauper homine cœpit rem habere aut negotium. (L.) Plaut. Aul. 3, 4, 1.-It is a very bold thing for a poor man to begin having business transactions with a rich one.

1602. Facinus est vincire civem Romanum, scelus verberare, prope parricidium necare: quid dicam in crucem tollere? verbo satis digno tam nefaria res appellari nullo potest. (L.) Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 66, § 170.-It is a grave offence even to bind a Roman citizen, a crime to flog him, almost the act of a parricide to put him to death: what shall I then call crucifying him? Language worthy of such an enormity it is impossible to find.

1603. Facinus majoris abollæ. (L.) Juv. 3, 115.-A crime of more dignified station.

He is speaking of a murder committed by a stoic who wore the abolla, or philosopher's robe.

deeper dye.

1604. Facinus quos inquinat æquat.

Improperly, it might a crime of

(L.) Lucan. 5, 290.

Crime, where it stains, brands all with level rank.-Ed.

A mutual consciousness of guilt places men on an equal footing of degradation.

1605. Facis de necessitate virtutem. (L.) Hier. adv. Ruf. 3, 1. -You are making a virtue out of necessity.

1606. Facito aliquid operis, ut te semper diabolus inveniat occupatum. (L.) Hier. 1, 14, A.-Always be doing something, that the devil may find you engaged.

1607. Faciunt næ intelligendo, ut nihil intelligant. (L.) Ter. And. Prol. 17. They are so knowing, that they know nothing at all.

1608. Façon de parler. (Fr.)—A way of speaking.

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