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1511. Etsi pervivo usque ad summam ætatem tamen

Breve spatium est perferundi, quæ minitas mihi. (L.) Plaut. Capt. 3, 5, 84 (Tyndarus to Hegio, loq.).—Even if I should live to extreme old age, it would not be long enough to endure all you threaten me with.

1512. Et tenuit nostras numerosus Horatius aures, Dum ferit Ausonia carmina culta lyra.

(L.) Ov. T. 4, 10, 49.

With rhythmic numbers Horace charmed our ears
Tuning th' Ausonian lyre to polish'd verse.-Ed.

1513. Et vaincre sans péril serait vaincre sans gloire. (Fr.) Scudéry, L'Arminius.-And to conquer without danger would be to conquer without glory. Copied from a line in Corneille's Cid, 1, 1.

1514. Et veniam pro laude peto: laudatus abunde,

Non fastiditus si tibi, lector, ero. (L.) Ov. T. 1, 7, 31.
Pardon not praise I seek; enough I'm praised,

If, on perusal, no disgust be raised.-Ed.

1515. Et voilà justement comme on écrit l'histoire! (Fr.) Volt. Charlot, 1, 7.-That is precisely how history is written! A jumble of errors, lies, hypotheses, probabilities, and prejudices.

1516. Euge poeta! (L.) Pers. 1, 75.-Bravo Poet!

1517. Eruxía roλúpidos. (Gr.)?-Good fortune has many friends. 1518. Eventu rerum stolidi didicere magistro. (L.) Claud. Eutr. 2, 489.-The issue of things is the master for teaching dullards.

Cf. Liv. 22, 39, Eventus docet; stultorum iste magister est. - The event, which is always your fools' teacher, proves it.

1519. Ex abundante cautela. (L.)-From excessive precaution. 1520. Ex abundantia cordis os loquitur. (L.) Prov. Vulg. Matt. xii. 34.-Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.

1521. Ex abusu non arguitur ad usum. (L.) Law Max.-The abuse of anything is no argument against its proper use. (2.) Ex abusu non argumentum ad desuetudinem.-The abuse of anything is no argument for its discontinuance. 1522. Ex cathedrâ. (L.)-From the chair.

Solemn decisions of the Pope or Bishop, delivered from the Cathedra or Episcopal Seat, are so termed, denoting official and authoritative pronouncements as distinguished from mere personal utterances. Decisions of a judge on the Bench, or of a professor in the lecture-room, would also be similarly designed.

1523. Exceptio probat regulam. (L.) Law Max.-The exception

[blocks in formation]

1524. Excepto quod non simul esses, cætera lætus. (L.) With the exception that you were not with me, I was otherwise


1525. Excerpta. (L.)-Extracts.

1526. Excessit ex ephebis. (L.)

come of age.

From any work.

Ter. And. 1, 1, 24.-He has

1527. Excidat illa dies ævo, nec postera credant

Sæcula; nos certe taceamus, et obruta multa
Nocte tegi propriæ patiamur crimina gentis. (L.) Statius
Syl. 5, 2.-Let that day be blotted out of the record of
time, and future ages know it not: Let us at least be
silent, and allow many crimes of our own race to be buried
in the grave of night. Quoted by President de Thou
à propos of the St Bartholomew massacres.

1528. Excitari non hebescere. (L.)-To be capable of excitement, not to be sluggish. Motto of Lord Walsingham.

1529. Ex concesso. (L.)-From what has been conceded. An argument based upon your opponent's admissions.

1530. Ex curia. (L.)-Out of court.

1531. Excusatio non petita, fit accusatio manifesta. (L.) Law Max. An uncalled for exculpation is plain self-accusation. Cf. The French proverb, Qui s'excuse, s'accuse.Who excuses himself, accuses himself.

1532. Ex debito justitiæ. (L.)—From a regard to justice. 1533. Ex desuetudine amittuntur privilegia. (L.) Law Max.Rights are forfeited by disuse.

1534. Ex diuturnitate temporis omnia præsumuntur rite et solemniter esse acta. (L.) Law Max.-All acts established for a length of time are presumed to have been rightly and regularly done.

1535. Ex dolo malo non oritur actio. (L.) Law Max.-No right of action can rise out of fraud. E.g., a loan is advanced by B to C, in consideration that C would abstain from prosecuting B for embezzlement; this being a fraudulent compact, B would have no right of recovery of his loan.

1536. Exeat aula Qui vult esse pius. Virtus et summa potestas Non coeunt. Semper metuet, quem sæva pudebunt. (L.) Lucan. 8, 493.

Let all who prize their honour quit the court:

Virtue with sovereign power seldom mates,

And he's not safe who still can blush at blood.-Ed.

1537. Exegi monumentum ære perennius

Regalique situ pyramidum altius;

Quod non imber edax, non Aquilo impotens
Possit diruere, aut innumerabilis

Annorum series, aut fuga temporum.
Non omnis moriar; multaque pars mei
Vitabit Libitinam.

The Poet's Fame.

Finished my monument of song,

(L.) Hor. C. 3, 30, 1.

More durable than bronze, more strong;
And loftier than the royal pile

Of Pyramid by distant Nile.

Nor can the slowly-sapping rains,

Or North-wind's impotence, or trains
Of endless years, or lapse of time

Obliterate the poet's rhyme.

Not all shall perish; much I've said
Shall 'scape the Goddess of the dead.-Ed.

1538. Exempli gratiâ, or e.g. (L.)—For example.
1539. Exemplo quodcunque malo committitur ipsi
Displicet auctori; prima hæc ultio, quod, se
Judice, nemo nocens absolvitur. (L.) Juv. 13, 1.-
Every deed of a criminal nature is condemned by the
doer of it himself. This is the immediate revenge that,
acting himself as judge, the guilty person cannot be
acquitted. He stands self-condemned.

1540. Exemplumque Dei quisque est in imagine parva. (L.) Manil. Astr. 4, 895.-Each man is the copy of his God Man is made in the image and likeness of the

in small.

1541. Exercent illi sociæ commercia linguæ :

Per gestum res est significanda mihi. (L.) Ov. T. 5, 10, 35.-They converse together in a common language, while with me everything has to be expressed by gestures. The traveller abroad.

1542. Exeunt omnes. (L.)—All go out. Common stage direction. 1543. Ex facto jus oritur. (L.) Law Max.-The law arises out of the fact. In a trial, the facts of the case have first to be ascertained, usually by a jury, and thereupon judgment delivered.

1544. Ex humili magna ad fastigia rerum

Extollit, quoties voluit fortuna jocari. (L.) Juv. 3, 39.
Fortune, whene'er it suits her freakish pranks

Lifts man from nothing to the proudest ranks.-Ed.

1545. Exigite ut mores teneros ceu pollice ducat, Ut si quis cera vultum facit.

(L.) Juv. 7, 237.

Bid him their plastic natures shape with thumb
Like one who moulds in wax some portrait dumb.—Ed.

1546. Exigua est virtus, præstare silentia rebus;

At contra gravis est culpa, tacenda loqui. (L.) Ov. A. A. 2, 603.—It is a small virtue to preserve silence on matters, but a grave fault, on the other hand, to repeat what should be kept secret.

1547. Exigui numero, sed bello vivida virtus. (L.) Virg. A. 5, 754. A gallant band, in number few,

In spirit resolute to dare.-Conington.

1548. Exilioque domos et dulcia limina mutant

Atque alio patriam quærunt sub sole jacentem.

The Emigrants.

(L.) Virg. G. 2, 511.

Forth from familiar scenes the exiles roam,
To seek 'neath other suns another home.-Ed.

1549. Exilis domus est, ubi non et multa supersunt,
Et dominum fallunt, et prosunt furibus.

(L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 6, 45.

It's a poor house which not great substance leaves,
To 'scape the master's eye, and fatten thieves.-Ed.

1550. Eximia veste et victu convivia, ludi,

Pocula crebra, unguenta, coronæ, serta parantur,
Nequidquam quoniam medio de fonte leporum
Surgit amari aliquid, quod in ipsis floribus angat.
(L.) Lucret. 4, 1127.

Surgit amari aliquid.

Go, deck the board with damask fine,

Cheer of the best, and mirth and wine:

Fill fast the cups, and in their train

Bring perfumes, wreaths-'Tis all in vain !
'Mid the full flood of revelries,

Some drop of bitterness will rise

To dash the pleasure of the hour,

And poison each delightsome flower.-Ed.

Byron (Childe Harold, Cant. 1, St. 82) has

Still from the fount of joy's delicious springs

Some bitter o'er the flowers its bubbling venom flings.

1551. Existimo in summo imperatore quatuor has res inesse oportere; scientiam rei militaris, virtutem, auctoritatem, felicitatem. (L.) Cic. Leg. Man. 10, 28.

Qualifications of a General.

I consider that a Commander-in-chief ought to possess these four qualities: a knowledge of warfare, courage, authority, and a lucky


1552. Exitio est avidum mare nautis. (L.) Hor. C. 1, 28, 18.— Sailors meet their fate from the voracious sea.

1553. Exitus acta probat. (L.) Ov. H. 2, 85.-The event justifies the deed.

1554. Exitus in dubio est: audebimus ultima, dixit;

Viderit audentes forsne Deusne juvet. (L.) Ov. F. 2, 781.
Doubt shrouds th' event; but we'll dare all, he said,
And see if chance or God the daring aid.-Ed.

1555. Ex magna cœna stomacho fit maxima pœna,
Ut sis nocte levis, sit tibi cœna brevis.

Who sups too well pays vengeance fell;
From suppers light comes quiet night.--Ed.

1556. Ex malis moribus bonæ leges natæ sunt.
Good laws arise out of bad morals.

1557. Ex mero motu.

free will.

1558. Ex necessitate rei. 1559. Ex nihilo nihil fit.


(L.) Coke?—

(L.)—From mere motion. Of one's own

(L.)-From the necessity of the case.
(L.)-From nothing nothing can come.

1560. Ex noto fictum carmen sequar, ut sibi quivis
Speret idem, sudet multum frustraque laboret
Ausus idem.

(L.) Hor. A. P. 240.

A hackneyed subject I would take and treat

So deftly, all should hope to do the feat.

Then, having strained and struggled, should concede
To do the feat were difficult indeed.-Conington.

Cf. Pascal, Pensées, 1, 3.-Les meilleurs livres sont ceux que chaque lecteur croit qu'il aurait pu faire. (Fr.)—The best books are those which each reader thinks he could have written himself. 1561. Ex officio. (L.)—By virtue of his office. Officially. 1562. Exoriare aliquis nostris ex ossibus ultor.

(L.) Virg. A. 4, 625.

Rise from my ashes, some avenger, rise !-Ed.

Dying imprecation of Dido upon the false Æneas, and said to have been written with the point of his sword on the walls of his dungeon by Philip Strozzi before killing himself, when imprisoned by Cosmo I., Grand Duke of Tuscany.

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