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1465. Et amârunt me quoque Nymphæ. (L.)

Ov. M. 3, 456.I too have been loved by the Nymphs. I too have found women to love me. Words of Narcissus on being unable to grasp his own reflection in the water.

1466. “H тàv ý ẻπì Tàv. (Gr.)—Either this, or upon this! Parting words of the Spartan mother on handing her son the shield he was to carry into battle. He was to be brought back upon the shield, if he brought it not back. himself.

1467. Et ces deux grands débris se consolaient entre eux. (Fr.) Delille, Sardins.—And these two ruined monuments mutually consoled each other. Originally written of Marius amid the ruins of Carthage, the line has before now been quoted of any two elderly people sitting apart in a company much their junior.

1468. Et c'est être innocent que d'être malheureux. (Fr.) La Font. Nymphes de Vaux.-And misfortune's the proof of a man's innocence.

1469. Et decus et pretium recti. (L.)—At once the ornament and the reward of virtue. Motto of the Duke of Grafton and Lord Southampton.

1470. Etenim omnes artes quæ ad humanitatem pertinent, habent quoddam commune vinculum, et quasi cognatione quadam inter se continentur. (L.) Cic. Arch. 1, 2.—All the civilising arts have a sort of common bond, and are connected by a certain relationship with each other. Painting, poetry, and music, e.g., have close affinities with one another.

1471. Et facere et pati fortiter Romanum est. (L.) Liv. 2, 12. -Brave deeds and brave suffering is the Roman fashion. 1472. Et genus et virtus, nisi cum re, vilior alga est.

(L.) Hor. S. 2, 5, 8.

Yet family and worth, without the staff

Of wealth to lean on, are the veriest draff.-Conington.

1473. Oos. (Gr.)—Character, disposition. The moral impression conveyed by a speaker or writer to his hearers or readers. Moral tone, or spirit. Any great work of art has also its special os, to be impressed on the mind of the attentive spectator, who will carry away the idea (teaching) peculiarly belonging to it.

1474. Etiam capillus unus habet umbram suam. Even a single hair casts a shadow.

of importance.

1475. Etiam celeritas in desiderio, mora est. long for a thing haste itself is slow.

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The slightest clue is

(L.) When we

1476. Etiam fortes viros subitis terreri. (L.) Tac. A. 15, 59.— Even the bravest men may be alarmed by a surprise.

1477. Etiam oblivisci quod scis, interdum expedit. (L.) Pub. Syr. It is sometimes expedient to forget what one knows.

1478. Etiam sanato vulnere cicatrix manet.

(L.)?—Though the wound is healed, a scar remains. Wrongs forgiven are not always forgotten.

1479. Et jam summa procul villarum culmina fumant, Majoresque cadunt altis de montibus umbra.

Approach of Evening.

(L.) Virg. E. 1, 83.

Far off the smoke of farmsteads now ascends,

The mountain's brow its lengthening shadow bends.-Ed.

1480. Et je dis au danseurs d'un si grave maintien :


Cèdez-moi vos vingt ans si vous n'en faites rien. Lacretelle, 1805.—And I said to solemn-looking dancers, Give me your twenty years (youth) if you are making no use of it. A sort of Byronic languor was the mode of the day, even affecting dancing which was gone through in a dreamy abstracted manner, hateful to the poet who remembered with pleasure the lively figuring of the ballgoers of his youth.

1481. Et latro, et cautus præcingitur ense viator;

Ille sed insidias, hic sibi portat opem. (L.) Ov. T. 2, 271.
Both thief and wary traveller wear a knife;
The one to take, the other save a life. -Ed.

1482. Et mala sunt vicina bonis; errore sub illo

Pro vitio virtus crimina sæpe dedit. (L.) Ov. R. A. 323.
Bad is akin to good: through this caprice
Virtue has often borne the blame of vice.-Ed.

1483. Et mea cymba semel vasta percussa procella,
Illum, quo læsa est, horret adire locum.

(L.) Ov. T. 1, 1, 85.

My bark once shivered by the tempest's shock,
Dreads to approach the spot where she was struck.- Ed.

1484. Et me fecere poetam

Pierides sunt et mihi carmina me quoque dicunt
Vatem pastores; sed non ego credulus illis.

(L.) Virg. E. 9, 32.

Me too a poet have the Muses made;
Songs I can boast: the shepherds call me bard:
But what of that? I heed not what they say.--Ed.

1485. Et mihi res, non me rebus, subjungere conor.

(L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 1, 19.—I try to govern circumstances, not be led by them.

1486. Et monere, et moneri, proprium est veræ amicitiæ.


Cic. Am. 25, 91.—To advise and to take advice is the mark of true friendship.

1487. Et nati natorum, et qui nascentur ab illis. (L.)?—The children of our children, and those who shall be born of them. Our posterity to the latest period. These things will affect not only ourselves, but likewise our nati natorum, etc.

1488. Et neque jam color est misto candore rubori

Nec vigor, et vires, et quæ modo visa placebant.
(L.) Ov. M. 1, 491.


Faded his cheek, the blended white and red

And strength and vigour, all that charmed, had fled.-Ed.

1489. Et nova factaque nuper habebunt verba fidem, si

Græco fonte cadunt parce detorta. (L.) Hor. A. P. 52.
New words will find acceptance, if they flow

Forth from the Greek, with just a twist or so.-Conington.

1490. Et nucibus facimus quæcunque relictis. (L.) Pers. 1, 10. -And all the kind of things we do when we have abandoned the games of early life.

1491. Et nulli cessura fides, sine crimine mores,

Nudaque simplicitas, purpureusque pudor.

(L.) Ov. Am. 1, 3, 13.

Trusty good faith, a life without a stain;
Of blushing purity, of manners plain.-Ed.

1492. Et nunc omnis ager, nunc omnis parturit arbos;
Nunc frondent sylvæ, nunc formosissimus annus.
(L.) Virg. E. 3, 56.

Now fields and trees all blossoming appear,
Leafy the woods, and loveliest the year.-Ed.

1493. Et pudet, et metuo, semperque eademque precari,

Ne subeant animo tædia justa tuo. (L.) Ov. Ep. 4, 15, 29.—I am ashamed and fear to be always making the same requests, lest you should conceive a well-deserved disgust of me.

1494. Et quærit, posito pignore, vincat uter. (L.) Ov. A. A. 1, 168.—And having deposited his stakes, enquires which would win. Betting upon a race.

1495. Et quæ sibi quisque timebat,

Unius in miseri exitium conversa tulere. (L.) Virg. A. 2, 130. And what each man dreaded for himself, they bore lightly, when turned to the destruction of one miserable creature.

[And hailed the doom], content to see

The bolt that threatened all alike
One solitary victim strike.-Conington.

1496. Et quando uberior vitiorum copia? Quando
Major avaritiæ patuit sinus? Alea quando
Hos animos?

What age so large a crop of vices bore,

Or when was avarice extended more,

(L.) Juv. 1, 87.

When were the dice with more profusion thrown ?-Dryden.

1497. Et quiescenti agendum est, et agenti quiescendum est. (L.) Sen. The indolent should work, and those who labour should take repose.

1498. Et qui nolunt occidere quenquam

Posse volunt.

And they who do not wish to kill

(L.) Juv. 10, 96.

Like to be able, should they will.-Ed.

1499. Et quisquam ingenuas etiam nunc suspicit artes,
Aut tenerum dotes carmen habere putat?
Ingenium quondam fuerat pretiosius auro:
At nunc barbaries grandis habere nihil.

(L.) Ov. Am. 3, 8, 1.

Is there any one nowadays honours the arts,
Or thinks that sweet verse has its due recompense?
More than gold were prized formerly talents and parts:
But now they're a drug in this sad decadence.-Ed.

1500. Être aimable, charmer, ce n'est pas si facile,
Quand on se fait aimer, on n'est pas inutile.

(Fr.) Ratisbonne, Coméd. Enfantine. To be amiable, charming 's not done with such ease; They've a useful career who have learnt how to please. -Ed.

1501. Être capable de se laisser servir n'est pas une des moindres qualités que puisse avoir un grand roi. (Fr.) Richelieu, Testament Pol.-The capacity of allowing one's self to be served by others is not one of the least qualities which distinguish a great king.

1502. Être de trop. (Fr.)-To be in the way.

To be one too many. My room was evidently more desired than my company; I was clearly de trop, and so I retired.

1503. Être

pauvre sans être libre, c'est le pire état où l'homme puisse tomber. (Fr.) Rouss. To be poor without being free, is the worst situation in which man can be placed.

1504. Être

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reçu comme un chien dans un jeu de quilles. (Fr.) Prov.-To be received like a dog in a game of skittles. 1505. Être rigoureux pour les particuliers qui font gloire de mépriser les lois, c'est être bon pour le public on ne saurait faire un plus grand crime contre les intérêts publics qu'en se rendant indulgent envers ceux qui les violent. (Fr.) Richelieu, Testament Pol.-To act with rigour towards those individuals who glory in despising the laws, is to consult the public good. one could not

commit a greater crime against public interests, than to show indulgence to those who violate them.

1506. Être sur le qui vive. (Fr.)-To be on the alert.

1507. Être sur un grand pied dans le monde. (Fr.)-To be on a great footing (in flourishing circumstances) in the world.

1508. Et sæpe usque adeo, mortis formidine, vitæ

Percipit humanos odium, lucisque videndæ,

Ut sibi consciscant morenti pectore lethum.


(L.) Lucret. 3, 79.

And oft, thro' fear of dying, men conceive
Hatred of life and to behold the light:

So much that they with sorrow-laden hearts
Inflict their deaths upon themselves !-Ed.

1509. Et sequentia, et seqq., or seqq. (L.)—And the following. The rest of the passage referred to, etcetera.

1510. Et sic de similibus. (L.)—And so of all such like. Other similar things are to be done in the same manner.

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