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1377. En hæc promissa fides est? (L.) Virg A. 6, 346.—Is this the fulfilment of his promise?

1378. En hic declarat, quales sitis judices. (L.) Phædr. 5, 5, 38.-This shows, my friends, what good judges you are! 1379. En la rose je fleuris. (Fr.)-In the rose I flourish. Motto of the Duke of Richmond.

1380. En los nidos de antaño
No hay pajaros hogaño.
Quijote, 2, 74.-There are

year's nests.

1381. En masse.


(S.) Prov. Cervantes, D. no this year's birds in last

(Fr.)—In a body. (2.) En foule, in a crowd.

1382. Ἐν ὄρφνῃ δραπέτης μέγα σθένει. (Gr.) Eurip. Rhes. 69. Cowards are very mighty in the dark.

1383. En pudet, et fateor, jam desuetudine longa

Vix subeunt ipsi verba Latina mihi. (L.) Ov. T. 5, 7, 57.

I own with shame that discontinuance long

Makes me well nigh forget the Latin tongue.-Ed.

1384. En revanche. (Fr.)—In revenge. In return; to make amends, or requital.

1385. En sa maison Le dos au feu, le ventre à table.

(Fr.) Maynard?

At home he'll sit down: eat as long as he's able

With his back to the fire, his face to the table.-Ed.

1386. En suivant la vérité. (Fr.)—In following the truth. Motto of Earl of Portsmouth.

1387. Ἐν τῷ φρονεῖν γὰρ μηδὲν ἥδιστος βίος. (Gr.) Soph. Αj. 553. The happiest life consists in feeling nothing.

1388. En toute chose il faut considérer la fin. (Fr.) La Font. Le Renard et le Bouc.—In everything one must consider the end. Cf. In omnibus operibus tuis memorare novis: sima tua, et in æternum non peccabis. (L.) Vulg. Ecclus. 7, 40.-Whatsoever thou takest in hand, remember the end and thou shalt never do amiss.

1389. Entre chien et loup.


(Fr.)-Between dog and wolf.

1390. Entre deux vins. (Fr.)—Neither drunk nor sober. Half seas over; mellow.

1391. Entre esprit et talent il y a la proportion du tout à sa partie. (Fr.) La Bruy. Car. vol. ii. p. 80.-Wit is to talent, as the whole is to a part.

1392. Entre le bon sens et le bon goût il y a la différence de la cause à son effet. (Fr.) La Bruy. Car. vol. ii. p. 80.Between good sense and good taste, there is the same difference as between cause and effect.

1393. Entre nos ennemis Les plus à craindre sont souvent les plus petits. (Fr.) La Font. Lion et Moucheron.— Among our enemies, the most to be dreaded are often the smallest.

1394. Entre nous.


(Fr.)-Between ourselves.

Privately; con

1395. En vérité, ce siècle est un mauvais moment. (Fr.) Musset? -In truth this age is an evil time.

1396. En vérité l'amour ne saurait être profond, s'il n'est pas pur. (Fr.) Comte ?—Love will in truth never be deep, if it is not pure.

1397. En vieillissant on devient plus fou et plus sage. (Fr.) La Rochef. ?—As men get old they become at once more foolish

and more wise.

1398. Envie passe avarice. (Fr.) Prov.-Envy surpasses avarice.

1399. "Ежεα πтерóevra. (Gr.) Hom. Il. 1, 201.-Winged words. Ἔπεα πτερόεντα. 1400. Eppur si muove! (It.)—And yet it moves!

Reputed saying of Galileo Galilei († 1642), on his abjuration of his celebrated Dialogue on Sun spots and the Sun's rotation, before the Inquisition in 1632.

1401. Equidem multos et vidi in hac civitate et audivi, non modo qui primoribus labris gustassent genus hoc vitæ et extremis, ut dicitur, digitis attigissent, sed qui totam adolescentiam voluptatibus dedissent, emersisse aliquando et se ad frugem bonam, ut dicitur, recepisse, gravesque homines atque illustres fuisse. (L.) Cic. Col. 12, 28.

Wild Oats.

I myself have seen and heard of many men in Rome who had not merely taken a brief sip of this kind of life, and just touched it with the tips of their fingers, as the phrase goes, but who abandoned the whole period of their youth to the pursuit of pleasure. Yet afterwards they emerged, and became what is called "reformed," and even turned out quite sober and distinguished members of society.

1402. Equi frænato est auris in ore. (L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 15, 13. A horse when bridled listens through his jaws.-Conington.

1403. Equus Sejanus. (L.)-The horse of Seius, which, from the circumstance of four of its owners dying in succession soon after acquiring the animal, came to be proverbial for any possession that carried ill-luck with it. E.g., Ille homo habet equum Seianum. Gell. Sejan. 3, 9, 6.That fellow has got Seius' horse. I don't envy his luck.

1404. Era già l'ora, che volge 'l disio

A' naviganti, e'ntenerisce il cuore

Lo di ch' han detto a dolci amici a Dio;
E che lo nuovo peregrin d'amore

Punge, se ode squilla di lontano

Che paia 'l giorno pianger, che si muore.

The sunset hour.

(It.) Dante, Purg. 8, 1.

Now was the hour that wakens fond desire

In men at sea, and melts their thoughtful heart
Who in the morn have bid sweet friends farewell,
And pilgrim, newly on his road, with love
Thrills if he hear the vesper bell from far

That seems to mourn for the expiring day.-Cary.

Cf. Statius, S. 4, 6, 3, Jam moriente die; and Gray (Elegy), The curfew tolls the knell of parting day.

1405. Erant quibus appetentior famæ videretur, quando etiam sapientibus cupido gloriæ novissima exuitur. (L.) Tac. H. 4, 6.—There were some who thought him (Helvidius Priscus) a little too eager for fame, and indeed even by the wise the thirst for glory is the last passion to be laid aside.

Cf. Plato, ap. Athenæum, 11, 116, p. 507, "Eoxaтos λéyeraι TŵV παθῶν χιτών ἡ φιλοδοξία, διότι τῶν ἄλλων πολλάκις δι ̓ αὐτὴν ἀποδυομένων αὕτη προσίσχεται μᾶλλον τῇ ψυχῇ. (Gr.)—The Love of glory is called the last garment of the passions; for when other feelings are laid aside for her sake, she clings all the more to the soul.

And Milton, Lycidas, 70:

Fame is the spur that the clear spirit doth raise
(That last infirmity of noble mind)

To scorn delights, and live laborious days.

1406. Erase que se era. (S.) Prov. ap. Cervantes, D. Quijote, 1, 20. What has been, has been.

1406Α. Ἔργα νέων βουλαί τε μέσων εὐχαί τε γερόντων.


Hes. The work of the young, the counsels of the middleaged, and the prayers of the old. Quot. by Sir A. Grant (Nicomachean Ethics).

1407. Er geht herum, wie die Katze um den heissen Brei. (G.) Prov. He goes round, like a cat round hot porridge.

1408. Ergo haud difficile est perituram arcessere summam, Lancibus oppositis, vel matris imagine fracta.

The spendthrift.

(L.) Juv. 11, 17.

The soon-spent sum is quickly got on trust;
He pawns his plate, his mother's fractured bust.-Ed.

1409. Ergo vivida vis animi pervicit, et extra

Processit longe flammantia monia mundi :

Atque omne immensum peragravit mente animoque ;
Unde refert nobis victor quid possit oriri

Quid nequeat finita potestas denique quoique
Quanam sit ratione, atque alte terminus hærens.


(L.) Lucret. 1, 73.

The living vigour of his mind prevailed

And the bright bastions of the world outsailed:
His reason and his soul's intelligence

Swept the whole area of that void immense;

Thence he returned victorious to declare

What men might hope for, and what cease to fear;

The law, in fine, by which all power that is

Lies within fixed unvarying boundaries.-Ed.

1410. Eripe te mora. (L.) Hor. 3, 29, 5.-Away with all delay! 1411. Eripe turpi Colla jugo. Liber, liber sum, dic age. Non quis. (L.) Hor. S. 2, 7, 91.

The henpecked husband.

Break the vile bondage; cry

I'm free, I'm free! Alas, you cannot.-Conington.

1412. Eripit interdum, modo dat medicina salutem,

Quæque juvans monstrat, quæque sit herba nocens.


(L.) Ov. T. 2, 269.

Medicine now injures health, and now bestows,

And herbs that heal from those that hurt, she shows. -Ed. 1413. Eripuit cœlo fulmen sceptrumque tyrannis. (L.) Turgot? -Heaven's bolts he robbed, and of their sceptres kings. Inscription for the bust of Franklin by Houdon. The allusion is, of course, to the discovery of the lightning-conductor, and the emancipation of the American colonies from the English rule. The line seems to be an adaptation of Manilius' (Astr. 1, 10) Eripuitque Jovi fulmen viresque tonandi, already imitated by the Cardinal de Polignac (Anti-Lucretius, 1, 96) in Eripuit fulmenque Jovi, Phaboque sagittas. Franklin himself criticised the complimentary words in a letter to Nogaret: "Je vous ferai seulement remarquer deux inexactitudes dans le vers original. Malgré mes expériences

sur l'électricité, la foudre tombe toujours à votre nez et à votre barbe, et quant au tyran, nous avons été plus d'un million d'hommes occupés à lui arracher son sceptre.

1414. Ernst ist das Leben, heiter ist die Kunst. (G.) Schill. Wallenstein Prol.-Life is earnest, art is cheerful.

1415. Errare humanum est, perseverare diabolicum. (L.) ?—To err is human, to continue in sin devilish. All will remember the line of Pope, Essay on Criticism, p. 12, 325:

To err is human, to forgive divine.

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1416. Errare malo cum Platone, quam cum istis vera sentire. (L.) Cic. Tusc. 1, 17, 39.—I prefer to err in company with Plato, than to think rightly with those men. would rather be mistaken and take a wrong view of the case on the authority of A or on the side of B, than follow a multitude of wiseacres who are persuaded that all the world is wrong except themselves.

1417. Errat longe mea quidem sententia

Qui imperium credit gravius esse aut stabilius

Vi quod fit, quam illud quod amicitia adjungitur. (L.) Ter. Ad. 1, 1, 42.-He is much mistaken, in my opinion, who thinks that authority exerted by force, is more weighty and more lasting than that which is enjoined by kindness. 1418. Es bildet ein Talent sich in der Stille,

Sich ein Charakter in dem Strom der Welt. (G.) Goethe, Tasso, 1, 2.—A talent is developed in retirement, character is formed in the rush of the world.

1419. E se finxit velut araneus. (L.)-He spun from himself like a spider. Said of a writer who draws his materials, not from his reading, but from his own "inner consciousness."

1420. Esel singen schlecht, weil sie zu hoch anstimmen. (G.) Prov.-Asses sing villainously, because they pitch their notes too high.

1421. Es ist nur eine Religion, aber es kann vielerlei Arten des Glaubens geben. (G.) Kant?--There is only one true Religion, but there may be many forms of belief.

1422. Espérance en Dieu. (Fr.)-Hope in God. Motto of the Duke of Northumberland.

1423. Esprit de corps. (Fr.)-Professional zeal or spirit. Zeal for the profession or order to which a man belongs. Thus the Army, the Bar, Medicine, and other professions are or should be animated by esprit de corps.

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