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1287. Dum vitant stulti vitia, in contraria currunt.

(L.) Hor. S. 1, 2, 24.

To escape one vice, fools rush into extremes.-Ed.

Cf. Est huic diverso vitio vitium prope majus. Hor. Ep. 1, 18, 5.
A different vice there is, perhaps a worse.-Conington.

1288. Dum vivimus, vivamus. (L.)—Inscr. Gruter.—While we live, let us enjoy life.

Enjoy life while you can.

"Live while you live," the epicure would say,

"And seize the pleasures of the present day."-Doddridge.

(2.) Manducemus et bibamus, cras enim moriemur. Vulg. Cor. 1,
15, 32.-Let us eat and drink for to-morrow we die.

(3.) Dum licet, in rebus jucundis vive beatus,
Vive memor quam sis ævi brevis.

Hor. S. 2, 6, 96.

Then take, good sir, your pleasure while you may,

With life so short, 'twere wrong to lose a day.-Conington. (4.) Dum fata sinunt, vivite læti. (L.) Sen. Herc. Fur. 177.While fate allows, live happily.

(5.) Sapias, vina liques et spatio brevi

Spem longam reseces. Dum loquimur, fugerit invida
Etas carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero.
Hor. C. 1, 11, 6.

Strain your wine, and prove your wisdom: life is short, should
hope be more?

In the moment of our talking, envious time has slipped away.
Seize the present; trust to-morrow e'en as little as you may.

(6.) Indulge genio, carpamus dulcia; nostrum est
Quod vivis cinis et manes et fabula fies.

Vive memor leti: fugit hora; hoc, quod loquor, inde est.

Pers. 5, 151.

Stint not then your inclination, pluck the rose-bud while you


It is ours the living moment, soon you'll be but dust and clay.
Think of death: the hour's flying, what I speak is sped away.

1289. D'un dévot souvent au chrétien véritable


La distance est deux foix plus longue, à mon avis,
Que du pôle antarctique, au détroit de Davis. (Fr.) Boil.?

'Twixt a true Christian and a devotee

The distance, to my mind, is twice as great

As from the Antarctic Pole to Davis' Strait.-Ed.

1290. Duplex est omnino jocandi genus: unum illiberale, petulans, flagitiosum, obscoenum; alterum elegans, urbanum, ingeniosum, facetum. (L.) Cic. Off. 1, 29, 104.-There are two kinds of joking. There is the ungentlemanly,

rude, outrageous, or filthy class of jokes: and there is the refined, witty, clever, and humorous species.

1291. Dura aliquis præcepta vocet mea; dura fatemur Esse; sed ut valeas, multa dolenda feres.

(L.) Ov. R. A. 225.

Hard precepts these, one says; I own they are:
But health to gain much hardship must you bear.-Ed.

1292. Dura Exerce imperia, et ramos compesce fluentes.

(L.) Virg. G. 2, 370.

Exert a rigorous sway,

And lop the too luxuriant boughs away.-Dryden.
Very necessary advice to a prolix author.

1293. Durate, et vosmet rebus servate secundis.

(L.) Virg. A. 1, 207.

Endure the hardships of the present state;

Live, and reserve yourselves for better fate.-Dryden.

Bear up, and live for happier days. — Conington.

1294. Durum! Sed levius fit patientia

Quicquid corrigere est nefas. (L.) Hor. C. 3, 24, 19.

'Tis hard, but what's impossible to change,

Patience will make more light.-Ed.

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1295. Du sublime au ridicule il n'y a qu'un pas. (Fr.)-There is only one step from the sublime to the ridiculous.

The saying is attributed to Napoleon I., with reference to the Retreat from Moscow in 1813, a phrase which, in conversation with his ambassador, De Pradt, at Warsaw, he kept on repeating five or six times over. The mot is, however, of an earlier origin. Marmontel, 1799 (Works, vol. v. p. 188), has, "En général, le ridicule touche au sublime."-În general the ridiculous approaches very nearly to the sublime: Tom Paine, Age of Reason, 1794, pt. 2, fin. (note), had said, "One step above the sublime makes the ridiculous, and one step above the ridiculous makes the sublime again.' Cf. also Wieland, Abderiten (1774), vol. iii. cap. 12: Die Dummheit hat ihr Sublimes so gut als der Verstand, und wer darin bis zum Absurden gehen kann, hat das Erhabene in dieser Art erreicht. (G.)-Stupidity has a Sublime of its own as well as wit, and whoever can make it appear absurd, has attained the Sublime in this particular. And to go to Classical periods, Cf. Longin. de Subl. 311 : Ἐκ τοῦ φοβεροῦ κατ ̓ ὀλίγον ὑπονοστεῖ πρὸς τὸ EŮKαтаÓрóvηтov. (Gr.)—The dreadful by little and little turns into the contemptible (vide Büchmann, p. 386).

1296. Du titre de clément rendez-le ambitieux;

C'est par

que les rois sont semblables au dieux.

(Fr.) La Font. (Nymphes de Vaux).

To the title of merciful make him aspire;

Kings are likest to gods when they conquer their ire.- Ed.


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1299. Ea quoniam nemini obtrudi potest,

Itur ad me. (L.) Ter. And. 1, 5, 16.—As they cannot foist her off on any one else, they have recourse to me. Said of an unmarriageable girl.

1300. Ea sola voluptas, Solamenque mali. (L.) Virg. A. 3, 660.-His "sole remaining joy" and solace of his woes. Said of the flocks of the Cyclops Polyphemus after he was blinded by Ulysses.

1301. Eau bénite de cour. (Fr.)--lit. Court holy water. False promises.

1302. Ebbe il migliore

De' miei giorni la patria. (It.) Metast. ?—The best of my days were devoted to my country.

1303. E cœlo descendit yvôli σeavтóv. (L.) Juv. 11, 27.From heaven descends the precept, Know thyself. Admonition of the oracle of Apollo at Delphi.

It has been attributed to Thales (? Chilo), one of the Seven Sages. Quum igitur, nosce te, dicit, hoc dicit, Nosce animum tuum: nam corpus quidem quasi vas est aut aliquod animi receptaculum: ab animo tuo quidquid agitur, id agitur a te. Cic. Tusc. 1, 1, 22, 52.-When the god says, Know thyself, he means, Know thy own mind: the body being, as it were, the vessel and receptacle of the mind, so that whatever is done by your mind, is done by yourself. 1304. Ecce Agnus Dei, qui tollit peccata mundi. (L.) Vulg. Joan, i. 29.-Behold the Lamb of God! that taketh away the sins of the world! M. of Tallow Chandlers' Company. 1305. Ecce Homo. (L.) Vulg. Joan, xix. 5.-Behold the Man! Pilate's words on presenting Our Lord to the Jews. Pictures of Our Lord in purple robe and Crown of Thorns and bearing a reed are also so called.

1306. Ecce iterum Crispinus! et est mihi sæpe vocandus
Ad partes, monstrum nulla virtute redemptum

A vitiis, æger, solaque libidine fortis. (L.) Juv. 4, 1.
Lo! Crispinus in a new part;
This unmitigated scoundrel,
Great alone in sensuality.-Shaw

Ecce iterum Crispinus is said of any person or character who is for ever coming on the scene, or continually turning-up." What here again! Ecce iterum Crispinus! 1307. Ecce par Deo dignum, vir fortis cum mala fortuna compositus. (L.) Sen. Prov. 2.-A brave man struggling with misfortune is a match worthy of the Gods to behold. 1308. Εχθρῶν ἄδωρα δῶρα κοὐκ ὀνήσιμα. (Gr.) Soph. Αj. 665. A foeman's gifts are no gifts, but a curse.-Calverley. 1309. Εχθρὸς γάρ μοι κεῖνος, ὁμῶς Αίδαο πύλησιν,

Ος χ ̓ ἕτερον μὲν κεύθει ἐνὶ φρέσιν, ἄλλο δε βάζει. (Gr.) Hom. Il. 9, 312.-The man is hateful to me as the gates of Hades, who conceals one thing in his breast, and utters another.

1310. E contra. (L.)-On the other hand.

1311. Ecorcher une anguille par la queue.

(Fr.) Prov.-To

skin an eel from the tail. To begin a business at the wrong end.

1312. Edepol næ hic dies pervorsus et advorsus mihi obtigit. (L.) Plaut. Men. 5, 5, 1.-(Menæchmus loq.) I declare this day has gone all wrong and contrary with me! 1313. Ηδιστον ἄκουσμα ἔπαινος. (Gr.) Xen. Mem. 2, 1, 31. Praise is the sweetest thing to hear.

1314. "H κiσтα, ÿ ÿdiota. (Gr.)-Either the least possible, or the pleasantest possible. If you have bad news, tell it as quickly as you can.

1315. Effloresco. (L.)-I flourish. Motto of Earl Cairns. 1316. Effugit mortem, quisquis contempserit: timidissimum quemque consequitur. (L.) Curt. 4, 14, 25.-The man who despises death escapes it, while it overtakes him who is most frightened at it.

1317. Effutire leves indigna Tragœdia versus,

Ut festis matrona moveri jussa diebus,

Intererit Satyris paullum pudibunda protervis.

Tragedy and Comedy.

(L.) Hor. A. P. 231.

Like a staid matron on some gala day,

Who, if she trips it, moves with dignity,

So Tragedy, disdaining vulgar chatter,

Consorts but for the nonce with Faun and Satyr.-Ed.

1318. E flamma cibum petere. (L.) Ter. Eun. 3, 2, 38.-To snatch food from the flames. To be reduced to the last extremity by want. Cf. Cat. 59, 3, Rapere de rogo cœnam.-To snatch a dinner from a funeral pile, sc., from the funeral bake-meats placed on the pyre.

1319. Η γὰρ ἔρωτι Πολλάκις, ὦ Πολυφαίμε, τὰ μὴ καλὰ καλὰ TépaνTAL. (Gr.) Theocr. Id. 6, 18.—Truly, Polyphemus, what is not beautiful often seems so to the eyes of love.

1320. 'Eyyúa áра S'äτη. (Gr.) Thales. ap. Plat. Charm. 165A. -Give a pledge, and trouble is nigh at hand. Cf. 'Eyyúas ἄτα 'στι θυγάτηρ, ἐγγύα δὲ ζαμίας. Epich. 150 Ahr.—Mischief is the daughter of pledges, and pledges the offspring of loss. Don't stand security for any one, or you'll rue it.

1321. Églé, belle et poëte a deux petits travers,

Elle fait son visage, et ne fait pas ses vers.

Mme. F. de Beauharnais.

(Fr.) Lebrun?

Fair Egle the poet (what a paradox hers is!),

She makes her complexion, but not her own verses.-Ed. Impromptu of Lebrun on Mme. Fanny de Beauharnais, a literary lady of the First Empire, who revenged herself by inviting the author of the lines to dinner, and there exhibiting the couplet to her company, with the addition, in her own hand, of "Vers faits contre moi par M. Lebrun, qui dîne aujourd'hui chez moi !” 1322. Egli ha fatto il male, ed io mi porto la pena. (It.) Prov. -He has done the mischief, and I have to bear the blame. 1323. Ἡ γλῶσσ ̓ ὀμώμοχ', ἡ δὲ φρὴν ἀνώμοτος. (Gr.) Eurip. Hipp. 612 (translated by Cic. Off. 3, 29, 108, Juravi lingua, mentem injuratam gero).—My tongue has sworn it, but my mind's unsworn. Mental reservation.

1324. Ego, Charine, neutiquam officium liberi esse hominis. puto, Quum is nihil promereat, postulare id gratiæ apponi sibi. (L.) Ter. And. 2, 1, 3.

(Pamphilus loq.)-I do not think it shows a gentleman, Charinus, To insist on obligations who has none conferred. -Ed.

1325. Ego deum genus esse semper dixi et dicam cœlitum :
Sed eos non curare opinor quid agat humanum genus.
(L.) Enn. Telamon. ap. Cic. de Inv. 2, 50, 104.

I have always said and will say that there is a race of Gods,
But, I fancy, that what men do, is to them but little odds.-Ed

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