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1190. Diligentia, qua una virtute omnes virtutes reliquæ continentur. (L.) Cic. de Or. 2, 35, 150.-Diligence, the one virtue that contains in itself all the rest. Cf. "Diligent!' that includes all virtues in it a student can have." -Carlyle, Installation Address, Edinburgh, April 1866. 1191. Di meliora, or melius (dent, or velint—understood or expressed). (L.)-Heaven forbid. Lit., May the gods grant better than you say. Cf. Di melius duint. Ter. Phorm. 5, 9, 16; and Di meliora velint. Ov. M. 7, 37. 1192. Di melius quam nos moneamus talia quemquam. (L.) Ov. R. A. 439.-God forbid that I should counsel any man to adopt such a course.

1193. Dimidium facti, qui cœpit, habet: sapere aude;


(L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 2, 41.

Come now, have courage to be wise: begin:
You're half way over when you once plunge in.-Conington.

Cf. the Greek proverb, åρxǹ тò 1⁄2μμov пavтós. — The beginning is half the whole. Or the French, Ce n'est que le premier pas qui coûte.It is only the first step that costs anything. Well begun is half done. 1194. Di nos quasi pilas homines habent. (L.) Plaut. Capt. Prol. 22.-The gods treat us mortals like so many balls to play with.

1195. Diruit, ædificat, mutat quadrata rotundis. (L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 1, 67.

A flighty, dreamy, inconsequent fellow.
Builds castles up, then pulls them to the ground,
Keeps changing round for square, and square for round.

1196. Disce, aut discede. (L.)-Learn, or leave. Punning inscription for a schoolroom.

1197. Disce, docendus adhuc, quæ censet amiculus, ut si

Cæcus iter monstrare velit: tamen aspice, si quid

Et nos quod cures proprium fecisse loquamur.

(L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 17, 3.

Yet hear a fellow-student: 'tis as though

The blind should point you out the way to go,
But still give heed, and see if I produce

Aught that hereafter you may find of use.—Conington.

1198. Disce hinc quid possit fortuna, immota labascunt,

Et quæ perpetuo sunt fluitura, manent.

The Tiber at Rome.

(L.) Janus Vitalis ?

See fortune's power: th' immovable decays,
And what is ever moving, ever stays.-Ed.

1199. Disce pati. (L.)-Learn to suffer. Motto of the Earl of Camperdown.

1200. Disce puer virtutem ex me, verumque laborem,

Fortunam ex aliis.

Eneas to Ascanius.

(L.) Virg. A. 12, 435.

Learn of your father to be great,

Of others to be fortunate.-Conington.

1201. Discere si cupias, gratis quod quæris habebis. (L.)-If you desire to learn, you shall have what you desire free of cost. Inscription on a school at Salzburg, and a good motto for the advocates of Free Education.-Vide Times of October 13, 1885.

1202. Discit enim citius, meminitque libentius illud

Quod quis deridet quam quod probat et veneratur.

(L.) Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 262.

For easier 'tis to learn and recollect
What moves derision than what claims respect.-Conington.
Cf. Dociles imitandis

Turpibus et pravis omnes sumus et Catilinam

Quocunque in populo videas, quocunque sub axe. Juv. 14, 40.
Quick are we all to learn what's vile and base,

And Catilines you may find in every race

And under every sky. -Ed.

1203. Discitur innocuas ut agat facundia causas:

Protegit hæc sontes, immeritosque premit.

The Bar.

(L.) Ov. T. 2, 273.

I' the cause of truth men study eloquence;

Yet it screens guilt, and bullies innocence.-Ed.

1204. Discors concordia. (L.) Ov. M. 1, 433.-Discordant concord. 1205. Diseur de bons mots, mauvais caractère. (Fr.) Pascal, Pensées Mor. 26.-To be a sayer of good things is a sign of a bad disposition.

1206. Disjecti membra poeta. (L.) Hor. S. 1, 4, 62.—Limbs of the dismembered poet. Lines and expressions of a great poet divorced from their context, or absurdly and inappropriately applied, are still good poetry, though they be but the poet's mangled remains.

1207. Disjice compositam pacem, sere crimina belli,


Arma velit poscatque simul rapiatque juventus.
Virg. A. 7, 338. Juno loq. (bidding Alecto sow
hostilities between Trojans and Latins).

Break off this patched-up peace, sow war's alarms!
Let youth desire, demand and seize its arms!-Ed.

1208. Disponendo me, non mutando me. (L.)--By displacing, not by changing me. Motto of the Duke of Man


1209. Dissolve frigus, ligna super foco Large reponens, atque benignius

Deprome quadrimum Sabina,

O Thaliarche, merum diota. (L.) Hor. C. 1, 9, 5.


Let's melt the cold with ruddy glow

From blazing logs; then fill a flask,
Thaliarchus, from the Sabine cask

That's mellowed since four years ago. -Ld.

1210. Dis te minorem quod geris, imperas:
Hinc omne principium, huc refer exitum.
Di multa neglecti dederunt
Hesperia mala luctuosæ.

The cause of Rome's decay.

(L.) Hor. C. 3, 6, 5.

The fear of God cements your sway,
From first to last all's in His hand;

And your neglect of Him has brought

Unnumbered woes upon the land.-Ed.

1211. Distrahit animum librorum multitudo. (L.) Sen. Ep. 2.A multitude of books distracts the mind.

1212. Districtus ensis cui super impia

Cervice pendet, non Siculæ dapes

Dulcem elaborabunt saporem,

Non avium citharæque cantus

Somnum reducent.

Damocles' sword.

(L.) Hor. C. 3, 1, 7.

When o'er his guilty head the sword
Unsheathed hangs, nor sumptuous board
Spread with Sicilian cates will please,
Nor song of singing-birds give ease
Or Music bring back sleep.-Ed.


1213. Distringas. (L.) Law Term.-You may distrain. formerly empowering the sheriff to distrain goods in order to compel an appearance.

1214. Di tibi dent annos! a te nam cætera sumes!

Sint modo virtuti tempora longa tuæ.

(L.) Ov. Ep. 2, 1, 58.

God grant thee years! the rest thou canst provide,
If for thy virtues time be not denied.-Ed.

1215. Di tibi sint faciles! et opis nullius egentem
Fortunam præstent, dissimilemque meæ.

The Gods befriend thee, and such fate assign
As needs not help, the opposite of mine.-Ed.

(L.) Ov.?

1216. Di tibi, si qua pios respectant numina, si quid Usquam justitia est et mens sibi conscia recti,

Præmia digna ferant.

(L.) Virg. A. 1, 603.

The Gods (if Gods to goodness are inclined,

If acts of mercy touch their heavenly mind),

And, more than all the Gods, your generous heart,

Conscious of worth, requite its own desert !-Dryden.

1217. Dives agris, dives positis in fœnore nummis. (L.) Hor. S. 1, 2, 13.-Rich in land, besides money laid out at interest.

1218. Dives amicus

Sæpe decem vitiis instructior, odit et horret. (L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 18, 25.-Your rich friend, though ten times more deeply dyed in the vices you affect, hates and abhors your imitation of him.

1219. Dives qui fieri vult, Et cito vult fieri. (L.) Juv. 14, 176. -The man who would be rich desires to get rich at once.

1220. Divide et impera. (L.)-Divide and govern.

This maxim has obtained both in politics and in religion. In the one, the supreme power has often been more securely held, by turning the various currents of faction to act against each other, and so diverting them from a combination against the throne; while in the other, the enemy of Christianity has endeavoured to ruin the unity of the Church by calling into existence a multitude of mutually conflicting sects.

1221. Divina natura dedit agros, ars humana ædificavit urbes. (L.) Varr. Res. Rom. 3, 1.-Divine Nature gave the country, the art of man built the cities.

Cf. Cowper, Task, Sofa, 1, 749:

God made the country and man made the town. 1222. Divitiæ grandes homini sunt, vivere parcè

Equo animo; neque enim est unquam penuria parvi. (L.) Lucret. 5, 1117.-It is wealth to a man to be able to live contentedly upon a frugal store: nor can there be want to him who wants but little.

1223. Dixerit e multis aliquis, quid virus in anguem

Adjicis et rabida tradis ovile lupa? (L.) Ov. A. A. 3, 7.
On teaching women the art of love.

Some ask, why add more venom to the asp?
Why to the fierce she-wolf the fold unhasp?-Ed.

1224. Dixit et avertens rosea cervice refulsit,
Ambrosiæque comæ divinum vertice odorem
Spiravere pedes vestis defluxit ad imos;
Et vera incessu patuit Dea.


(L.) Virg. A. 1, 402.

She turned and flashed upon their view
Her stately neck's purpureal hue;
Ambrosial tresses round her head
A more than earthly fragrance shed:
Her falling robe her footprints swept,

And show'd the Goddess as she stept. -Conington.

1225. D. M. (abbrev. for Dîs Manibus).

(L.)-To the sacred

spirits of the departed. Sepulchral inscription. (2.) Or for Deo magno, To the great God.

1226. Docti rationem artis intelligunt, indocti voluptatem. (L.) ? Quint.-Learned men comprehend the principles of art, the unlearned experience the pleasure only.

1227. Doctor. (L.)—A learned divine. Theological professor.
D. Angelicus (the angelic), title of Thomas Aquinas: D. Authen-
ticus (Authentic), Gregory of Rimini: D. Christianissimus (Most
Christian), John Gerson: D. Irrefragabilis (Irrefutable), Alex-
ander de Hales: D. Mirabilis (Wonderful), Roger Bacon: D.
Profundus (Profound), Thomas Bradwardine: D. Singularis (In-
imitable), William Occam: D. Seraphicus (Seraphic), Bonaven-
tura: D. Subtilis (Subtle), Duns Scotus, etc., etc.
1228. Doctrina sed vim promovet insitam,
Rectique cultus pectora roborant :
Utcunque defecere mores

Dedecorant bene nata culpæ. (L.) Hor. C. 4, 4, 33.
But care draws forth the power within

And cultured minds are strong for good:

Let manners fail, the plague of sin

Taints e'en the course of gentle blood.-Conington.

More literally: "But instruction enlarges the innate powers" (of the mind), and careful training adds moral strength to the breast, etc.

1229. Dolendi modus, non est timendi. (L.) Plin. 8, 17.Pain has its limits, apprehension none.

1230. Doli non doli sunt, nisi astu colas. (L.) Plaut. Capt. 2, 1, 30.-Fraud is not fraud, when there's no subtlety designed.

1231. Dolor ipse disertum Fecerat. (L.) Ov. M. 13, 228.Grief of itself made me eloquent.

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