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1140. Die Kunst darf nie ein Kunststück werden.

should never degenerate into artifice.


1141. Die Leidenschaften sind Mängel oder Tugenden, nur gesteigerte. (G.) Goethe, Sprüche.-The Passions are Vices or Virtues only in an exaggerated form.

1142. Die Liebe ist der Liebe Preis. (G.) Schill. Don Carlos, 2, 8 (Princess Eboli loq.).-Love is the reward of love. 1143. Diem perdidi. (L.) Suet. Tit. 8. -I have lost a day! Reflection of the Emperor Titus, if on finding at night that he had done no good action during the preceding


Count that day lost whose low descending sun

Views from thy hand no noble action done.

Staniford's Art of Reading, 3d ed. p. 27, Boston 1803.

1144. Die Natur hat jederzeit Recht, und das gerade da am gründlichsten, wo wir sie am wenigsten begreifen.

(G.) Goethe, Sprüche.-Nature is always right, and particularly, most emphatically there where we least understand her. 1145. Die Natur ist das einzige Buch, das auf allen Blättern grossen Inhalt bietet. (G.) Goethe, Sprüche.-Nature is the only book that presents weighty matter on every page. 1146. Die Natur kann nicht anders, als ewig recht handeln; unbekümmert was daraus erfolgen möge. (G.) (G.) Goethe, Sprüche.-Nature cannot do other than always act aright, unconcerned what may be the result.

1147. Die Natur weiss allein, was sie will. (G.) Goethe, Sprüche.-Nature alone knows what she means.

1148. Die Regierung muss der Bewegung stets einen Schritt voraus sein. (G.)-The Government must always be a step in advance of public opinion. Count ArnimBoytzenburg, speech on the address to the Throne, April 2, 1848.

1149. Dies adimit ægritudinem. (L.) Ter. Heaut. 3, 1, 13.---Time effaces grief.

1150. Dies datus. (L.) Law Term.-A given day, appointed for appearance before the Court to put in an answer. (2.) Dies dominicus non est juridicus.-Sunday is not a day for legal proceedings. Hence the term dies non (sub. dominicus), a no-day or bye-day, when courts, banks, and public offices are closed, and no business can be transacted. (3.) Dies faustus (infaustus).-A lucky (unlucky) day.

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1151. Die Seligkeit nicht selbst, nur ihrer werth zu sein, Das ist die Blüthe dieses Thales.

(G.) Tiedge?

Not blessedness itself, but to be worthy of it,
That is the blossom of this earthly vale.-Ed.

1152. Dies iræ, dies illa Sæclum solvet in favilla
Teste David cum Sibylla, etc.

?Thomas de Celano, 13th century.

Day of wrath! O Day of mourning!

See fulfilled the prophet's warning,

Heaven and earth in ashes burning! etc.-Dr Irons.

The opening lines of the Prose sung in the Mass for the
Dead, also used in the Commemoration of the Faithful
Departed on All Souls Day.

1153. Dies regnis illa suprema fuit.


was the last day of that royal line.
of the kings from Latium.

Ov. F. 2, 852.—That
Said of the expulsion

1154. Die Stätte, die ein guter Mensch betrat,

Ist eingeweiht; nach hundert Jahren klingt
Sein Wort und seine That dem Enkel wieder.

(G.) Goethe, Tasso, 1, 1.

The places trodden by a good man's foot

Are hallowed ground: after a hundred years

His words and deeds come back to his posterity.-Ed.

1155. Dieu avec nous. (Fr.)-God with us. Motto of Earl of Berkeley and Lord Fitz Hardinge.

1156. Dieu ayde. (Fr.)—God assist. Motto of Viscount Mountmorres and Viscount Frankfort.

1157. Dieu défend le droit. (Fr.)-God defends the right. Motto of Earl Spencer and Lord Churchill.

1158. Dieu est le poëte, les hommes ne sont que les acteurs. Ces grandes pièces qui se jouent sur la terre ont été composées dans le ciel. (Fr.) J. Balzac, Socrate Chrétien.—God is the poet, men are only the actors; the great dramas which are played on earth have been composed in heaven. 1159. Dieu et mon droit. (Fr.)—God and my right. Motto of the Sovereigns of Great Britain.

The Motto was assumed by Coeur-de-Lion, with reference to his French conquests, and seems to have been revived in the same connection by Edward III., and continued in use until Elizabeth. Since Queen Anne, who adopted Elizabeth's motto (Semper eadem, q.v.), the words have been the uniform motto of the Kings of England,

1160. Dieu fit du repentir la vertu des mortels. (Fr.) Volt. Olympie, 2, 2.-God made repentance the virtue of mankind.

1161. Dieu, France et Marguerite,

Hors cet annel, point n'ai d'amour. (Fr.)-God, France, and Margaret, beyond this ring I have no other love. Inscribed on a ring by St Louis (Louis IX.).

1162. Die Uhr schlägt keinem Glücklichen. (G.) Schill. Piccol. 3, 3.-The clock does not strike for the happy.

1163. Dieu me conduise. (Fr.)-God direct me!

Lord Delaval.

Motto of

1164. Dieu mesure le froid à la brebis tondue. (Fr.) Prov. Henri Estienne, Prémices, p. 47 (1594).-God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb.-Sterne, Sent. Journey. 1165. Dieu pour la tranchée, qui contre? (Fr.)-If God is for the Trench, who shall be against it? Motto of Earl Clancarty.

1166. Dieu seul devine les sots. (Fr.) Prov.-God only can understand fools.

1167. Die Weltgeschichte ist das Weltgericht.

(G.) Schill. (Resignation), Thalia, vol. i. pt. 2.-History is the world's judgment.

1168. Die Welt will Nacht-eulen haben, sich zu verwundern. (G.) Prov.-The world will have night-owls, to have something to wonder at.

1169. Differ: habent parvæ commoda magna more. (L.) Ov. 4, 3, 394.—Wait a while: a short delay often has great advantages.

1170. Difficile dictu est, quantopere conciliet animos hominum comitas, affabilitasque sermonis. (L.) Cic. Off. 2, 14, 48.-It is difficult to express the effect that courtesy and affability of speech have in conciliating the dispositions of others.

1171. Difficile est crimen non prodere vultu. (L.) Prov. Ov. M. 2, 447.-It is difficult not to betray guilt by one's looks.

1172. Difficile est, fateor, sed tendit in ardua virtus. (L.) Ov. Ep. 2, 2, 113.—It is difficult, I acknowledge, but courage aims high.

1173. Difficile est longum subito deponere amorem, Difficile est; verum hoc qualubet efficias.

(L.) Cat. 76, 13.

'Tis hard to quit at once long-cherished love;

'Tis hard; set somehow you'll successful prove.—Ed.

1174. Difficile est proprie communia dicere. (L.) Hor. A. P. 128.-It is hard to treat hackneyed subjects with originality-Conington.

'Tis hard, I grant, to treat a subject known

And hackneyed so that it may look one's own.-Id.

1175. Difficile est satiram non scribere. Nam quis iniquæ Tam patiens urbis, tam ferreus, ut teneat se?

(L.) Juv. 1, 30.

Indeed the hard thing's not to satirize,
For who's so tolerant of the vicious town,

So cased in iron, as to hold his spleen?

1176. Difficile est, tristi fingere mente jocum. (L.) Tib. 3, 7, 2. It is hard pretending gaiety with a sad heart.

1177. Difficilem oportet aurem habere ad crimina. (L.) Pub. Syr. 133 (Rib.).-Our ears ought to be deaf in listening to accusations of others.

1178. Difficilis, facilis, jucundus, acerbus es idem;

Nec tecum possum vivere, nec sine te.


(L.) Mart. 12, 47, 1.

You please, provoke, by turns amuse and grieve;
That nor without nor with thee can I live.-Ed.

In all thy humours, whether grave or mellow,
Thou'rt such a touchy, testy, pleasant fellow,
Hast so much wit, and mirth, and spleen about thee,
That there's no living with thee nor without thee. (?)

1179. Difficilis optimi perfectio atque absolutio. (L.) Cic. Brut. 36, 137.-Perfection and finish of the highest kind is very hard to attain.

1180. Difficilius est temperare felicitati, qua te non putes diu usurum. (L.) Tac. H. 2, 47.-It is a more difficult matter to restrain one's enjoyment of good fortune, when you have reason to think that it will not last long.

1181. Diffugiunt, cadis Cum fæce siccatis amici

Ferre jugum pariter dolosi. (L.) Hor. C. 1, 35, 26.
Unequal to misfortune's yoke

Your friends, when all the wine is gone,
Faithless will leave you alone.-Ed.

Cf. Diligitur nemo, nisi cui Fortuna secunda est;

Quæ, simul intonuit, proxima quæque fugat. Ov. Ep. 2, 3, 23.
No man's beloved save when his Fortune's bright:
When thunder's heard, off flies each parasite.-Ed.

1182. Dignum barba dignumque capillis

(L.) Juv. 16, 31.

A wise, grave, and reverend seignior.
He's worthy of the beard and hair
That our forefathers used to wear.-Ed.

1183. Dignum laude virum musa vetat mori

Coelo musa beat.

The man of honest worth

The muse will not let die,

But lifts him from the earth

(L.) Hor. C. 41, 8, 28.

Among the blest on high.-Ed.

1184. Di irati laneos pedes habent. (L.) Macr. 1, 8, 5.-The angered gods have feet of wool.

Though noiseless and unperceived, punishment certainly overtakes the sinner.

1185. Dii rexque secundent.

favour us.

(L.)-May God and the king

Motto of Soapmakers' Company.

1186. Diis aliter visum. (L.) Virg. A. 2, 428.—The Gods have judged otherwise. Cf. the French proverb: L'homme. propose, Dieu dispose.-Man proposes, God disposes.

1187. Diis proximus ille est

Quem ratio, non ira movet, qui facta rependens

Consilio punire potest.

(L.) Claud. Cons. Mall. 227.

Impartial justice.

He most resembles God, whom not blind rage

But reason moves: who weighs the facts, and thence

Gives penalties proportionate to th' offence.-Ed.

1188. Dii talem terris avertite pestem! (L.) Virg. A. 3, 620.May God avert from the earth such a scourge !

1189. Dilator, spe longus, iners, avidusque futuri, Difficilis, querulus, laudator temporis acti Se puero, censor castigatorque minorum.

The old fogey.

(L.) Hor. A. P. 172.

Inert, irresolute, his neck he cranes

Into the future, grumbles and complains,

Extols his own young years with peevish praise,

But rates and censures these degenerate days.-Conington.

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