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Geibel-To put the most difficult matters clearly, and everything intelligibly, is to be making coins out of pure gold.

983. Das Universum ist ein Gedanke Gottes. (G.) Philos. Briefe.-The universe is a thought of God. 984. Das Wenige verschwindet leicht dem Blick,



Der vorwärts sieht, wie viel noch übrig bleibt.
Goethe, Iphigenia. (Iphig. loq.)—The little (that is ac-
complished) is soon lost sight of by one who sees before
him how much still remains (to be done). Mr M. Arnold
quotes the words (Essays in Criticism) against self-
satisfied people, as a good line of reflection for weak


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985. Das Wunder ist des Glaubens liebstes Kind. (G.) Goethe, Faust (Nacht).—Miracle is the dearest child of Faith. 986. Data fata secutus. (L.)-Following the fate decreed.

Motto of Lord St John.

987. Dat Deus immiti cornua curta bovi. (L.) Prov.-God sends a curst cow short horns.-Shakesp. Much Ado, 2, 1, 22.

988. Dat Deus incrementum. (L.)-God giveth the increase. Motto of Lord Crofton, and of Westminster School. 989. Da tempo al tempo. (It.) Prov.-Give time time. Don't be impatient.

990. Date obolum Belisario. (L.)?—Give a penny to Belisarius ! The distinguished general of the reign of Justinian, during his short imprisonment in 563, has been represented by writers of fiction (Marmontel and others) as blind and beggared, and reduced to hanging out a bag from his prison bars, with the above appeal to a pitying public.

991. Dat veniam corvis, vexat censura columbas.

(L.) Juv. 2, 63.

[Who will deny that justice has miscarried?] The crows escape, the harmless doves are harried.-Ed. As we say, 66 one man may steal a horse, while another may not look over a hedge."

992. Da veniam lacrymis. (L.)?-Forgive these tears!

993. Davus sum non Œdipus. (L.) Ter. And. 1, 2, 23.—I am Davus not Edipus.

994. Dea moneta. (L.)-The goddess Money. The almighty


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Moneta or Mnemosyne (Remembrance), the mother of the Muses, was also a title of Juno, and from the circumstance of her temple in Rome being used for coining public money, comes the use of the word moneta, money, and mint. A curious derivation.

995. De asini umbra disceptare. (L.)-To argue about an ass's shadow. To dispute about trifles.

996. Debetis velle quæ velimus. (L.) Plaut. Am. Prol. 39.— You ought to wish the same as we do.

997. Debilem facito manu, Debilem pede, coxâ;

Tuber adstrue gibberum, Lubricos quate dentes;

Vita dum superest, bene est. (L.) Mæcenas ap. Sen. Ep. 101, 11.-Make me weak in the hands, feet, and hips; add to this a swollen tumour. Knock out my loosening teeth; only let life remain, and I am content.

998. Debito (or E debito) justitiæ. (L.) Law Term.-By debt of justice. In virtue of rights which have been fully allowed by law.

999. Débonnaire. (Fr.)-Debonair. Motto of Earl of Lindsay. 1000. De bon vouloir servir le roy. (Fr.)-To serve the king with good will. Motto of Earls Tankerville and Grey. 1001. De calceo sollicitus, at pedem nihil curans. (L.) Prov.Anxious about the appearance of the shoe, but regardless of the comfort of the feet.

1002. Deceptio visus. (L.)—A deception of the sight. An illusion. Ocular deception.

1003. Decet verecundum esse adolescentem.

(L.) Plaut. As.

5, 1, 6.—It is becoming in a young man to be modest.

1004. Decipimur specie recti; brevis esse laboro,

Obscurus fio.

(L.) Hor. A. P. 25.

One's led astray so by one's private views

Of good and bad; I try to be concise

And end in being obscure-an equal vice.-Ed.

The latter part of the quotation is said to have been humorously repeated by Thomas Warton on his snuffing out, when he would have snuffed, his candle.

1005. Decori decus addit avito. (L.) He adds lustre to the honours of his ancestors. Motto of the Earl of Kellie.

1006. Decrevi. (L.)-I have decreed.

M. of Marq. of Westmeath.

1007. Dedimus potestatem. (L.) Law Term.-We have given power. A writ or commission given to one or more, for the speeding of an act pertaining to some court.


A writ of dedimus potestatem is also issued out of Chancery, when a new name is inserted in the commission of the peace, directing an acting justice to swear him in.

1008. Dedimus tot pignora fatis. (L.) Luc. 7, 662.-We have given so many hostages to fortune.

1009. Dediscit animus sero quod didicit diù. (L.) Sen. Troad. 631.—The mind is slow to unlearn anything it has been learning long. The difficulty of eradicating ideas or prejudices early instilled.

1010. Dedit hanc contagio labem

Et dabit in plures. (L.) Juv. 2, 78.-Contagion has spread this pollution and will spread it much further. Said of the contagious effect of immoral habits.

1011. De facto. (L.)—In point of fact. Usually opposed to de jure, by law or by right. Thus William and Mary were said to be the de facto, and James II. and III. the de jure, sovereigns of England by the non-juring party.

1012. Defectio virium adolescentium vitiis efficitur sæpius quam senectutis. (L.) Cic. Sen. 9, 29.-Decay of strength is more commonly the result of youthful excesses than any real fault in old age itself.

1013. Defendamus.


(L.) Let us defend. Motto of town of

1014. Defendit numerus junctæque umbone phalanges. (L.) Juv. 2, 46. Their numbers protect them and their serried lines, joined shield to shield.

1015. Deforme est etiam, de se ipsum prædicare, falsa præsertim. (L.) Cic. Off. 1, 38, 137.--It is unseemly for any one to boast about himself, more especially when it is untrue.

1016. Defuncti ne injuria afficiantur. (L.) Law of the Twelve Tables. The dead are not to be maligned. Like De mortuis, etc.

1017. Degeneres animos timor arguit. (L.) Virg. A. 4, 13.— Fear argues a base-born soul.

1018. De gustibus non est disputandum. (L.) Prov. -There is no disputing about tastes. Cf. Diversos diversa juvant ; non omnibus annis Omnia conveniunt. Pseudo-Gall. 2, 104.-Different things delight different people; it is not everything that suits all ages.

1019. De hoc multi multa, omnes aliquid, nemo satis. (L.)? On this subject many people have said much, all have said something, but no one enough.

1020. De industria. (L.) Cic. Or. 44, 151; or Ex industria (Liv. 1, 56, 8).-On purpose, intentionally. Generally

in a bad sense.

1021. De l'absolu pouvoir vous ignorez l'ivresse,

Et du lâche flatteur la voix enchantresse.

Of Power you know not the intoxication,

Nor the flattering magic of base adulation.-Ed.


1022. De l'audace, encore de l'audace, et toujours de l'audace ! (Fr.)-Audacity, still more audacity, and always audacity.

Famous conclusion of Danton's speech delivered before the Legislative Assembly (Sept. 2, 1792) on the eve of the frightful September massacres, of which Danton may be said to have thus fired the first spark. He concluded with a powerful appeal to the nation to crush the enemies of France and of the Revolution. Pour les vaincre, pour les atterrer, que faut-il? De l'audace, etc., ut supra.

1023. Delectare in Domino. (L.) Vulg. Ps. xxxvi. 4.-Delight thou in the Lord. Motto of Lord Poltimore.

1024. Delegata potestas non potest delegari. (L.) Law Max.— A delegated authority cannot be re-delegated (or, Vicarius non habet Vicarium, An agent cannot appoint another to do his agency). A broker, e.g., cannot turn over the man who commissions him (his principal) to another broker, of whom his employer knows nothing.

1025. Delenda est Carthago. (L.) Cat. ap. Servius ad Virg. 4, 683.-Carthage must be destroyed.

The hatred which the elder Cato bore towards Carthage is well known, a country which, he insisted, was a formidable rival to Rome, and should be forthwith suppressed. He is said to have concluded his speeches in the senate, whatever the question might be, with the words, Cæterum censeo, Carthaginem esse delendam, For the rest, I am of opinion that Carthage should be destroyed. 1026. Deleo omnes dehinc ex animo mulieres. (L.) Ter. Eun. 2, 4, 5.-From henceforth I blot out every woman from my mind.

1027. Delere licebit

Quod non edideris: nescit vox missa reverti. (L.) Hor. A. P. 389.-You may strike out what you please before publishing; but once sent into the world the words can never be recalled.

1028. Deliberando sæpe perit occasio. (L.) Syr. 140.-Opportunity is often lost through deliberation. While we are considering, the occasion is gone.

Cf. Dum deliberamus quando incipiendum, incipere jam serum fit. Quint. 12, 6, 3.—While we are considering when to begin, it becomes already too late to do so.


Eja, age, rumpe moras, quo te spectabimus usque ?
Dum quid sis dubitas, jam potes esse nihil.

(L.) Mart. 2, 64, 9. Come, come, look sharp! How long are we to wait? While doubting what to be, you'll be too late.-Ed.

1029. Deliberandum est sæpe, statuendum est semel. (L.) Syr. 132.-Deliberate as often as you please, but when you decide it is once for all.

1030. Deliberat Roma, perit Saguntum. (L.) Prov.-While Rome deliberates, Saguntum perishes.

Saguntum (Murviedro), in 218 B. C., after a heroic resistance against the forces of Hannibal, was reduced by famine, the men making a final sortie, while their wives set fire to the town, and perished in the flames. The famine became proverbial (Saguntina fames, the famine of Saguntum) for any severely-felt dearth of food.

1031. Deliramenta doctrinæ. (L.)—The crazes of learning. Wild theories of learned men. Fantastic speculations.

1032. De loin c'est quelque chose, et de près ce n'est rien.


La Font. Chameau et Bâtons flottants.—At a distance it looks like something important, but close by it is nothing at all.

Like sticks floating on water, things at a distance seem important to those watching them, but on nearer inspection they turn out to be insignificant enough. Hence, any such deceptive appearances are said to be bâtons flottants sur l'onde, sticks floating on the water. 1033. Delphinum sylvis appingit, fluctibus aprum. (L.) Hor. A. P. 30.-He paints dolphins among forests, boars in This must be the artist who enlivened a bit of seashore with a few red lobsters.


1034. De mal en pis.

(Fr.)-From bad to worse.

1035. De male quæsitis vix gaudet tertius hæres,

Nec habet eventus sordida præda bonos. (L.) Quoted by Walsingham, Hist. p. 260.

Ill-gotten gains.

What's ill-got scarce to a third heir descends,

Nor wrongful booty meet with prosperous ends.-Ed.

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