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discoursed with a fluency and an accuracy which are quite surprising. One case was mentioned to us of a woman who uttered nothing but poetry, and this was pronounced by a very competent judge, who heard her, to be very far indeed from an inferior kind.

As might be expected, great diversity of opinion prevails with respect to the revivals. The Protestant clergy are, we believe, unanimous in the opinion that it is the work of the Holy Spirit, acting on the mind of sinners by other than the ordinary instrumentality; and they have, therefore, given the "revival meetings" their encouragement and support. The Roman Catholics, on the other hand, maintain that it is a mania whose origin must be laid to the charge of Satan; but this opinion is probably a little influenced by the fact that any Roman Catholics who have come under its influence have ceased to hold communion with the Church of Rome, and have become Bible Christians. The tree, it is stated on the highest authority, may be known by its fruit. Now, although some matters connected with this movement are not yet fully understood, what have been its fruits? It is now two years ago since the first case of conversion, attended with such circumstances as we have described, took place at Connor, in this country. That was about the time when the prayer meeting, at which the American revival is said to have begun, was held at New York. In January and February last, the dis

trict of Ahoghill was the scene of similar conversions, and from thence the awakening extended to other districts, each of which in its turn became a centre of the revival movement. The converts have since been narrowly watched, both by friends and enemies, and not a single act of theirs has been pointed out as contrary to their Christian professions. Some of the worst and most depraved characters in the country have felt this supernatural influence Those who had heretofore been living on the profits of sin, would not keep up hypocritical pretensions, which lost them their bread; and yet in their cases, as in all others, the reformation has been complete. Dram shops have almost been compelled to close for lack of customers. The ordinary attendance at places of worship and the number of communicants have been very largely increased. Blasphemy and Sabbath desecration have almost disappeared. Those who have been converted manifest the utmost anxiety to extend the knowledge of Christ amongst their neighbours, and their short addresses are full of practical piety. Old friendships have been strengthened and new ones formed. The people appear to be united by a bond of brotherly love, and old animosities have been forgotten. If these are good results, then the movement which has produced them is not to be despised by those who desire the spread of vital Christianity and the happiness and prosperity of the country,

The Counsel Chamber.


A Lecture delivered by Mr. E. Ridley to the Young Men of the Byker Cut Library, Newcastle-on-Tyne.

THE present age is a remarkable one. This is acknowledged on all hands, and all around us demonstrates it. Whether we look at agriculture, science, education, or commerce, we are alike impressed with the fact. Moreover, the enterprise, research, incessant activity, and consequent discoveries of our times, all, all supply concurrent testimony.


There is, too, another fact, which must be admitted, though with reluctMuch of the activity, zeal, and energy we witness, have a wrong direction, and are productive of corresponding results. One cannot but regret the amount of time, and mind, and money, so freely and foolishly bestowed on objects and pursuits not only insignificant and unworthy of regard, but which are, some of them at least, positively harmful and antagonistic to man's higher and best interests. Shall we instance the theatre, the race-course, the music saloon, aquatic sports, the Leger club, the gaming table, and with their unhallowed associations, their dissipating influences and immoral tendencies,-being, for the most part, followed up with intoxicating drinks. It is true, the people will have their and especially the young. It is natural and right they should have them, but let them be such as will elevate and improve while they gratify, and so afford


healthy exercise to the mind, as well as body, and administer to the mental and moral, as well as the physical and social tastes and tendencies.

Naval and military enterprises, too, conducted on the prodigious scale of the times, are, in the opinion of many wise and good men, pregnant with great and manifold evils. Think of some four millions of men in Europe being trained to the use of arms as their destined occupation, so inaugurated and sustained, to gratify the ambition and caprice of monarchs and potentates, of cabinets and councils, subsisting on the industry and resources of a country, and exerting, in a high degree, a demoralising influence on society. So much so, indeed, that the camp and immorality may be regarded as somewhat synonymous terms. Should any one pronounce this a severe stricture on the war system, the writer would ask in return an epitome of the severity, cruelty, carnage, and multiform horrors of that system; but this baffles all attempts at calculation and description!

We have thus pilloried one of the monster follies and vices of the day, of a national character-and which, alas, myriads of our young men are admirers of, and are captivated by! There are others, but which at present neither our time or inclination

invite us to contemplate. The follies and vices, too, of our social system, as already in part set forth, are but too obvious and lamentable; and we again remark, that they involve an amount of time, and toil, and cost, which might be much more wisely and profitably employed, and which we seriously warn young men against participating in, or being in any way identified with. But let us now look at the other side of the picture.

While there is much of error and vice, of war and popery, and other giant evils in our day, there is much, blessed be God, of an opposite character. For nothing is more remarkable than the progress of the arts and sciences of mechanism and agriculture-of education and literature -and, to crown the whole-of philanthropic and religious enterprise! Scarce a village now without its chapel and school-house, nor a town without its Mechanic's Institute; and hardly a congregation but you find a Mutual Improvement Society and library; while in all directions the lecturer is going his rounds, and the press is busily engaged in producing instructive and salutary publications, embracing all subjects, and seasons, and classes. There are publications, it is true, of an opposite and pernicious character, but which, we trust, amid the blaze of intelligence, and influence of evangelical religion, will one after another disappear, and finally be wholly swept off the stage, as with the "besom of destruction." Never was knowledge so general, education so cheap, or facilities so rife for youthful improvement and progress.

Consequent on all this, be it re

membered, is our responsibility. If these national and social advantages be ascribable to the wisdom and goodness of God-and who for a moment doubts it?-then, they must be received, valued and improved as such. They are not bestowed for our amusement, neither wholly for our gratification, nor even our personal advantage, but for the " common weal;" and this must be our motto in their reception and appropriation-" freely ye have received, freely give." And who admits not, and feels not, that "it is more blessed to give than to receive ?" It is more manly and godlike to impart to others what has been given to us, to scatter with a free and liberal hand the blessings we ourselves enjoy. Who admires not the Scripture admonition-" to do good and to communicate, forget not; for with such sacrifices God is well pleased ?" And how desirable, how magnanimous, to pursue a course which is well pleasing to our great Creator and bountiful Benefactor, the Giver of every good and perfect gift! In dismissing this part of our subject we observe, that God, in His all-wise and beneficent providence, has supplied the agencies and instrumentalities, which afford to British youth, in particular, the means of knowledge and power and happiness, and that it is His purpose and pleasure they be appropriated and improved, not only for personal enjoyment, advantage, and distinction, but that they be employed for the good of others-consecrated to the well-being of the wide-spread human family.

Then, again, it is remarkable, in

the present day, the loud calls there are for effort and enterprise,-the vast openings for usefulness,—and the numerous, happy, and even tempting facilities for doing good. To enumerate them and expatiate thereon, would be to exceed the proposed limits of the present occasion. We hope, however, that the subject will be contemplated and turned to good


In passing, suffer us to remark that while many young persons are commendably in quest of knowledge, and grateful for the opportunities and means of its attainment within their reach, and withal are steadily progressing in these laudable pursuits, there is, in many cases at least, an obvious absence of philanthropic feeling and purpose. They receive, but do not bestow. They absorb, but do not impart. They seek and find and treasure up knowledge, but lack a corresponding desire of communicating it, which it is the design of this paper to set forth and recommend. There are happy exceptions, we readily admit, for are not instances here and there the exception rather than the rule? and, at best, is there not vast room for improvement? Many young persons, it is gratifying to think, are devoting time, talent, energy, and piety to the Sunday school-that truly philanthropic and Christian institution, and whereby, under the blessing of God, they are doing much real good. Others are actively engaged in other walks of usefulness; still, there is ample room for increase, and which, let us humbly and prayerfully hope, may in some measure result here from this evening's meeting.

What has seemed to us as wanting is, that while young persons read and admire the lives and labours of the great philanthropic benefactors and Christian heroes of our country, such as Howard and Wilberforce, and Clarkson and Raikes, and Morrison and Livingstone, and a host of others, in their several spheres and departments of generous, humane, and Christian enterprise, they seek to imbibe their spirit, and emulate their virtues and graces, and attempt, on a small scale, in their respective spheres and circles, to act out their illustrious characters; and let us here submit, that the surest foundation for this is, genuine enlightened Christianity. With all other helps and qualifications, young men, seek the grace of God,-a personal interest in the great blessings of salvation, needed by all, and sought by all, as guilty sinners at the foot of the


In conclusion, we give one beautiful instance of philanthropy, and two delightful specimens of Christian enterprise, deserving of high consideration. They are capable of enlargement, but must be given with brevity-they may not be new to all of you.

Some few years ago, a nautical gentleman, in the course of a long voyage, gave lessons to the crew on navigation, and mark the result. Every individual of that crew rose to the position of captain in his profession!

The late John Williams, after having heard a sermon by the Rev. Timothy East, in Moorfields Tabernacle, London-once the scene of the labours of the celebrated George

Whitefield-felt so impressed, so decided, and so happy, that shortly afterwards he resolved on consecration to God. He pondered the deplorable condition of the heathen world. He became a missionary, went to the South Sea Islands, there taught the natives masonry, shipbuilding, agriculture, the common rudiments of learning, and the way of salvation through Jesus Christ,— and only eternity will make known, through the blessing of God, the mighty, felicitous, and abiding consequences!

We mention one other Christian hero, whose example eclipses most others, viz., the Moravian Missionary, who so compassionated the hapless inmates of a lazar, or leper

house, in Africa, that he nobly offered himself to be immured within its gloomy walls, if so he might make known to the wretched people the great Physician of souls, as ever ready to receive, and cleanse, and save all who look unto Him by faith. This the devoted man did, with a knowledge of the rules of the establishment, that having once passed the darksome portals no egress could be ever after obtained.

Young man, I call you to ponder well this subject-The Christian philanthropy of the age a fitting study for youth; and may the Almighty graciously own and bless this evening's consideration thereof, to your personal good, and the benefit of others through you.

The Letter Box.


In surveying the wonderful orbs of heaven, the question instinctively arises in the mind of the observer, "For what purpose were these magnificent and innumerable worlds created?" We know that all the Creator's acts are put forth in order to manifest the Divine perfections. "For thy glory they are and were created." But this is done in accordance with the infinite benevolence and wisdom of God. The glory of God is promoted only when His works illustrate His character to the apprehension of intelligent beings. We cannot conceive how the glory of God would be promoted by any or all the countless worlds He has made, unless those worlds were seen;

and His attributes, displayed in their construction, were, at least to some extent, appreciated by intelligent creatures. There seems thus an idea in the mind of every thinking person, amounting almost to an intuitive conviction, that these worlds, like the earth, must be inhabited by rational, and therefore responsible beings. We purpose devoting this paper to a consideration of some of the reasons which strengthen and confirm this intuitive conviction of the mind, if such it may be truly termed.

And here let it be understood, that by being inhabited, is meant that they are designed for inhabitation. As the earth was in existence untold

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