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How wise to seek the Lord while he may be found, to cultivate the fear of God, and to walk in obedience to his commands! The young are not exempt from the stroke of death. He who has given us our life can take it away when he pleases, and he has not told us when he will turn the key of the gates of death. And how awful to have the key turned before we have knocked at the door of mercy, before we have fled to the hope set before us, before we have turned to our God by true repentance! Then an eternity must be spent in unutterable misery.

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The young are sinners as well as others, and need Divine mercy; but God gives encouragement to the young to seek him. He delights to see the young walking in the narrow way, setting him before them, and seeking to glorify his name. He who blessed young Samuel, and David, and Timothy, will bless all the young who believe his Gospel, honour his Son, and take his word as their guide. He has said, for the encouragement of the young who seek him, "They that seek me early shall find me.' And oh, the bliss of those who find God in Christ! They will find a Friend who will forgive all their sins, take them as children into his family, and make them holy for ever. He is an eternal Fountain of happiness, and all who seek him shall be supplied therefrom on earth and in heaven. The Gospel shows the way in which this glorious Fountain is accessible. There is a Mediator, and if we believe in him, he will introduce us into the favour of his Father. He will lead us into the holy of holies. He will bring us safe to eternal glory.

The young desire to be happy, but true happiness they cannot find out of God. He can make them truly happy, because he can renew the heart, forgive sin, supply every want, give grace and glory, and fit them for an eternal Paradise. He can give us peace in trouble, strength in weakness, light in darkness, victory in death, and a Paradise beyond

the grave. The young, if truly wise, will seek to know God as revealed in his word; they will listen to the voice of Jesus; they will sit at his feet, and learn of him; they will walk while they have the light; and then, if they are called away from this world in early life, they will enjoy an eternal portion in God, they will get nearer the Fountain of happiness, they will see Jesus as he is, live in his image, and rejoice in his smiles for ever.

There are millions of young persons in glory. These flowers soon faded on earth, but they never fade in Paradise; they shine in eternal beauty. But there is still room for more, and the Gospel comes to you, and urges you to seek meetness for that glorious state. And shall it come in vain? Are you too young to love Jesus, to be saved, to be meet for heaven? There is a voice from heaven in the death of the young around you, and if you are wise, you will say with young Samuel," Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth." The church and the world want your help; will you refuse it? Seek the Saviour in your early days, and you will see his glory, feel his attractions, enjoy his presence, love his person, and rejoice in his salvation; and then love will move you to speak of him, and to try and bring others into his fold. Life is a valuable talent, and we cannot rightly improve it without piety. Now is our seed-time. Let us sow to the Spirit. Let us live for eternity. Let us not sleep, as do others, but watch and be sober. Now is daytime, which is the season for activity.

This short account of Ann Peach may be read by some young persons. Let me beseech all who read it to seek their salvation at once. The Lord may come as a thief in the night. There are gracious helps given you to seek your salvation. The word of God is accessible, the Saviour sends his ministers to guide you, and you have the promise of the Spirit. He will help your infirmities. Listen not to the voice of the tempter. Jesus knocks at

the door of your heart. Open to him, and open at once. He will come and bless you with vast blessings. He will commune with you. He will give you peace. He will watch over your welfare. He will bind up your wounds. He will guide you with his counsel. He will keep you safe for ever. Open to him now, and soon he will open to you the gates of Paradise. He will come and receive you to him

self. He will give you a place amongst the happy myriads around his throne in glory. He will clothe you in white. He will employ you in his service. He will be your eternal Friend.

Have you commenced the narrow way to Paradise? Have you sought Jesus in earnest? Have you Jesus living in your soul? "Now is the accepted time.”

The Sunday-School.


THE subject of the following brief memorial was born, 7th February, 1849. From the time he went to school, March, 1854, he attended it regularly till January, 1855, when an attack of illness, which, from the symptoms manifested, seemed to be occasioned by water in the head, laid him up for about a month. On recovering, he rejoined his class, and continued to meet with them till the middle of July in that year. About that time, symptoms of the malady which ultimately proved fatal began to appear.

On two different occasions, when speaking with him about the way in which sinners may find acceptance with God, having reminded him, that it is only through the righteousness of Christ being made ours that we can obtain pardon, and find acceptance with God, and that, if we would have what Christ alone can give, we must trust in him, and take him to be our Saviour,-his mother asked, "Peter, will you trust in Christ?" With a movement of the hand, and a look as if vexed it should be thought that he had not yet put trust in Christ, he replied, "I do, mamma, I do." After his prayers, one Saturday evening, about the end of November, he, alluding to one of the petitions in the Lord's prayer, remarked, "Mamma, if God did not give us daily bread, we could not live." Having assented to the

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correctness of this conclusion, his
mother reminded him that the

Bible assures us, every good and
perfect gift cometh down from the
Father of lights," and then said,
"You know who the Father of
lights is, Peter, don't you?"
"Yes; God. But, mamma, wasn't
it kind in God to give us the
Bible?" "Yes, it was; but can
you tell me what is God's best and
greatest gift?"
"Yes, Jesus

Christ; and the Bible tells us, that
Jesus died to save us. But mind,
mamma, though Jesus died to save
us, we are sinners yet; mind that,
mamma, we are sinners yet."
"True, dear, we are sinners yet;
but you know, don't you, how sin
may be taken away?" "Oh, yes;

the blood of Jesus Christ can wash our sins clean away." Here, grasp ing his mother's hand, and looking eagerly in her face, as he was wont to do when speaking about any thing on which he was very intent, he repeated his last words, "Mind, mamma, clean away.”

On the Sabbath week after this, having been suffering much from cough and sickness, he was sitting in his little arm-chair apparently in deep thought. Suddenly looking up, he said,-"Mamma, wasn't that a beautiful hymn we sang this morning?" Not at the moment recollecting what hymn he alluded to, his mother inquired which it was he meant. Seemingly sur

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mamma, that is us; we are Christ's disciples, are we not?" "Yes, if we love him, and do as he commands us." "9 "Well, I love him; don't you too, mamma?" His mother having replied, "Yes, darling, I do." "Well, then," " he added, we are Christ's disciples."

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During the evening of the same day, his brother having been repeating some hymns, he looked up, and said in an earnest tone,"Mamma, you never asked me to say any hymns to-night." "No, because I did not think you were able." "I am able, quite able," he said, and immediately began the hymn,

"There is a fountain fill'd with blood," which he repeated; as also,"I've read the wondrous story, How Jesus came to die, Though he was King of glory, For sinners such as I;"both these being hymns of which he was particularly fond. When he had repeated these, he begged that the latter might be read to him. This being done, "Again," he said, and after it had been twice read aloud to him, he requested his mother to sing it. He then seemed satisfied, and feeling worn out, asked to be put to bed.

On the Friday which preceded his death, the doctor announced to us that his lungs were seriously diseased, and that there was no hope of his recovery. This intelligence, confirming the fears we had previously felt, determined us to make him aware of his danger, and made us more solicitous to ascertain what his thoughts were in prospect of the coming separation. After laying him in bed that night, his mother said to him,-"Peter, darling, I see you are very ill; perhaps it may be the will of God to

take you from us, and if so, do you think you would be willing to die?". With a look of pleasure on his countenance, and not in the least depressed by the probability of the event referred to, he replied,"Yes, for then I would go to heaven, and be with Jesus; and then I would see grandpapa, and 'many children gathering there."" And when he was asked further"Would you be willing to leave us all?" Oh, yes," ," he said, "but I would like papa, and you, and grandma, and baby, and Janie, all

to come.

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Here he lay still and silent for a few minutes, exhausted, and out of breath. When he had somewhat recovered, he resumed the subject by saying," But, mamma, I am sadly afraid of George, that he'll never get to heaven." His mother, who wondered why he had not named his brother with the others mentioned, replied to his remark now, by asking, Why, dear? would you not like George to go to heaven?" "Oh, yes, mamma; but it is because he does not keep holy the Sabbath-day."

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He then, in explanation, referred to some act of childish folly which he had seen his brother doing on the previous Lord's day, with a sense of the evil of which he seems to have been very deeply impressed, and on account of which, as a violation of the Divine command, his fears about his brother were awak

ened. Subsequently, within two days of his death, he made reference again to this matter, and entreated his mother to speak to George on the subject, adding, "He does not care about what I say, though I did speak to him." On the present occasion, having explained the cause of doubt, he continued, "He'll never get to heaven unless he changes." But

I hope," said his mother, "that George shall yet be changed, and that he will get to heaven." "Well, not if he breaks the Sabbath day; you know that, mamma.'


Apprehensive of injury resulting from his speaking more at this time

his mother began to repeat the paraphrase,

"How bright these glorious spirits shine!"

He listened with evident pleasure; and when she came to the line

"The Lamb which dwells amidst the throne,"

he remarked,-"I know who the Lamb is; it is Jesus. Jesus is the Lamb of God." Not wishing to prolong the conversation, his mother left the room in hope of his getting some repose, of which he stood much in need.

Next day, Saturday, he was very poorly. In no posture could he find ease

A restless night succeeded. Amidst his disturbed slumbers, he several times called out, "I want to die; I want to die." No notice was taken of these words at the time, but when he was thoroughly awake, he was told what he had been saying, and asked whether he really wished to die. "Oh, yes,' he said, "for then I would go to heaven, and be with Jesus."

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On Sabbath, the restlessness which had characterized the previous day and night continued. Nothing availed to soothe this except the singing of several of his favourite hymns; then, sitting on his mother's knee, he would listen with great interest, now and then making remarks on the several pieces.

That evening, he attempted himself to sing

"There is a happy land,
Far, far away."


Finding that, owing to the phlegm in his throat, and deficiency of strength, he could not do this as he wished, "Well, never mind," he said, "I'll sing

"I'm but a stranger here, Heaven is my home;" and when he had done so, after a sort," Now, isn't that beautiful? That is such a pretty hymn," he added.

About seven o'clock on Tuesday evening, we noticed a further change for the worse. From this

time, it seemed to distress him much, and to increase the difficulty of breathing, if we laid him down. We tried to do so this night as heretofore, but his mother had to get up with him at a very early hour on Wednesday morning. Through the two days and nights which followed, the only times he felt some measure of ease, or could get a little repose, were when he was being carried through the room in an upright position, with his head resting on my shoulder. In the course of one of these oft-repeated walks, I said to him,-"You remember, don't you, my dear, what David says in Psa. xxiii., that though he walked in death's dark vale, he would fear no ill ?" "Yes," he said. "But it is not dark to you, is it, dear?" inquired his mother. "No; light." You are quite happy, then?" "Yes; happy." After another walk, about four o'clock on Thursday morning, I sat down to rest for a little, having him on my knee. His laboured breathing was very distressing, and


was evidently sinking fast. With the view of engaging his attention and of soothing his mind, I asked if he would like me to read

a hymn to him. "Oh, yes, papa.” And having read the hymn,

"Jesus, lover of my soul,

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Let me to thy bosom fly," which I knew to be a favourite with him, "Now," said he, "read-a lesson-out-of the-Testament.' Turning to John xiv., I began to read it. By-and-bye he said,"Show-me-the place." And, on his eye being directed to the part, he continued to follow till we came to the last verse but one. By that time he was too fatigued to look or to listen longer, and our walking was resumed.

Not long after this, we observed him, though extremely weak, making, as we thought, efforts to speak, and inquired if he wished to say anything. "Oh," he replied, waving his hand, "I'm singing.' "What are you singing, darling?" inquired his mother. He tried to

tell us, but we could not make out what he said. "Was it the praises of God?" continued his mother. "Yes," he answered with a look of satisfaction, which indicated that the conjecture was correct. I then said to him," Peter shall soon be in heaven singing the praises of God more perfectly; and there, there shall be no more pain or sickness. Can you tell me why it shall be so?" "Yes,-becauseGod-has washed-all-their-sins -away;-and-there is-no sinto come-there."

Farther on in the morning, he was sitting on his mother's knee. Daylight having come in, the gas was turned off, and the blind drawn up. Turning his face towards the window, he looked long and intently on the clear sky. After a while, he called out his brother's name several times. Supposing that his brother's presence in the room was disturbing him, his mother said,-"Shall I send George away? Is he troubling you?" "No," he replied, "I want-George-to look-straightout of-the-window." "And what do you see out of the window?" I asked. "I see-a-great crowd." "What are they like?" I again asked. He attempted to reply, but we failed in understanding him. As, however, he seemed wishful to tell us, we inquired, -"Are they men or women?" "Yes," he replied, but in a hesitating and unsatisfied-like tone. Seeing this, we again asked,-"Or are they angels, think you?" "Yes," he said with great eagerness, as if this fully expressed his idea.

In the course of the forenoon, the oppression on his chest occasioning him much distress, he looked up in his mother's face, and said, in a very earnest manner,"I want-to go-to heaven." A friend who stood by made the remark,-"Peter is fast going to heaven, and kind angels will come and carry him there." No," he said, with emphasis, "I wantJesus-to-carry-me." And on his mother's saying, "Jesus will carry you, darling; there shall be

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no pain or sickness in heaven; you shall be happy there, and God will wipe away all tears from your eyes," the prospect appeared to give him great delight.


Turning towards his grandmamma, and addressing her, he said, "I-am going-to-heaven, -and-when-you come-I-will meet you-at-the gate.' shall be happy if you meet me, dear, but do you think you will know me?" "Know you,-grandma,-to be sure-I'll know you." This he said with a kind of indignant emphasis, as if the supposition that he might not know her had appeared to him to involve suspicion of his affection towards her.

At an early hour on Friday morning, he said,-"Give-methe Bible." Seeing that he was too weak, as we considered, to hold it in his hands, I asked if he would like me to read a chapter to him. To this he replied-"No;-justgive me-the--Bible."

A while afterwards, having been making some remarks about the preciousness of the privilege we had in going to God by prayer in times of trouble, I said,- Do you know, Peter, that God has promised to hear and to answer our prayers when we call on him? Yes; but," he continued, quoting the following verse,

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"The words-without-the heart The Lord-will never hear; Nor-will-he e'er-that child-regard

Whose prayers-are-insincere." As he seemed quite worn out with the exertion of repeating these lines, we withdrew from the side of the sofa-bed on which he had been laid to recline, hoping he might get some rest. After being still for some time, during which he apparently slumbered, he suddenly called out, in a loud, clear, and joyful tone of voice,-"I know him! I know him!" "Who is it you know, darling?" I asked. Though still seemingly asleep, he, nevertheless, as if in reply to my question, said, "I know him-by his white

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