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~ as catholic in his help as earnest in its giving. The cloistered college, the working-man's club, the mechanics' institute, the temperance movement, young men's associations, and journeymen bakers' efforts at co-operation, all had his earnest advocacy and support. Dr. Woolley was known as a public man, taking a wide and earnest view of the great question of public education. His great idea was to connect the primary schools of the country with grammar schools, and the grammar schools with the university; and by a system of rewards to promote from the primary schools of the country those who by superior ability showed themselves capable and worthy of receiving the highest education the country could give." "Whilst his subtle intellect made him perfect in his capacity to expound the logical structure of language as a science, his exquisite taste seized upon all that is beautiful and grand in the literature of the past; and the science of language, under his teaching, was not a mere exercise of the memory, but a severe discipline for the mind. But this was not all. He was ever striving to make his pupils enter into the spirit of the past. The great Greek historian became with him a text-book for the philosophical reading of all history and its teachings. Steeped in the old philosophy, he was conversant with every development of modern thought. The dream of the heathen sage was, under his teaching, the handbook of the Christian thinker." Such are the opinions formed of this noblehearted and excellent man; and the "Lectures Delivered in Australia," published in Britain in 1862, amply bear out the evidence quoted regarding his fidelity, scholarship, popular sympathies, liberal and far-reaching thought, honest philanthropy, and pure Christian character.

The volume contains: - 1st, The inaugural oration, already referred to; 2nd, A lecture at the Sydney School of Arts, June 1854, on Oral Instruction and Self-culture; 3rd, The office of Christian Associations towards the State and the Church, delivered before the Young Men's Christian Association at Sydney, June 1855; 4th. A paper from the Sydney University Magazine, on Social Difficulties; 5th, A review of "The selfish Theory of Morals;" 6th, An inaugural address on the connection between Culture and Progress, Civilization and Happiness, delivered at the Maitland School of Arts, April 1857; 7th, A lecture introductory to the 25th annual course in the Sydney School of Arts, June 1857; 8th, The Social use of Schools of Art, delivered May 1860; 9th, A critique on "The Idyls of the King," read at the Darling Point Mutual Improvement Association, December 1860. The volume was produced in Britain under the care of Dr. Woolley's steady friend Dean (then Professor) A. P. Stanley.

On the 13th Sept. 1864. he delivered before the School of Arts, Sydney, a lecture on "Liberty," which was published by request, and is spoken of as surpassing in merit. We have not been able to procure a copy of it for extract. The intense toil of thirteen years, the exhaustion of spirit resulting from the climate, the

filial sorrow which he had experienced in the demise-though after long and and severe suffering-of his mother, and the ambition to make himself acquainted with all that was new in education and thought in Europe, induced him to determine on taking a homeward voyage; this he did, and it was a great joy to him to revisit once more the scenes of his old memories. He was welcomed in the highest circles of British thought and literary effort, and all the intellectual society of his native land was opened up to him. In the delight, almost rising to rapture, of such intercourse, the days fled with amazing rapidity, and he found himself called by duty to return from all this charming and dear literary and scientific communion to the field of effort and labour in the hemisphere where his destiny had placed him. He saw his duty, and resolved to turn his heart to its accomplishment.


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Many friends, with many tempting offers, urged him to stay at home, and still stronger was the temptation of his own nature; for being a refined and cultivated man himself, he felt keenly the delight of mixing in the society of men of letters. In the friendly assemblies of such men his own excellent qualities of heart and mind made him a welcome guest. His bright, genial, cheering enthusiasm; his modest originality of mind; and his carefullycultured taste, made companionship with him a refreshing joy. He was small of stature, lithe, and active; the play of his features was facile and flexile, and in repose "his face was pleasant to look upon." He was exceedingly careful in details, and gave the minutest attention to everything he took in hand.--he put his heart, as we say, into all he did, or strove to do. He was a warm friend, generous in disposition, and courageously devoted to truth. He disdained to tamper with his convictions, and held himself bound to pursue all thoughts to their legitimate issues. He was religious down to the very depths and up to the utmost heights of his being; but he was not a bigot,-far from it. Christianity seemed to have been transfused into him, and to have entered into vital circulation through his whole nature. He was a man to whom duty was sacred, and in whom the keenest sympathy with heroism and virtue was constantly active. His ideal of life was high, noble, and holy. He strove to be at once childlike and Christlike; to unite earthly with heavenly wisdom.

Exercising the heroism of self-denial, Dr. Woolley made all his preparations for return to duties, which he was never again to undertake. He became a passenger on board the London. Of the terrible agony of the occupants of that vessel the soul-harrowing accounts have already thrilled every heart. We care not to repeat the tragic tale of tempest and terror. The endeavour to realise that awful wreck appals the soul. On Sabbath, 7th Jan. 1866, divine service was held on board the London, Dr. Woolley and the Rev. D. J. Draper taking part in the ministrations. The oracles of God" were never again on a sabbath day "to be spoken and to be heard" by more than nineteen persons in that ship. On


Monday the raging winds and the mad sea-surges began their work, and awe settled on the minds of all. The gale-disabled ship, her rigging torn, her sails rent, her masts splintered, surrendered to the blast and to the heavy sea. The sturdy engines, paralyzed by the mighty waters, ceased from their labours. "The worst" stood before every eye, Only "the hope that keeps alive despair" was felt. But duty was before all. Quailless heroic spirits,-Kerr, Draper, and Woolley, after taking their due turn at the pumps, and otherwise giving their physical aid, " during the lingering suspense of those awful days, comforted the people with exhortation prayer." Struggle was duty, and so also was submission when the hour came. "The angel of death flapped his wing on the blast,"

and in the angry waves of the Bay of Biscay, the London disappeared. Oh, what a pang of agony is in the fact with upwards of two hundred living, dying human beings within her, a mighty grave. So did Dr. Woolley die, 11th January, 1866, leaving behind him a widow and six orphan children.


When the news of that terrible disaster reached Australia all hearts were bowed with grief and stirred to commiserations Among other noteworthy signs of this it becomes us to mention that a great public meeting was held on 26th of March, in the Prince of Wales Theatre, Sydney, under the presidency of Sir Alfred Stephen, C.B., Chief Justice, for the purpose of testifying the public sympathy felt for Dr. Woolley's family, the sense of his character and services, and the loss sustained by the colony through his death. It consisted of gentlemen representing every variety of opinion in politics and religion, and every walk in life. The presence in the chair," said W. C. Windeyer, Esq., "of the first magistrate in the land; of men who enjoyed the intimate acquaintance of our dear dead friend in private life; of pupils who have hung upon his lips of wisdom; of citizens who have met him in common working for the institutions of our city; and of so many of those sons of toil, the working classes of this city, whose earnest friend he was all these proclaim our sense of a common loss ing Dr. Woolley." At that meeting it was resolved substantially "to help those whom he has left a legacy to the land of his adoption." At a meeting of the Senate of the University of Sydney, held 4th April, 1866, the following resolution was agreed to, and was ordered to be engrossed in the minutes; and a copy thereof was ordered to be sent officially to Mrs. Woolley

"The Senate, on the first occasion of its meeting after the confirmation of the most distressing intelligence of the loss at sea of the Rev. John Woolley, D.C.L., the Principal, and Professor of Classics and Logic in this University, desires to record its high sense and appreciation of the eminent services which he rendered to the Institution, by the great ability, profound learning, and indefatigable zual, which marked his distinguished career in these important capacities, during the long period of thirteen years. The task which he undertook, in conjunction with his able and learned colleagues, of initiating a system of academical instruction in a community where none had previously existed, was one of no ordinary difficulty. 1860.


The success with which he accomplished that object will ever remain as the best memorial of his peculiar fitness for so important a duty. Highly gifted in mental ability, and a most accomplished scholar, he spared no pains in communicating to the students placed under his control the rich treasures of his extensive knowledge. The peculiar gift with which he was endowed, of winning to himself the confidence and affection of his pupils, added largely to his success as a public instructor. The Senate cannot allow this opportunity to pass without also expressing its heartfelt sympathy with his widow and family in the irreparable loss they have sustained."

It was reported to us from Australia that Dr. Woolley had prepared a new work on logic for the use of the students in Sydney university, and another source of information gave us to understand that the revisal of this work had occupied the home-coming voyage of the toil-exhausted thinker. With the intent, if this were correct, of being able to afford our readers some notion of the contents of such a work, we made inquiries in the most likely reliable quarters, and we have received from one quite certain of being correctly informed a reply from which the following is an extract:-"I saw a good deal of him just before he left, and had talked with him about various publishing schemes, none of which, I fear, are at all likely to be realized; but none had any reference to logic, or any scientific subject. Literary and artistic matters seemed to interest him most." Our hope, therefore, of a riper and teaching-tested logic from his "vanished hand" is vain. It may not be in vain, however, that we hope for a translation from his pen of the episode of "Cupid and Psyche," in the "Golden Ass" of that execrable stylist among Latin writers, Apuleius. A verse rendering of that episode appeared, 1799, from the pen of Hudson Gurney, Esq., but a nineteenth century translation in verse, composed to the music of the Parramatta river, by one of the first classical scholars of the day, ought surely to have interest sufficient to secure its publication and rapid sale.

After the narrative of such life—a life of effort, influence, progress, scholarship, and an apostolate of learning, we need not surely apologize for placing the name of Dr. John Woolley among "modern logicians," as one worthy of admiring remembrance. He has not, it is true, won from the general voice of criticism this prominent position. But we must think how truly he sacrifices an attainable fame who passes from the great centres of intelligence to kindle the torch of investigative learning in another hemisphere. For ourselves, we take it as a reproach that his logic should have lain upon our shelves in unappreciating 'neglect, though cursorily scanned, until the "morning of the eternal day" of God had dawned upon the author's spirit. The "selfless man and stainless gentleman," the thinker, the scholar, and the man of Christian charity and chivalry, is gone. Surely it must have been with him, when the last engulphing swirling swoop of the sea had gurgled in his ears, that he could say,

"With the sound, I woke, and heard indeed

The clear church-bells ring in the Christmas morn."




"Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen.' St. Paul.

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ARTICLES of faith are the sacred deposits of history. The very life of the church beats in them. They are not mere dead dogmas, they are living thought. They are more, however, than the living thought of the past. They are the life of the soul of men in the present day. They have been incorporated with the thoughts, feelings, and affections of their believers, and on them, or according to them, they form the plan of their lives; or "form to them the relish of their souls." Into the articles of faith of the several churches, the thoughts of men have gathered up their energies; and in them epochs are summed up. It is impossible to revise articles of faith unless you can also revise all the influences of history. Can you revise the flower of which the seed has been planted which has taken root and grown? Can you revise a rivercourse when its waters have carried the vast freights of inland places into the broad ocean? No. Neither can creeds be revised -they are portions of the souls of men.

"Too many noble souls have thought and died,

Too many mighty poets lived and sung,

And our good Saxon, from lips purified,

With martyr-fire, throughout the world hath rung
Too long, to have God's holy cause denied."

Our creeds are the banners of our battles; our creeds are part and parcel of our being; Nolumus fides Angliæ mutari !

What new colours can bring the old rapture to the heart of the soldier who has borne the heat and burden of the day of battle under the war-worn flag of olden times? What new creed can come hallowed to the soul with such associations as that which history consecrates and deathbeds have made dearer than anything that earth holds ? Change in this is mental death. It unsolders and disunites all that has been regarded as "the anchor of the soul, sure and steadfast within the vail." If it was a sin in the times of the ages of the ancients to remove the ancient landmarks, must it not be a sin of deeper dye to remove the old landmarks of the soul on

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