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Grateful acknowledgment is made to the following authors and publishers for permission to use selections from their copyrighted publications: The American Book Company, for "The Essentials of an Ideal Home," from Civic Science in the Home, by G. W. Hunter and W. G. Whitman. The American Magazine, for "What Will Power Did for Me.' Winthrop Ames, and for "The Three Wishes," by Hamilton G. Williamson and Tony Sarg. D. Appleton & Company, for "Robert of Lincoln," by William Cullen Bryant, and for a selection from History of the People of the United States, by John B. McMaster. Atlantic Monthly, for a selection from "Tad Lincoln's Father," by Julia Taft Bayne. Bobbs-Merrill Company, for "The Circus-Day Parade," by James Whitcomb Riley. Dorothy Briggs and The Gleam, for "The Frost Fairies." Jonathan Cape, for "A Greeting," and "Nature's Friend," by William H. Davies. The Century Company, for poems by Annie Fellows Johnston, Mary L. B. Branch, Albert Lee, Eudora S. Bumstead, Isabell E. Mackay, Alice Huling, and for a selection by Albert Bigelow Paine from St. Nicholas; for a poem by Ruth Comfort Mitchell, and for a selection by Jacob A. Riis from The Century Magazine; for a selection from Boys' Life of Abraham Lincoln, by Helen Nicolay; for a selection from Fighting a Fire, by Charles T. Hill; for a selection from Careers of Danger and Daring, by Cleveland Moffett; for a selection from The Gospel of Wealth, by Andrew Carnegie; for a selection from Heroines of Progress, by Mary R. Parkman; and for a selection from The Strenuous Life, by Theodore Roosevelt. The Cornhill Publishing Company, for a selection by Elias Lieberman. Dodd, Mead & Company, for a poem from Poems New and Old, by Henry Newbolt; for a selection from Boy's Book of Policemen, by Irving Crump; for "Going Down Hill on a Bicycle," by Charles Henry Beeching; and for a selection from Insect Adventures, by Jean Henri Fabre. George H. Doran Company, for a poem by Berton Braley, from A Banjo at Armageddon, copyright 1917; for poems by Joyce Kilmer, from Trees and Other Poems, copyright 1914, and from Poems, Essays, and Letters of Joyce Kilmer, copyright 1918; for a poem by Theodosia Garrison from Dreamers and Other Poems, copyright 1917; for a poem by Rose Fyleman, from Fairies and Chimneys, copyright 1920; for a poem by John Oxenham, from Vision Splendid, copyright 1917; and for a selection from Fear God and Take Your Own Part, by Theodore Roosevelt, copyright 1916. Doubleday, Page & Company, for a selection from By the Fireside, by Charles Wagner; for a selection from Up From Slavery, by Booker T. Washington; for a selection from Great Possessions, by David Grayson; for a selection from My Experiences in Scotland Yard, by Basil Thomson; for "The Finding of Mary Snyder," by O. Henry; for a selection from Mother, by Kathleen Norris; and for a selection from Emmy Lou: Her Book and Heart, by George M. Martin; and for two poems by Edwin Markham. E. P. Dutton & Company, for "Friends of Mine," by James W. Foley, and for a selection from Moonlight Schools, by Cora W. Stewart. James F. Dwyer and Collier's, for "The Citizen.' Educational Publishing Company, for a selection by Frederick Schwatka. John H. Finley, for

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