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He bears me down in that
The ship bears down upon us
The ship bears in to the port
He bears off his prey
He bears off

to bear on-upon You bear on me



Il me le soutient en face.
Le navire s'approche de nous.
Le navire vient au port.
Il emporte sa proie.

Il s'en va.

Vous vous appuyez sur moi. He bears out his conduct Il se défend bien. (ce trop. This part of the building bears Cette partie du bâtiment avantowards He bears towards us (out Il s'approche de nous. through My conduct will bear me Ma conduite me justifiera. through


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He bears up against misfortune Il se soutient bien dans le mal


I bear with your bad temper
They beat back the enemy
You beat down his price
You beat him down in argu-Vous lui soutenez en face.

Je supporte votre mauvaise hu-
Ile repoussent l'ennemi. (meur.
Vous rabaissez son prix.


We beat up the quarters of Nous attaquons les quartiers

the enemy

They beat out his brains

They beat about

de l'ennemi.

Ils l'assommèrent.

Ils cherchent avec soin, ou ils

vont à la trace.

I beckon to him with my hand Je lui fais signe avec la main.

They beg for peace
I beg of you to do it
I believe in God

He bellows out

That belongs to me
He bends back

He bends forward
Nature had bestowed
(to her such beauty

to betake ones'self I betake myself to that

* to bethino ones'-I self of

* to beware of

✩ to bind up
to blab out.
✰ to block up
to blot out
to blow out





to blubber with to blunder out to blush for


to bluster at about

* to board in with

✰ to boast of to boggle at to bolt into

to book down

bethink myself of that


I am beware of that
I bind up my leg
He blabs out the secret
They block up the fort
I blot out your name
He blows out his brains
They blow up the magazine
The wind blows down the


They blow upon their dinner
It blows off my hat:
The storm blew over.
She blubbers with weeping
He blunders out a word
He blushes for shame
He blushes at that
He blusters at that
He blusters about that
He boards in my house
He boards with me
I boast of that

He boggles at that
He bolts into the room
He books down that

*to border on-upon That borders upon destruction

[blocks in formation]

to bottle up ✰ to bouge out to brag of

to branch out

I bottle up beer
That bouges out
He brags of his riches
The tree branches out

*to brangle about-They brangle about that


to brawl about

to brazen out

to break asunder to break out of

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He brawls about that

He brazened out the business

He breaks asunder

Je mets de la bière en bouteil-
Cela s'enfle.

Il se vanté de ses richesses.
L'arbre pousse des branches.
Ils disputent pour cela.

Il fait tapage pour cela.
Il se justifia avec audace.
Il casse ou il rompt.

He breaks out of prison Il s'échappe de prison.
He breaks out into a passion Il se met en colère.
He breaks off the negociation Il interrompt la négociation
He breaks forth into an excla- Il fait une exclamation.


He breaks into a house

Il entre dans une maison par

He breaks in upon our con-Il nous interrompt.


He breaks through the wall
He breaks up the meeting
He breaks down a hedge
He breaks loose

He breaks loose from prison
He breaks open my coffer
I breakfast upon eggs
He breathes upon me
He breathes after that
He breathes out curses
He breeds up his child
I brim up the glass
I bring him to justice
He brought us to
I bring about that
away-off bring away the prize
Bring that away

* to breed up * to brim up * to bring to



away upon


off forth

[blocks in formation]

She brought that mischief
upon herself

I will bring off my word
I bring him off
She brings forth a child
Bring on the rear
Bring him on

I bring him over

I bring the thing into question
I bring him under
I bring him in
I bring out that

She brings up a fashion
She brings up a child
He brings up the rear

He brings down his enemies
He brisks up
He bristles up

He broods over his money
He brushes away
He brushes by me
He brushes up

The water bubbles up
He buckles to you
He buckles to
The tree buds out
I will not budge from it

I escalade le mur.
Il dissout l'assemblée.
Il abat une haie.


Il se permet de faire des folies.
Il sort de prison par violence.
Il ouvre mon coffre par force.
Je déjeûne avec des œufs."
Il souffle sur moi.

Il désire cela ardemment.
Il maudit.

Il élève son enfant.
Je remplis le verre.
Je le ramène à la justice
Il nous réduit à la pauvreté.
J'en viens à bout.

Je remporte le prix.
Emportez cela.

Elle s'attira ce malheur.

Je dégagerai ma parole.
Je le tire de son embarras.
Elle fait un enfant.
Faites avancer l'arrière-garde.
Faites-le agir; engagez-le.
Je le mets dans mon parti.
Je mets la chose en question,
Je le soumets.
Je l'introduis.

Je le fais sortir.

Elle introduit une mode.
Elle élève son enfant.

Il fait avancer l'arrière-garde.
Il humilie ses ennemis.
Il prend air de joie.
Il prend des tons.

Il adore son argent.
Il décampe.


Il passe brusquement près de
Il s'avance brusquement.
L'eau bouillonne.

Il se soumet à vous.

Il s'applique à.

L'arbre pousse des bourgeons.
Je ne bougerai pas.

[blocks in formation]

He builds up a house
I build upon my riches
That bunches out
He bunelles up his clothes
He buoys up his friends
The wood burns away
The wood burns to ashes
It is burnt up
It is burnt out

He bursts with envy
He bursts forth

He bursts into tears

[II båtit une maison.

Je compte sur mes richesses.
Cela se forme en bosse,
Il fait un paquet de ses hardes.
Il soutient ses amis.
Le bois se consume.

Le bois se réduit en cendre.
Il est consumé.
Il est éteint.

Il meurt d'envie.

Il éclate.

Il fond en larmes.

He busies himself with my Il se mêle de mes affaires.


Le bélier me frappe.
Il boutonne son habit.
Il dégage son fils.

The ram butts at me
He buttons up his coat
He buys off his son
He buys up all the provisions
He buys over all the members Il corrompt tous les membres.
He buys into the army
Il achète une commission dans

He buys in goods

Call in that man

your servant

You call in a law
You call in question
Call back
You call back your word
You call off my attention
You call aside your son

forth-out He calls forth the militia.
He calls out to me
He calls to mind












re for

to carp at

to carry away

[blocks in formation]

He calls me to account
He calls on you
You call npon me
You call at my house
You call for me
You call me up
You call me


You call me down

Call over your company

He cares for me
He carps at that

He carries away my money
He carries on the war

[blocks in formation]

He carries back your money Il remporte votre argent.
I carried you over the river Je vous ai fait passer la rivière.
He will carry himself through Il se tirera d'affaire.

He carried off your daughter Il enleva votre fille.

He casts up his dinner

Il vomit son dîner.

He casts up his account
He casts away his money
He casts out the disaffectedIl
tie casts down his friends

He casts forth his beams
He casts off his old friends
He casts off the dogs
They catch at you
They catch up a stick

Il fait son compte.
Il jette son argent.
rejette les mécontens.
Il chagrine ses amis.
Il jette ses rayons.
Il rejette ses vieux amis.
Il lache les chiens.

Ils tâchent de vous attraper.
Ils prennent un bâton. ( ment.

They cavil at the judgement ils trouvent à redire à ce juge

[blocks in formation]

to comply with with

to come off by


to concur in



to condescend to

to condole with to conduce to to confide in

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to conge to
to connive at
to consent to

to consider of to consist in-of


to conspire against to contend for with

✩to contract for to contribute to to cook up

to cope with

carry no money about me
I carry out his opinion
I charge you with this busi
ness-with this crime
They chalked out a line
They chear up their soldiers
They clap up a bargain
They clear away the rubbish
They clear up the affair
The weather ciears up
He cleaves off a branch
He cleaves it asuder
He cleaves to you
He climbs up the tree
He clings to me
He closes up the space
He closes with me
He closes in with my proposal
The sky is clouded over
He cobbles up the affair
He cocks up his nose
They coil up the cable
You will come to misery
He is come to

He comes off

Je ne porte point d'argent sur
Je soutiens son opinion. (moi.
Je vous charge de cette affaire.
Je vous accuse de ce crime. **
Ils crayonnoient une ligne.
Ils encouragent leurs soldats.
Ils font un marché à la hâte.
Ils enlèvent les débris.
Ils expliquent l'affaire.
Le temps devient beau.
Il ôte une branche.
Il le fend.

Il s'attache à vous.
Il grimpe sur l'arbre.
Il s'attache à moi.
Il remplit l'espace.

Il s'accorde avec moi.

Le ciel est nébuleux.
Il fait l'affaire gauchement.
Il fait le fier.

Ils lèvent le câble.

Vous serez réduit à la misère.
Il s'est rendu.

(God Il s'en vient.

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He complies with the will of Il se soumet a la volonté de
He complies with his request Il condescend à sa prière.

He comes off
How did you come by it
They come upon me
They come short
They concur in that
They concur with us
We condescend to that

I condole with the widow
You conduce to my happiness
You confide in me
conge to her

connive at your faults
consent to your request
I consider of you
His army consists of infantry
and cavalery
Thatconsists with his system
They conspire against me
I contend for that
I contend with you
You contract for wood
You contribute to that
You cook up that prettily

to co-operate with You co-operate with him
You cannot cope with him
You cord up wood
You cork up a bottle

*to cord up

* to cork up

to correspond with correspond with you

*to covenant with He covenants with us
* to cover up..
He covers up his plants
over [He covers over his design

Il se tire d'affaire.

Comment l'avez-vous eu?
Ils tombent sur moi.

Ils manquent. Ils perdent.
Ils y consentent.

Ils sont d'accord avec nous.
Nous donnons notre consente-
ment à cela.

Je soulage la veuve.
Vous faites une partie de mon
Vous vous fiez à moi. (bonheur.
Je la salue.

Je tolère vos fautes.
Je consens à votre requête.
Je ne vous oublie pas.
Son armée consiste en infante

rie et en cavalerie.
Gelas'accorde avec sonsystême
Ils conspirent contre moi.
Je soutiens cela.
Je m'oppose à vous.
Vous faites marché pour du
Vous contribuez à cela. ( bois,
Vous arrangez cela joliment,
Vous agissez avec lui.
Vous ne pouvez lui faire face.
Vous cordez du bois.
Vous bouchez une bouteille.
J'ai une correspondance avet


Je suis de votre sentiment,
Il convient avec nous.
Il couvre ses plantes.
Il cache son dessein.

to count up to cow down * to cringe to to crumple up * to cry out to



down unto out

to cull out

* to curb up
✰ to curl up
to cut up-open


He counts up his gains
He cows down his brother
He cringes to the mob
He crumples up his hat
He cries out to me to stop
He cries out against me
He cries up his goods
He cries down my goods
He cried unto God
He cried out
He culls out the best
He curbs up his horse
He curls up his hair
He cuts up a body
He cuts out a coat
He cuts down a tree
He cuts up a fowl
He cuts me short
He cuts asunder my arm
He cuts away the branches
He dallies with her
He dangles about his wife
He deals for a house
I deal to you the cards
He deals in political maters
You deal ill with me
We debate on that subject
We debate with you
We debate about that
to decide upon-on I decide upon that case
to declaim upon- He declaims upon that subject
on-against He declaims against that
to deliberate upon- He deliberates upon that


short asunder away TO DALLY with to dangle about ✰ to deal for




*to debate on-upon with



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Il fait le calcul de ce qu'il a ga
Il intimide son frère.
Il flatte la canaille.
Il donne de mauvais plis.
Il me crie de m'arrêter.
Il crie contre moi.

You disagree with him *to disapprove of I disapprove of that I dish up the meat * to dispose of I have disposed of my house of I have disposed of my children *to dispute with- I dispute with him against

to dissent from * to do again





I dissent from your opinion
I do it again

Il vante sa marchandise.
Il décrie ma marchandise.
Il invoqua Dieu.

Il s'écria.

Il choisit les meilleurs.
Il gourme son cheval.
Il frise ses cheveux.
Il ouvre un corps.

Il coupe un habit.
Il coupe un arbre.
Il coupe un poulet.
Il m'interrompt.
Il me coupe le bras.
Il coupe les branches.
Il badine avec elle.
Il est pendu à la ceinture de sa
Il achète une maison. (femme.
Je vous donne les cartes.

I do away that objection
I do over my shoes with black
I do off my boots

I do on my stockings

Il se mêle de politique.
Vous en usez mal avec moi.
Nous disputons sur ce sujet.
Nous disputons contre vous.
Nous disputons là-dessus.
Je décide ce cas.

Il déclame sur ce sujet.
Il déclame contre cela.
Il délibère là-dessus

Ils s'écartent de leur devoir.
Cela dépend de vous.
Vous cessez de vous battre.
Je désespère de cela.
Il déroge à mon droit.
Ils s'écartent de leur devoir.
Votre sentiment n'est pas le

Vous vous querellez avec moi.
Il s'écarte, de son sujet.
Je dîne avec vous.
Je mange du poisson à dîner.
Nous ne sommes pas d'accord
( lui.
Vous n'êtes pas d'accord aveo
Je désapprouve cela.
Je sers la viande.
J'ai vendu ma maison.
Je placé mes enfans.
Je dispute avec lui.

Je ne suis pas de votre avis.
Je le refais.

Je lève cette difficulté.
Je noircis mes souliers.
Je tire mes bottes.
Je mets mes bas.

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