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death find me unprovided; but grant that I may finish the great work of my Salvation before the night cometh, when no man can work. I confess, O Lord, I have hitherto been too careless about the one thing needful, and that I have ininded the business of this world more than thy service, and the great concerns of my soul; I confess also, that I have been guilty of many sins and * Here name offences against Thee [and particu- particular sins larly this day.] But, O Lord, be and failings of merciful to me a sinner: For thy Son the day. Jesus Christ's sake, forgive me all that is past, and grant me grace to amend my life for the time to come; to avoid all such things as are sinful and displeasing to Thee, and to be constant in all those religious duties which thou hast commanded me to do: Make me careful so to live now, as I shall wish I had done when I come to die.

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*Here name

Lord receive me, and all my relations and friends, unto thy protection; let thy holy angels pitch their tents particular persons, round about my bed, that being safely delivered from all perils and dangers of this night, and comfortably refreshed with moderate sleep, I may arise in the morning fit for thy service, *Leave out [*and the duties of my calling,] these words on a Lord hear my prayers, and grant Saturday night. me my request, or whatever else Thou seest best for me, I humbly beg for Jesus Christ's sake, in whose holy name and words I sum up all my wants, saying, Our Father, &c.

God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, bless. preserve, and keep me, and all this family, this night and evermore. Amen.

When you lie down in your bed, say,

"I will lay me down in peace, and take my rest for it is thou, Lord, only, that makest me to dwell in safety." Psalm iv. 9.

Morning PRAYER for a Family.

Let the Master of the Family begin with this Sentence:

"O come, let us worship and fall down and kneel before the Lord our Maker." Psal. xcv. 6. Then all devoutly kneeling, let the Master of the Family say:


O ALMIGHTY and most merciful God, we give thee humble thanks and praise for thy fatherly eare over us, in preserving us from all evil accidents the night past, and that another day is added to our lives; we here offer up our souls and bodies to thy service, desiring to employ them to thy glory, and the working out our own Salvation.

But, Lord, thou knowest the weakness and corruptions of our nature, and the manifold temptations we daily meet with. We beseech Thee, therefore, to have compassion upon our infirmities, and to grant us the assistance of thy blessed Spirit, to restrain us from sin, to stir us up to our duty, and to enable us to withstand all the enemies and hindrances of our Salvation. Give us grace to walk as in thy sight all the day long, making a conscience of our ways, and not daring to do any thing to offend Thee.

Make us serious and holy in our lives, watchful

over all our thoughts, words, and actions, temperate in meat and drink, just and upright in all our dealings, quiet and peaceable amongst our neighbours, and contented in every station and condition of life.

But above all, keep in our minds a lively remembrance of that great and solemn day, when we must be summoned before the judgment-seat of Christ, to give a strict account of our lives, and to receive our everlasting doom, either to bliss or woe, according to what we have done in the body. Olet it be our constant care to fit and prepare ourselves for the world to come.

And now, O gracious Father, we humbly beg thy blessing upon all here present, and all belonging to us Let thy good Providence watch over us, and preserve us, and grant us whatsoever Thou seest to be needful both for our souls and bodies, for the sake and through the merits of thy Son Jesus Christ, in whose most holy Name and Words we sum up all our wants, saying:

"Our Father which art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy Name, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil : For thine is the Kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever." Amen.


The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all evermore. Amen.

An Evening PRAYER for a Family. Let the Master of the Family begin with this Sentence:

"O come, let us worship and fall down and kneel before the Lord our Maker."

Then all devoutly kneeling, let the Master of the Family say ;


O MOST glorious and ever-blessed Lord God, who dwellest in the highest heavens, yet vouchsafest to regard the lowest creatures here on earth, we thine unworthy servants, now come before Thee upon our knees, humbly beseeching Thy Majesty, for the sake of thy beloved Son, to be merciful to us, and pardon and forgive us our sins; for we acknowledge, O Lord, that we have many times acted foolishly; That we have done those things which Thou hast forbidden, and have neglected to do those things which Thou hast commanded, O let that mercy of Thine which has spared us thus long, lead us to repentance; that we may henceforth forsake our evil ways, and turn unto Thee the Lord our God.

Give us grace, O Lord, seriously to consider the great work we have to do, and the shortness and uncertainty of the time we have to do it in, that we may not consume our days in sin and vanity; nor set our hearts so much upon this world, as to neglect the great concerns of our souls; but let us make it our chief care to serve and please Thee, and to provide for our eternal state.

But O Lord, we pray not for ourselves alone,


but for all Christians; especially for this Church and Nation Bless the King, and all the Royal Family. Bless the Minister whom Thou hast set over us, and prosper his labours to the Salvation of our Souls. Bless all our Friends, and forgive all our Enemies: Convert the Sinner, comfort the Sick and Afflicted, and be pleased to provide for the Fatherless and the Widow.

And now, O merciful Father, accept we beseech Thee of our most humble and hearty thanks, for all thy Mercies from time to time vouchsafed to us; for the fountain of them all, the holy Jesus, and for all the benefits of our Redemption, for the light of the Gospel, for the comforts of thy blessed Spirit, and the hopes of eternal Glory. We praise Thee also for the use of our Reason, for our Food and Raiment, for our Health and Strength; and particularly for thy watchful Care and good Providence over us this day. And we humbly beseech Thee to continue Thy mercies to us, and to take us this night into thy Care and Protection. Defend this Habitation, and all about it, from Fire, Storm, and Tempest; and from every sad accident. Deliver us from the power and malice of evil Spirits, and keep us out of the hands of wicked men; and let us go to our rest in safety and in peace with one another.

Lastly, Make us, O Lord, we beseech Thee, an holy and religious household, fearing Thee, and loving one another; and grant that we may live together such a peaceable and godly family all our days, that when death shall separate us from each other here on earth, we may meet again in heaven, and there dwell together in joy and happiness for evermore.

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