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Apostle, not so much of the Jews, to whom this Epistle was sent, as of the Gentiles, who were properly his charge.

Q. What is meant by the word Apocalypse?

A. It signifies in general any revelation or vi-sion; but is peculiarly applied to the Revelation of St. John which God gave him when he was banished into the isle of Patmos.

Some other Religious Terms explained, not before mentioned

Q. WHAT do you mean by the existence of God? A. The Being of God.

Q. What do you mean by the attributes of God? A. His excellencies, or perfections; such as his power, wisdom, and goodness, &c.

Q. What do you mean by omnipotence?
A. God's almighty power.

Q. What do you mean by omnipresence?
A. God's being ever present in all places.
Q. What do you mean by omniscience?
A. God's perfect knowledge in all things.
Q. What do you mean by things visible and

A. Things visible are those things we see here on earth; invisible, are things we do not yet see, as Angels, Beings in Heaven, &c.

Q. What do you mean by Religion?

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A. The worship and service which we pay to Almighty God.

Q. What do you mean by a Divine Revelation? A. The will of God revealed, or made known to us in the Holy Scriptures.

Q. What do you mean by the divinity of our Saviour Christ?

A. His being the Most High God.

Q. What do you mean by human nature ?

A. The nature of man.

Q. What does the word Jesus signify?

A. Saviour.

Q. What does the word Messiah or Christ signify?

A. Anointed.

Q. What do you mean by a type?

A. A figure or shadow of any thing.

Q. What do you mean by Christ's Incarnation
A. His taking upon him our flesh.
Q. What does his Nativity signify?

A. The birth of Christ.

Q.. What do you mean by his Passion.
A. The sufferings of Christ.


Q. What do you mean by Christ's being a propitiation or atonement for us?

A. His dying in our stead, and pacifying the wrath of God.

Q. What do you mean by the word Oblation?
A. Offering up himself.

Q. What does the word Sacrifice signify?
A. An offering made to God.

Q. What do you mean by the New Testament in Christ's blood?

A. The new covenant obtained by the sufferings of Christ.

Q. What do you mean by Adoption?

A. God's owning us again for his children, after our being reconciled to him through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Q. What do you mean by the operations of the Holy Ghost?

A. His gifts, or working good in us.

Q. What do you mean by Inspiration or Inspired ?

A. Some work done, or some person assisted by the extraordinary power of God's Holy Spirit.

Q. What do you mean by that which is commonly called the unpardonable Sin against the Holy Ghost?

A. It is no where said, in Scripture, that sinning against the Holy Ghost is unpardonable. Q. What is it then that is said to be unpar donable?

A. Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost.
Q. What is meant by blasphemy?

A. The speaking wicked and reproachful words against God.

Q. What is to be understood by the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, said in Scripture to be unpardonable"

A. It was the wickedness of the Pharisees, who, when they saw our Blessed Saviour work his miracles, by the power of the Holy Ghost, maliciously blasphemed them, and said, They were done by the help of the Devil.

Q. What do you mean by Apostacy?

A. A failing away from the Christian Religion, and becoming an unbeliever.

Q. What do you mean by Original Sin?

A. That guilt or sin which all men are born with by means of Adam's fall.

Q. What is meant by presumptuous sins?

A. Wilful sins, or doing what we know is at the same time displeasing to God.

Q. What do you mean by sins of Infirmity? A. Such smaller slips and failings as the best of men cannot avoid, by reason of the weakness




What do you mean by remission of sins? A. The pardon and forgiveness of our sins, through our Lord Jesus Christ.


Q. What do you mean by Contrition or a Contrite Heart?

A. A heart truly sorry for sin.
Q. What do you mean by Penitent?
A. One that repents or forsakes sin.
Q. What do you mean by Impenitent

A. One that will not repent, but goes on in sin. Q. What do you mean by Carnal or Carnallyminded ?

A. The being given to fleshly lusts.

Q. What do you mean by Intemperance?
A. Drunkenness, and the abuse of God's good


Q. What do you mean by Purloining?

A. Purloining is an indirect and dishonest depriving another person of his right and property, that differs somewhat from downright theft, but is in effect the same thing. St. Paul speaks of it as the fault of servants, contrary to the obligation they are under of Shewing all good Fidelity, Titus ii. 10. And thus considered, it may signify unfaithfulness in the things good servants are entrusted with, in laying out money for their masters, &c. and the like.

Q. What do you mean by Restitution?

A. The restoring again of what was wrongfully taken away.


Q. What do you mean by Dissimulation?

A. Hypocrisy, or pretending one thing when we mean another.

Q. What do you mean by Censoriousness?
A. Rash judging of others.

Q. What do you mean by Integrity?
A. Uprightness or sincerity.

Q. What do you mean by Fidelity?
A. Faithfulness or honesty.

Q. What do you mean by Regeneration?
A. The being born again, or becoming new
creatures in righteousness and true holiness.

Q. What do you understand by the Means of Grace?

A. Prayer, public and private: preaching the word of God; the Holy Sacraments, &c.


Q. Why are they called the Means of Grace? A. First, because they are the means of begetting and increasing virtue and all Christian graces in us. Secondly, because they are the means whereby God conveys us the grace of his Holy, Spirit.

Q., What do you mean by the word Liturgy? A. It signifies a public office or service, and is used for the public Form of Prayer in our Church. Q. What do you mean by the word Litany? A. A general supplication or prayer.

Q. What do you mean by Collects?

A. Short prayers; or prayers collected and gathered out of the Holy Scripture.

Q. What do you mean by the Church Militant here on earth?

A. All good Christians here on earth, who have to struggle with trials, afflictions, and temptations

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