STATE OF NEW-YORK. No. 216. IN ASSEMBLY, March 25, 1848. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE. NEW-YORK, March 23d, 1848. To the Honorable AMOS K. HADLEY, Speaker of the House of Assembly, New-York. SIR-I herewith transmit the Annual Report of the American Institute of the city of New-York for the year 1847. Respectfully, your obedient servant, T. B. WAKEMAN, Secretary. SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF THE CITY OF NEW-YORK, MADE MARCH, 1848. THE annexed documents and papers will show that this Institution, from year to year, is rapidly increasing in prosperity. As the accounts of the year are ordinarily first inquired after as a convenient and ready measure of the success or decline of our public institu tions, we have presented those of the last year more extended in the details than is customary with other incorporated associations, required to report to the Legislature. The frequent injudicious if not fraudulent application of legislative grants, has created a sensitive and laudable watchfulness in the public mind to know with certainty that all the monies appropriated by the State for public beneficial purposes, are faithfully applied to the legitimate objects of the appropriation. This sensitiveness of the public mind, is a continually operating wholesome check on the recipients of State bounty. With a view to inspire the confidence of the members, and all others interested, the books of accounts of all the receipts and expenditures of the American Institute are kept at its repository, ready to be opened to them at all times, with the vouchers filed, showing the receipts of all moneys, and the sources from which derived, and also of every dollar expended, and for what purpose expended. Every dollar received by the Institute, according to the bylaws, must be paid over to the treasurer. It cannot be drawn, except by order of the superintending agent, and before his order can be accepted, he must show that the object for which he proposes to apply the money has been approved, and appropriation made by a general meeting of the members, duly notified, and also that the account has been examined and certified as correct by the finance committee of the Institute-men chosen for their knowledge of accounts, probity, and independent circumstances, at the annual election of the officers of the Institute. The following account embraces the financial affairs of the Institute for the year. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES. The receipts and expenditures of the American Institute of the city of New-York, from February, 1847, to February, 1848, have been as follows: do from Hon. M. Van Schaick, for silk premi do interest on city stock, $5000, at 6 per cent, 3 months, 75.00 do interest on city stock, $7000, at 6 per cent, 9 months, 315 00 do Treasurer State of New-York, under act of May 5, 1841, 950 00 $18,809 27 Balance on hand at the date of the last report, Febru |