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Our guardian angel is then our best friend. He loves us dearly. Let us not offend him by any bad words.

We would be ashamed to swear in the presence of our parents. Then should we not also be ashamed to swear in the sight of the pure, great angel to whose holy care we have been given by our Father who is in heaven?

Angels ever bright and fair,

Take us, take us, to your care!


1. Do all boys and girls have a Guardian Angel? 2. What does this Angel do?

3. When is he with us?

4. How can we please him?

5. Can he hear us talk?


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May angels bright our footsteps guide
From danger on life's path;

Their loving care with us abide
And save us from God's wrath.

May love divine our life illume,

Sin's darkness drive away;

Conduct us through earth's dismal gloom To Heaven's perennial day!

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The monkey is found in all warm countries except Australia. He must have a warm climate, and enough to eat.

He is not dainty, but will eat eggs, young birds, fruits, insects, and snails.

If he lives near man, he is not too good to steal whatever he can lay hold of. If he is seen at it, he will run like a coward; but if he is cornered, he will fight even a lion or an elephant.

Monkeys live in bands; some old, grayhaired monkey is the ruler of the band. There is real family life among them.

Papa monkey boxes the ears of the little monkeys, when they trouble him or are too noisy. He gives Mrs. Monkey a good whipping, too, sometimes, if she does not keep "within her sphere," and obey him.

He expects her to be very loving, and to show him every attention, such as keeping his coat nice and clean-quite free from dust and insects.

He decides the time for the family to go to bed, and to get up, and he lays out all the duties of the day for them.

Mrs. Monkey is a very loving mother; she holds her baby in her arms, and presses him to her heart, with all the richness of mother-love.

Baby Monkey is no beauty. He has an ugly little face, long, thin legs and arms, and hardly any hair upon his body. But the mother loves him none the less; and, if the little creature dies, she, too, has been known to grieve herself to death.

The monkey is the only animal that uses a weapon to defend himself and his family. He will pick up a stick or a

stone, and with it strike his foe. He knows, too, what it is to fear death, and will tremble in terror, when he feels that death has come to him.

From PROF. BREHM's Lectures.


The reading lesson affords an excellent opportunity to give children much general information. Such lessons will arouse interest, incite inquiry, give skill in the use of language, and lead to intelligent reading.


Men are two-handed, or bi maʼnous.

Monkeys are four-handed, or quad ruʼma nous. Man goes upright on his feet; some monkeys, at times, walk erect on their hind feet, or hands. Most monkeys have a thumb on each hand, as man has.

The tails of some monkeys are as useful as a fifth hand.

Monkeys can climb, walk, run, and jump.
Monkeys can dance, grin, and learn.

Monkeys have no hair on their faces or on the palms of their hands.

Most monkeys live in the trees.

The monkey tribe consists of apes, bab oons', and monk'eys proper.

Apes have no tails. They have teeth of the same number and shape as man.

The largest apes are the go rilla, the chim panʼzee, and the orang'-ou tang'.

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