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hunger, thirst, and want of sleep. He was born a* warriorf; intrepid in danger, cool and deliberate when commanding", possessed of a surprising quickness and presence of mind in the execution of his designs; bold in his enterprises, but boldi with judgment. His reign was a course of victories, crowned by clemency, and upheld by a skilful policy in the government. He was magnificent on great occasions; otherwise" so good an* economist, that, notwithstanding the considerable expences incurred by his wars, he left, after paying all his debts, more than fifteen millions in his coffers at his death, which, at that times was a very large sum. His principal faulit was his too great love of women'; to which may be added his passion for gaming: he was a master over all1 other passions, and a slave to these*. Posterity has almost forgotten his defects, to dwell upon the remembrance of his great qualities; his heroic valour, and his clemency towards2 so many persons, deserve immortal praise-it wasa by them he vanquished his enemies; and it is difficult to determine whetherd he conquered his kingdom by his clemency, or by force of arms.-LE GENDRE'S HISTORY OF FRANCE.


e l'insomnie ;-f homme de guerre ;-g dans le ;-h de sang froid dans le commandement ; hardi ;-k suite; soutenir ;-m dans les ; mais du reste ;-o que ses guerres lui coutèrent - plus de; après; ce qui ;- temps là;-t défaut ;-être d'avoir trop aimer les femmes ;-" des ;-x de celles là ;pour ne se souvenir que; envers ;-a c'est ;-b qu'il soumettre ;-c de dire ;-d si ;-e par la force de ses.


A SCYTHIAN prince,f being conscious of the utility of the sciences which the Greeks cultivated, left f Prince Scythe ;- sentir toute;

his country to seek in Athens the learning and wisdom for which he has been afterwards so celebratedh. He went to Soloni; sent him wordk who he was; and added, that he came to live with him', if it did not inconvenience him. As the Greeks held in great contempt all other nations, which they called barbarous, and in particular the Scythians, Solon caused him to be told, that he had better seek for hospitality in his own country. Anacharsis immediately entered the apartment ci the philosopher, and said, "I am here in my own country, and justice demands that hospitality should unite us." Solon, pleased with his bold ingenuity, received him well, gave him a lodging, and, from their first conversation, held him in high esteem; and, finding him possessed of" a truly philosophical mind, he guided his steps in the career of wisdom. Anacharsis profited by the lessons of so great a master, and soon acquired the friendship of the respectable inhabitants and philosophers of Athens; and his fame spread far aroundy.

h qui l'ont rendre depuis si célèbre; chez Solon;-k lui faire savoir se loger chez lui;- avoir beaucoup de mepris pour; et surtout pour;- lui faire dire;- qu'il ferait mieux de chercher ;- entrer dans la chambre ;-r nous unir;

charmé de;t sa hardiesse ingénieuse; avoir pour lui une haute estime;-u et lui trouvant; profiter des ;y s'étendre au loin.



FRIENDSHIP! thou art the delight of good Heaven gave thee birth: although thou didst not descend upon earth until grief was felt amonga mortals, thou camest to support them, to

z tu fais les délices a se fit sentir aux ;

make themb endure life. The Creator, ever attentive to mitigate the misfortunes of mankind, opposed thee alone to all human afflictions. Thou wert bestowed ond man, to increase the measure of his blessings over that of his evils; were it not for thees, we should pass in tears the short but drearyb duration of this life. Without thee, like frail barksi deprived of pilot and helm, constantly beaten by adverse winds, and driven to and frok upon a sea interspersed with rocks, we should perish unlamented, or we should escape only tom suffer anew. Thou becomest the secure" harbour, where we take refuge during the storm; where we congratulate ourselves when the danger is past. By thee the unhappy forget their troubles; by thee the happy double their pleasures. Benefactress of all mankind, thou givest them enjoyments which remorse and fear cannot embitter?!-FLORIAN.

b leur faire ;-c à adoucir;-d donner à;-e pour rendre ;f plus grande que celle;- sans toi;-h pénible; des vaisseaux fragiles; jeter çà et là;- parsemée de ;- nous n'échapper que pour; assuré; nous nous réfugier ;P empoisonner.


DARIUS, King of Persia', having declared war against the Scythians, entereds their country at the head of such a numeroust army as would have struck terror into any people except those renowned barbarians; however, instead of marching against the Persians" to give them battle, the Scythians retreated before their enemies, and thus drew them far into the interior of their barren country The


4 SCYTHES; la Perse; entrer dans; t d'une si nombreuse; qu'elle aurait porter la terreur chez tout autre ;- Perses ;pour leur livrer;

effects of this stratagem were soon visible; for this formidable army exhibited, shortly afterwards, nothing but unfortunate remains, saved from sickness, fatigue, and the horrors of famine. In these melancholy circumstances, the king of the Scythians sent ambassadors to Darius, who presented him, on the part of their master, a bird, a rat, a frog, and five arrows. Persian prided interpreted this offering to its advantage: but Gobrias, a* Persian lord, more exalted by his profound wisdom than by his birth, gave a very different explanation of it. 66 Prince," said he to the monarch, "the Scythians wish to make you understand, that, unless you fly aways like a bird, hide yourself under ground like a rat, or jump into the water like a frog, you will be pierced with their arrows. Believe me, sire, let us leave a country which may become our graves; let us return to Persia." Darius followed the advice, and hastened away'.


y se faire bientôt sentir; n'offrir plus bientôt après que ;échapper aux ;-b tristes;—c de la part ;-d L'orgueil Persan; e célèbre encore ;-f vouloir vous faire ;- que si vous ne vous envoler;-h que si vous ne vous cacher; percer de ;cet avis; et se hâter de se retire:


O GRANDEUR, how noble art thoum, when virtue renders thee useful! How grateful is it to seen a man of rank and power employed in relieving the distresses of his brethren ! How often have I enjoyed it! I have seen the unhappy shedding tears of gratitude, whilst they surrounded him who relieved their troubles: he who, born in a palace,

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que tu être belle ;-n Qu'il être doux de voir;- l'homme puissant;P occuper de ;-4 Combien de fois j'en ai jouir;celui qui ;

leaves his pomp and splendor, and visits the cottage of the poor, builds it anews if destroyed, or brings thither plenty and peace ! I see him still every day, that beneficent mortal, travel overt his immense domains, and always repairing' where the wretched want his assistance. Where the rigours

of the winter are most felt*, where the overflowing rivers' have carried away the hope of the labourer, there you may certainly expect to meet him, ever employed in searching out misfortune and bringing relief. The only reward worthy of such a man, is in the good he does-how delightful must be his feelings!

• la rebâtir;t parcourir ;- se trouvant toujours ;-u Là où; -- se font le plus sentir;- les fleuves débordés, c'est là que vous pouvez être assurer de ;-a occuper de ;-b découvrir.


Lycurgus took once two little dogs of the* same breed, which he brought up at home, in a very different mannerd; he fed the one delicately, and trained the other for the chace. When he thought that time had sufficiently strengthened the bodies and habits of his two pupils, he brought them into the public square, placed before them some dainty food, and at the same time caused a hare to be startedi. Immediately, one of the dogs ran to the food, and the other began to pursue the hare with eagerness. In vain the timid hare endeavoured to avoid his enemy; he was caught, and the people applauded the dog's skill: then, Lycurgus, addressing the assembly, said "These two dogs


Lycurgue ;- d d'une manière bien differente; et il dresser; - à la chasse ;-8 il les amener;-h des mets friands; il fit lancer un lièvre; -k vers les mets; applaudir à ;

m s'adresser à

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