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5. Serez-vous dans le salon ou dans la bibliothèque ? 6. Aurez-vous le temps de1 sortir (to go out)? 7. On dit qu'on joue bien à l'Opéra. Serez-vous content d'y1 (there) aller? 8. Aimez-vous mieux passer la soirée (evening) chez nos amis français ? 9. Parlerez-vous français avec eux?

10. Aurez-vous peur de1 répondre à leurs questions?

2. Shall you

1. Shall you be busy to-morrow evening? play this afternoon? 3. Shall you not have time? 4. Shall 5. How do you find the weather 7. Where

you work all the afternoon? to-day? 6. Do you often call on your friends? will they be next Sunday? 8. Here are two roads; shall we choose this one or that one? 9. Shall you go this way or that way? 10. Are you older or younger than I? 11. Will my pupils stay at home to-morrow? 12. Will they be at church or at school? 13. Who will be here to-morrow morning? 14. Will Henry be here on Monday next? was here last Tuesday? 16. Shall we have the forty-ninth or the fiftieth lesson to-morrow? 17. Shall you have money enough? 18. How do you spend your time?

Lesson 49: Interrogative Adjectives.

15. Who

Beaucoup de bruit pour rien. - Much ado about nothing.

The interrogative adjective quel, which, what, what a, has the following forms:


quel (m.),
quelle (f.).

quels (m),


quelles (f.).

The noun which quel modifies is usually the next word in the sentence; with the verb être, the noun may stand after the verb.

Quel livre avez-vous pris ?

Which book have you taken ?

Quel est le nom du livre que vous avez pris?

What is the name of the book that you have taken ?

Quelles fleurs avez-vous prises? Which flowers did you take?

1 de introduces the infinitive. Do not translate it.

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This is a handsome square Gothic tower 175 feet high, erected in 1508-22. It is now used as an observatory. A statue of Saint James the Great crowns the summit.

Quels livres a-t-il lus ? What books has he read?
Quelle femme ! What a woman!

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1. Dans quelle partie de cette ville demeurez-vous ? 2. De quel pays êtes-vous ? 3. Sur quelle table a-t-il mis mes gants? 4. Quels gants? 5. Ceux que j'ai achetés l'autre

6. Quel grand magasin!

jour au Bon Marché. 7. Quels souliers avez-vous choisis? 8. Quelles chansons choisirez-vous ? 9. Je choisirai celles-ci; ce sont les meilleures. 10. De quelle chambre a-t-on ouvert les fenêtres? 11. Vous avez laissé tomber quelque chose, monsieur. 12. Merci, madame; c'est ma montre que j'ai laissée tomber sur ce plancher de marbre. 13. Vous l'avez cassée, n'est-ce pas ? 14. Quel dommage! 15. Ramassez vos livres, vos crayons, et votre papier. 16. Ne les laissez pas tomber.

1. Whose pens are these? 2. What pens? 3. Those that some one has dropped on the floor. 4. I dropped them a moment ago; they are mine. 5. Pick them up, please. 6. I will pick them up immediately. 7. What French books have you read? 8. Whose dictionary is this? 9. What dictionary? 10. This one. 11. It is not mine, it is your own (yours). 12. What a fine book! 13. Which pen is

the best, this one or that? 14. This one is much better than the other. 15. Which pens are the best? 16. What a question! 17. What beautiful pictures! 18. Who dropped


19. What a noise! 20. You do not work enough; that is why you do not succeed in your business.

1 In laisser tomber, tomber remains unchanged and laisser is conjugated.

Oral Drill.

1. Quel est le nom de ce livre ? 2. De quel livre parlez vous ? 3. Qui l'a écrit ? 4. Victor Hugo en est-il l'auteur? 5. Quel livre aimez-vous le mieux? 6. Aimez-vous les romans de Walter Scott? 7. Quels romans avez-vous déjà 8. Quel écrivain anglais est le plus célèbre?


1. Which ring have you lost? 2. Have you looked for it all over (dans toute) the house? 3. Haven't you found it yet? 4. What lesson have we for to-day? 5. Have you prepared it well? 6. Have you written all the sentences in your copy-book?

7. Who made that noise? 8. Have you let something fall on the floor?

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Lesson 50: Time of Day. Dates.

Mieux vaut tard que jamais.

Better late than never.

Time of Day. Examine the following models for telling the time of day:

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