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Oral Drill:

1. He is visiting; he is visited. she is not visited. 4. She does visit; does he not visit?

2. She is not visiting; 3. He has visited; he has not visited. she does not visit. 5. Does he visit? 6. We do visit; we do not visit. 7. We

are visited; we are not visited. 8. They have had the same book. 9. Bring me another book [two meanings].

Lesson 29: Pronouns as Objects.

Echanger n'est pas voler. — A fair exchange is no robbery.

Personal pronouns used as objects always precede the verb, except in an affirmative command.

[blocks in formation]

Me, te, le, la, standing before a verb, become m', t', l' before a vowel or h mute.

M'a-t-il vu, has he seen me?

Me voici, here I am.

Où sont-ils? Les voilà. Where are they? There they are.
Donnez-le à votre père, give it to your father.

But Ne le donnez pas à votre père, do not give it to your father.

Notice that a pronoun, whether subject or object, placed after a verb is connected with it by a hyphen.

[blocks in formation]


2. Je l'accepte mainte

1. Acceptez-vous ce joli cadeau? nant avec plaisir. 3. Je ne vous ai pas vu ce matin. 4. Votre cousin est arrivé, mais je ne l'ai pas vu. 5. Il a perdu sa grammaire; il la cherche maintenant.

6. Avez-vous

pris mes livres ? 7. Oui, monsieur, je les ai pris et je les ai mis sur cette petite table qui est près de la fenêtre. 8. Les Voici. 9. Cachez-les, et ne les prêtez pas à mon cousin. 10. Vous travaillez quelquefois, n'est-ce pas ? 11. Voilà votre habit noir; le cherchez-vous ? 12. Aimez-vous les livres ? 13. Ne les aime-t-il pas ? 14. Est-ce que votre mère vous blâme? 15. Elle ne me blâme pas, mais elle vous


Where is my book? 5. Have you seen it? Here it is.

1. Here is a book; I bought it for you. naughty, I scold him. 3. it. 4. I haven't it now. you found it yet? 7. books that I put on this boy's desk?

2. When he is I have lost

6. Haven't 8. Where are the 9. You did not put

them on his desk; here they are on mine.

10. John has

11. Now,

found a penknife; he has put it into his pocket. show me the chalk, please. 12. With pleasure; there it is in the box. 13. Don't look at me, look at her. 14. I do not like his excuse, and I do not accept it. 15. That door is open; shut it. 16. Your parents love you, love them. 17. Don't scold us always; scold her sometimes.

Oral Drill.

1. J'ai perdu ma montre; l'avez-vous?

2. Henri l'a-t-il ?

3. Où est-elle, s'il vous plaît? 4. La cherchez-vous? 5. Avez vous écrit cet exercice? 6. Tous les élèves l'ont-ils écrit ? 7. Préparez-vous toujours vos leçons? 8. Et les autres élèves de la classe préparent-ils les leurs? 9. Est-ce que vous jouez quelquefois pendant (during) la leçon ? vous loue quand vous avez bien travaillé ?

10. Qui

2. Where are you

1. Here is an exercise; did I write it? now? 3. Where am I? 4. Where is Mr. S.? 5. Where

7. Am I looking


Are you not pencil; have you

is Miss M.? 6. Are you looking at me? at you? 8. Am I looking at you now? looking for him? 10. She has lost her 11. Haven't you noticed it? 12. Are you looking for it? 13. Do you bring your notebooks every day?

seen it?

14. Who has taken them?

Lesson 30: Past Participle with Avoir.

A quelque chose malheur est bon.—It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good.1

A past participle used with the verb avoir agrees with the direct object when the object precedes the verb.

Ma sœur est arrivée ; l'avez-vous vue? My sister has arrived; have you seen her ?

Nous a-t-il vus, has he seen us?

Voici une montre; mon père l'a achetée hier. Here is a watch; my father bought it yesterday.

Il a reçu les lettres que j'ai écrites; les avez-vous lues ?

He has received the letters that I wrote; did you read them ?

If there is no direct object or if it follows the verb, the past participle with avoir remains unchanged.

Nous avons joué, we have played.
J'ai vu votre sœur, I saw your sister.

Il a acheté une montre, he bought a watch.
Elle a reçu mes lettres, she got my letters.

Recall the rule for agreement with être (Lesson 25).

[blocks in formation]


1. Ils ont chanté les mêmes chansons.

2. Elles sont venues.

3. Ils ont lu tous les livres que j'ai prêtés l'autre jour à leur père 4. Les avez-vous trouvés intéressants? 5. Pourquoi les avez-vous lus? 6. Où as-tu mis ses autres plumes? 7. Je les ai mises dans cette petite boîte verte. 8. Est-ce que vous ne les avez pas trouvées ? 9. Ernest a acheté une montre et une canne. 10. Où les a-t-il achetées ? 11. Vous avez ouvert mes fenêtres. 12. Pardon, madame, je ne les ai 13. A-t-elle eu ma plume? 15. Elle est triste, parce que son

pas ouvertes, je les ai fermées.
14. Elle ne l'a pas eue.
père et sa mère sont morts.

1. We like all the stories you tell. 2. They like all the stories you told. 3. We have found them interesting. 4. Tell us a little story or sing1 us a little song. 5. Our parents always love us. 6. Where did I leave my hat and coat? 7. You left them in the garden. 8. The house that he has sold is a large one. 9. The book that I read is not very interesting. 10. The woman that wrote the letter we received yesterday arrived this morning. 11. That boy who is sitting near you is not looking at his book, he is looking a me. 12. There is your book, sir; look at it. 13. Do not look at me.

Oral Drill.

1. Aimez-vous cette histoire ?

2. Qui l'a racontée? 4. Avez

3. Votre cousine l'a-t-elle racontée à sa petite sœur? vous mangé les poires que j'ai apportées? 5. Qui les a mangées ? 6. Comment trouvez-vous les oranges que nous avons achetées il y a trois jours? 7. Sont-elles meilleures que celles que votre neveu nous (to us) a données? 8. Comptez jusqu'à trente, s'il vous plaît. 9. Combien de jours y a-t-il dans une semaine? 10. Nommez-les. 11. Nommez aussi les mois.

1 Same construction as montrez-nous in Lesson 19.

1. Who wrote this letter? 2. Did your brother write it? 3. Where are the apples you brought to school this morning? 4. I put them on the table or into a box, I think; who took them? 5. Did she sing this song? 6. Is she singing today the same songs she sang yesterday? 7. Did I scold her because she did not write the same sentences as the other pupils? 8. She has written them now, hasn't she? 9. Have the other pupils written theirs? 10. Here is the history; don't you find it interesting? 11. Have you excused us?

Lesson 31: Plural of Nouns and Adjectives

Tout nouveau, tout beau. A new broom sweeps clean.

The pural of most nouns and adjectives is formed, as in English, by adding s.

l'éventail (m.), the fan.

les éventails, the fans.

Exceptions.-1. Nouns and adjectives ending in -s, -x, or -Z, remain unchanged in the plural:

[blocks in formation]

2. Nouns and adjectives ending in -au, -eu, and seven nouns

in -ou,' add x to form the plural.


le chapeau, the hat.

le feu, the fire.

un cheveu, a hair.

beau (m.),

belle (f.),

le bijou, the jewel.

le joujou, the toy, plaything.


les chapeaux, the hats.

les feux, the fires.

les cheveux, the hair.

beaux (m.), \ beautiful, handsome. belles (f.), fine.

les bijoux, the jewels.

les joujoux, the toys, playthings.

The plural of the adjective bleu is regular: bleus.

1 A complete list is given on page 285. For the plural of foreign and comind nouns, see Appendix, page 286.

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