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Dear God! the very houses seem asleep, And all that mighty heart is lying still.

CIVILITY-Definition of.


Civility is a desire to receive civility, and to be accounted well-bred. La Rochefoucauld.

CIVILITY-a Hint respecting.
Whilst thou livest, keep a good tongue in
thy head.

CIVILITY-Value of.

A good word is an easy obligation; but not to speak ill, requires only our silence, which costs us nothing.





The popular idea is, that class representation would produce class legislation. The truth is exactly the reverse. The idea seems to be that by distributing a class in fragmentary portions among a number of constituencies you neutralise its power, and make it harmless by dilution; just as bas been sometimes done with a mutinous regiment. But, in point of fact, it is this very distribution which gives it such an enormous power of obstruction. Few members in these days hold their seats with such certainty as to be able to disregard the wishes of any tolerably influential section of their constituents. The section may be a small one, but it may be strong enough to turn a close election; and therefore its behests must be obeyed. A small section thus wields the power of the whole constituency; much in the way in which, some six or seven years ago, the Irish members tried to wield the power of the English government. No one can have watched the utter impotence of Parliament to raise its hand against the attorneys or the licensed victuallers, or the extreme difficulty with which even so small a body as the ecclesiastical lawyers have been dealt with, without perceiving how effectively these tactics operate. Now, if any such class had a number of members proportioned to its importance wholly given over to it, and were debarred from any other suffrage, their power in the House of Commons would be limited to that number of members. Whereas, now they command, or at least greatly influence, the vote of every member, of whose constituency some of them form a part; and from this position it is impossible to dislodge them, until some popular ferment arouses the inert mass of the electors to over

With a perfect highway disappear highwaymen, crawling beggars, dirty inns and extortionate charges, lazy habits, ignorance, and waste lands. Our shops, our horses' legs, our boots, our hearts, have all benefited by the introduction of Macadam; and the eighteen modern improvements mentioned by Sidney Smith can all be traced, directly or indirectly, to the time when it fortuitously occurred to the astute Scotchman (Where are his Life and Times, in twenty volumes?) to strew our path with pulverized granite. I am convinced that our American cousins would be much less addicted to bowie-kniving, revolvering, expectorating, gin-slinging, and cow-hiding the members of their legislature, if they would only substitute trim, level, hedge-lined highways for the vile corduroy roads and railway tracks, thrown slovenly anyhow, like the clothes of a drunken man, across prairies, morasses, halfcleared forests, and dried-up watercourses, by means of which they accomplish their thousandmile trips in search of dollars. What a dread-bear the active and interested few. ful though delightful place was Paris when I knew it first!-foul gutters rolling their mudcataracts between rows of palaces; suburban CLEANLINESS-Advantages of. roads alternating between dust-heaps and sloughs of despond; and boulevards so badly paved, that the out-patienced population were continually tearing them up to make barricades with. There have been no émeutes in Paris since boulevards were macadamized. Much of the ribbonism, landlord-stalking from behind hedges, and Skibbereen starvation of Ireland, may be attributed to the baleful roads of bygone days, which were full of holes, known as curiosities, and on which the milestones were so capriciously distributed, that whereas every squire (of the right way of thinking) had one on each side of his parkgates, unpopular localities, and villages where tithe-proctors dwelt, were left without milestones altogether.


Lord Cecil.

With what care and attention do the feathered race wash themselves and put their plumage in order; and how perfectly neat, clean, and elegant do they appear! Among the beasts of the field we find that those which are the most cleanly are generally the most gay and cheerful, or are distinguished by a certain air of tranquillity and contentment; and singing birds are always remarkable for the neatness of their plumage. So great is the effect of cleanliness upon man, that it extends Virtue never even to his moral character. dwelt long with filth; nor do I believe there ever was a person scrupulously attentive to cleanliness who was a consummate villain.


CLEANLINESS-Definition of.

Cleanliness may be defined to be the emblem of purity of mind, and may be recommended under the three following heads; as it is a mark of politeness, as it produces affection, and as it bears analogy to chastity of sentiment. First, it is a mark of politeness, for it is universally agreed upon, that no one unadorned with this virtue, can go into company without giving a manifold offence; the different nations of the world are as much distinguished by their cleanliness, as by their arts and sciences; the more they are advanced in civilization the more they consult this part of politeness. Secondly, cleanliness may be said to be the foster-mother of affection. Beauty commonly produces love, but cleanliness preserves it. Age itself is not unamiable while it is preserved clean and unsullied; like a piece of metal constantly kept smooth and bright, we look on it with more pleasure than on a new vessel cankered with rust. I might further observe, that as cleanliness renders us agreeable to others, it makes us easy to ourselves, that it is an excellent preservative of health; and that several vices, both of mind and body, are inconsistent with the habit of it. In the third place, it bears a great analogy with chastity of sentiment, and naturally inspires refined feelings and passions; we find from experience, that through the prevalence of custom, the most vicious actions lose their horror by being made familiar to us. On the contrary, those who live in the neighbourhood of good examples, fly from the first appearance of what is shocking; and thus pure and unsullied thoughts are naturally suggested to the mind, by those objects that perpetually encompass when they are beautiful and elegant in their kind.


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A cloud lay cradled near the setting sun,
A gleam of crimson touch'd its braided snow:
Long had I watch'd the glory moving on,

O'er the still radiance of the lake below.
Tranquil its spirit seem'd, and floated slow!
Even in its very motion there was rest;
While every breath of eve that chanced to blow,
Wafted the traveller to the beauteous west.
Emblem, methought, of the departed soul!
To whose white robe the gleam of bliss is

And by the breath of mercy made to roll

Right onward to the golden gates of heaven, Where, to the eye of Faith, it peaceful lies, And tells to man his glorious destinies. Professor Wilson.

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A clownish mien, a voice with rustic sound,
And stupid eyes, that ever loved the ground;
The ruling rod, the father's forming care,
Were exercised in vain on wit's despair;
The more inform'd, the less he understood,
And deeper sunk by flound'ring in the mud.
His corn and cattle were his only care,
And his supreme delight a country fair.
A quarter-staff, which he ne'er could forsake,
Hung half before and half behind his back.
He trudged along, unknowing what he sought,
And whistled as he went, for want of thought.

COACHMAN-Characteristics of a.

He has commonly a broad full face, curiously mottled with red, as if the blood had been forced by hard feeding into every vessel of the skin; he is swelled into jolly dimensions by frequent potations of malt liquors, and his bulk is still further increased by a multiplicity of coats, in which he is buried like a cauliflower, the upper one reaching to his heels. He wears a broad-brimmed, low-crowned hat, a huge roll of coloured handkerchief about his neck, knowingly knotted and tucked in at the bosom; and has, in summer time, a large bouquet of flowers in his buttonhole; the present, most probably, of some enamoured country lass. His waistcoat is commonly of some bright colour, striped, and his small-clothes extend far below the knees, to meet a pair of jockey boots which reach about half-way up his legs. All this costume is maintained with much precision; he has a pride in having his clothes of excellent materials, and notwithstanding the seeming grossness of his appearance, there is


still discernible that neatness and propriety of person, which is almost inherent in an Englishman. He enjoys great consequence and consideration along the road; has frequent conferences with the village housewives, who look upon him as a man of great trust and dependence; and he seems to have a good understanding with every bright-eyed country lass. The moment he arrives where the horses are to be changed, he throws down the reins with something of an air, and abandons the cattle to the care of the ostler; his duty being merely to drive them from one stage to another. When off the box, his hands are thrust in the pockets of his great-coat, and he rolls about the inn-yard with an air of the most absolute lordliness. Here he is generally surrounded by an admiring throng of ostlers, stable-boys, shoe-blacks, and those nameless hangers-on that infest inns and taverns, and run errands. These all look up to him as an oracle, treasure up his cant phrases, echo his opinions about horses, and other topics of jockey lore; and endeavour to imitate his air and carriage. Washington Irving.

COCK-Crowing of the.

I have heard,

The cock, that is the trumpet of the morn,
Doth with his lofty and shrill-sounding throat
Awake the god of day; and, at his warning,
Whether in sea or fire, in earth or air,
The extravagant and erring spirit hies
To his confine.

Some say, that ever 'gainst that season comes
Wherein our Saviour's birth is celebrated,
This bird of dawning singeth all night long;
And then they say no spirit dares stir abroad;
The nights are wholesome, then no planets

No fairy takes, no witch hath power to charm,
So hallow'd and so gracious is the time.

COLD-Drowsiness from.


Very striking and curious is the story of Dr. Solander's escape, when in company with Sir Joseph Banks, among the hills of Tierra del Fuego. They had walked a considerable way through swamps, when the weather became suddenly gloomy and cold, fierce blasts of wind driving the snow before it. Finding it impossible to reach the ships before night, they resolved to push on through another swamp into the shelter of a wood, where they might kindle a fire. Dr. Solander, well experienced in the effects of cold, addressed the men, and conjured them not to give way to sleepiness, but at all costs to keep in motion. "Whoever sits down," said he, will sleep, and whoever sleeps will wake no more. Thus admonished and alarmed, they set forth

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once more; but in a little while the cold became so intense as to produce the most I oppressive drowsiness. Dr. Solander was the first who found the inclination to sleep-against which he had warned the others so emphatically -too irresistible for him, and he insisted on being suffered to lie down. In vain Banks entreated and remonstrated; down he lay upon the snow, and it was with much difficulty that his friend kept him from sleeping. of the black servants began to linger in the same manner. When told that if he did not go on he would inevitably be frozen to death, he answered that he desired nothing more than to lie down and die. Solander declared himself willing to go on, but said he must first take some sleep. It was impossible to carry these men, and they were therefore both suffered to lie down, and in a few minutes were in a profound sleep. Soon after some of those who had been sent forward to kindle a fire returned with the welcome news that a fire awaited them a quarter of a mile off. Banks then happily succeeded in awaking Solander, who, although : he had not been asleep five minutes, had almost lost the use of his limbs, and the flesh was so shrunk that the shoes fell from his feet.

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Of all the created comforts, God is the

He consented to go forward, with such assist- lender; you are the borrower, not the owner. ance as could be given; but no attempts to rouse the black servant were successful, and he, with another black, died there.

COLD-BLOODED. Is very snow-broth.

Sir Joseph Banks. A man, whose blood Shakspeare.

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Stranger of heaven, I bid thee hail!

Shred from the pall of glory riven, That flashest in celestial gale

Broad pennon of the King of Heaven! What'er portends the front of fire

And streaming locks so lovely pale; Or peace to man, or judgments dire,


Oh, Thou! that dry'st the mourner's tear,

How dark this world would be,

If, when deceived and wounded here,
We could not fly to Thee!

But Thou wilt heal the broken heart,
Which like the plants that throw
Their fragrance from the wounded part,
Breathes sweetness out of woe.

Then sorrow, touch'd by Thee, grows bright
With more than rapture's ray,

As darkness shows us worlds of light
We could not see by day.

COMFORT-Hope of.


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Stranger of heaven, I bid thee hail! Hogg. A beam of comfort, like the moon through

COMETS-Ancient Notions respecting.

Comets, importing change of times and states,
Brandish your crystal tresses in the sky,
And with them scourge the bad revolting stars!
COMFORT-Balm of.

Sweet as refreshing dews or summer showers,
To the long parching thirst of drooping flowers;


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COMFORT-in Trial.


of a.

be thy GOD, thy refuge, thy comfort, as He has been mine! Lavater. In the exhaustless catalogue of Heaven's mercies to mankind, the power we have of COMMAND-Harshness and Gentleness finding some germs of comfort in the hardest trials must ever occupy the foremost place; not only because it supports and upholds us when we most require to be sustained, but because in this source of consolation there is something, we have reason to believe, of the Divine Spirit; something of that goodness which detects, amidst our own evil doings, a redeeming quality; something which, even in our fallen nature, we possess in common with the angels; which had its being in the old time when they trod the earth, and linger on it yet, in pity.


Truly a command of gall cannot be obeyed like one of sugar. A man must require just and reasonable things, if he would see the scales of obedience properly trimmed. From orders which are improper, springs resistance, which is not easily overcome. COMMANDER-A Brave.


A brave captain is as a root, out of which (as branches) the courage of his soldiers doth spring. Sir Philip Sidney.

COMMANDER-Qualities of a.

COMFORTS OF LIFE-Enjoyment of For though, with men of high degree,


Believe me, I speak it deliberately and with full conviction, I have enjoyed many of the comforts of life, none of which I wish to esteem lightly: often have I been charmed with the beauties of nature, and refreshed with her bountiful gifts. I have spent many an hour in sweet meditation, and in reading the most valuable productions of the wisest men. I have often been delighted with the conversation of ingenious, sensible, and exalted characters my eyes have been powerfully attracted by the finest productions of human art, and my ears by enchanting melodies. I have found pleasure when calling into activity the powers of my own mind; when residing in my own native land, or travelling through foreign parts; when surrounded by large and splendid companies-still more, when moving in the small endearing circle of my own family: yet, to speak the truth before GOD, who is my Judge, I must confess I know not any joy that is so dear to me; that so fully satisfies the inmost desires of my mind; that so enlivens, refines, and elevates my whole nature, as that which I derive from religion, from faith in GOD: as one who not only is the parent of men, but has condescended, as a brother, to clothe Himself with our nature. Nothing affords me greater delight than a solid hope that I partake of His favours, and rely on His never-failing support and protection. He, who has been so often my hope, my refuge, my confidence, when I stood upon the brink of an abyss, where I could not move one step forward; He who, in answer to my prayer, has helped me when every prospect of help vanished; that GOD who has safely conducted me, not merely through flowery paths, but likewise across precipices and burning sands;-may this GOD

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The proudest of the proud was he,
Yet, train'd in camps, he knew the art
To win the soldier's hardy heart.
They love a captain to obey,
Boisterous as March, yet fresh as May;
With open hand, and brow as free,
Lover of wine and minstrelsy;
Ever the first to scale a tower,
As venturous in a lady's bower:-
Such buxom chief shall lead his host
From India's fires to Zembla's frost.

Sir Walter Scott.


He is one that accounts learning the nourishment of military virtue, and lays that as his first foundation. He never bloodies his sword but in heat of battle, and had rather save one of his own soldiers than kill ten of his enemies. He accounts it an idle, vain-glorious, and suspected bounty, to be full of good words; his rewarding, therefore, of the deserver, arrives so timely, that his liberality can never be said to be gouty-handed. He holds it next his creed, that no coward can be an honest man, and dare die in it. He doth not think his body yields a more spreading shadow after a victory than before; and when he looks upon his enemy's dead body, 'tis with a noble heaviness, not insultation; he is so honourably merciful to women, in surprisal, that only that makes him an excellent courtier. He knows the hazard of battles-not the pomp of ceremonies are soldiers' best theatres, and strives to gain reputation, not by the multitude, but by the greatness of his actions. He is the first in giving the charge, and the last in retiring his foot. Equal toil he endures with the common soldier; from his example they all take fire, as one torch lights many. He understands, in wars there is no mean to err twice; the first and least fault being sufficient

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