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Touchent-ils celui de quelqu'un ?
Aimez-vous quelqu'un ?

Votre cousin n'aime-t-il personne?
Voyez-vous quelqu'un dans le jar-

Do they touch that of somebody?
Do you love any one?

Does your cousin love nobody?
Do you see somebody in the garden?



This pronoun is of both genders, and has no plural; as, Chaque homme s'amuse comme il veut, each man amuses himself as he likes; Chaque homme a son goût, every man has his taste.


This pronoun is of both genders, and takes the number of the substantive. It signifies un, une entre plusieurs, one out of several; cherchez quelque autre personne, seek somebody else.


Signifies quelque, certain, some. It is always placed before the substantive, and used for persons and things; as, un certain auteur, a certain author.


and pas un, not any, not one, are employed either alone, or in conjunction with a substantive. They are accompanied by a negation, take the feminine, but have no plural, and may be followed by the preposition'de ;-Nulle expression, nulle vérité de dessein dans cet ouvrage, no expression, no truth of design in that work.


Signifies nul, no, not any; when accompanied by a negation it may be followed by the preposition de; it is seldom employed in the plural, except before a substantive, which in some particular sense, is better employed in the plural; as, Il n'a fait aucunes dispositions, he has made no dispositions; and when employed in the singular - Vous n'avez aucun moyen de réussir, you have no means of succeeding.


Is sometimes used to express a person, but indeterminate ; as, J'aime mieux que vous l'appreniez de tout autre que de moi, I had rather you learn it of any other person than of me. It also expresses a difference between two objects, or between one and several ; as, quelle autre chose souhaitez-vous de moi? What else do you wish of me?


Each other, one another, applies both to persons and things; it takes both genders and numbers; and if there be any preposition, it must be placed before the last. When these two words are used in conjunction, they express a reciprocal relation between several persons or things; but, when used separately, they denote a difference. When used in conjunction ; -Il faut se secourir l'un et l'autre, we ought to assist each other. When used separately;-Les passions s'entendent les unes avec les autres; si l'on se laisse aller aux unes, il est bien à craindre qu'on se livre bientôt aux autres, our passions have a relation with each other; if we indulge some, it is much to be feared that we shall soon abandon ourselves to the others.

This pronoun varies in the following manner, to form its gender and number-l'un l'autre, l'une l'autre, les uns les autres, les unes les autres; and when negative, ni l'un ni l'autre; as, Ni l'un ni l'autre n'ont fait leur devoir, neither has done his duty.


Signifies qui n'est pas autre, which is not different. It is of both genders, and takes the plural; as, Ce sont les mêmes personnes, they are the same persons.


Tels, telles, means pareil, semblable, de même, such, like, similar. Il takes both genders and numbers ;-De tels hommes méritent de l'estime, such men merit esteem; n'avez vous jamais vu de telles femmes ? have you never seen such women?


This pronoun is of both genders, and used alike of persons and of things. When united to a substantive, or relating to it, it signifies an indeterminate number, without relation to another; as, Plusieurs motifs l'ont déterminé, several reasons determined him. But it is likewise used of a greater or less number, forming part of a number still greater; as, Parmi un si grand nombre de gens, il y en a plusieurs qui s'y opposent, out of so great a number of persons, several object to it. TOUT,

When employed alone, signifies toutes choses, all things; toute sorte de choses, every kind of things; as, Tout nous abandonne au moment de la mort, il ne reste que nos bonnes œuvres, every thing forsakes us at the moment of death, we retain nothing but our good works.

Tout, considered collectively, signifies the totality of a thing, and is then followed by the article; Tout l'univers, the whole universe; but considered distributively, it signifies chaque, each; and it is not in this case accompanied by the article-Tout bien est désirable, every good is desirable.

Some enlightened people


among the Egyptians preserved éclairé 2 esprit m. pl. 1 parmi -tiens conserver ind-2 the idea of a first being, whose attributes they represented art. —but m. pl. 3 1 représenter ind-22 (is proved) by the following in


idée under various symbols; this different symbole m. c'est ce que scription upon a temple, "I am all that has been, is,

-1, de -m. inortal ever removed


* cette

and shall be: no

ce qui


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the veil
voile m.

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(in its turn)

There is no reason


raison f.

shone on the theatre of the world. à son tour 2 brillé 1 whatever that can bring

puisse déterminer

him to it. Some figures appear mon


strous and deformed, considered separately, or too near; but, if they -trueux difforme f. pl.

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remarkably beautiful. No one likes (to see himself) as he is.
rare 2 beauté 1.


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expression, no truth of design and colouring, no strokes of genius in that - f. f. dessein de coloris trait great work. He is as learned as any one. Not one of these engravings ouvrage m.


talent m.

gravure f.

announces any great skill. None of his works will descend to pl. annoncer un

passer art.

posterity. He is so ignorant, and at the same time so obstinate, that he

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

will not (be convinced) by any reasoning. Did any man ever


se rendre


raisonnement m.

jamais 2

attain to such a pitch of glory! I doubt whether there be in any parvenir 1 science a more evident

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Envoyez-vous chercher quelqu'un ? | Do you send for any one?

Connaissez-vous quelqu'un qui peut Do you know any one who can venir?


En connaissez-vous plusieurs qui Do you know many who can come? peuvent venir?

Vous adresserez-vous à quelqu' autre personne ?

Will you apply to some body else?

Chaque homme n'a-t-il pas ses ma- | Has not every man his way of nières de penser ?

Ces soldats mécontents ne veulent-
ils se soumettre à aucune autorité
quelconque ?
N'admirez-vous nulle expression
dans cet ouvrage?

Y a-t-il nulle vérité dans tout ce qu'
elle dit?
N'avez-vous aucun moyen de réus-
sir dans cette affaire?
Aucun homme ne fut-il jamais plus
heureux que vous l'êtes?
N'est-il pas nécessaire de se secou-
rir l'un l'autre ?

Ces deux enfants sont-ils agréables
P'un et l'autre ?


Will not those malcontented soldiers submit to any authority whatever?

Do you not admire a single expression in that work?

Is there no truth in all that she says?

Have you no means of succeeding in that affair?

Was ever a man more successful than you?

Is it not necessary that we should assist each other??

Are those children both agreeable?

L'un et l'autre sont-ils bons et com- Are they both good and obliging? plaisants?

Ni l'un ni l'autre sont-ils méchants?
Ni l'un ni l'autre sont-ils sages?

Y a-t-il quelqu'un sous cet arbre?
N'y a-t-il pas plusieurs enfants?
Chaque femme n'aime-t-elle pas à
avoir l'air aimable ?

Tout homme n'aime-t-il pas à avoir
son dû?

Is neither the one nor the other bad?
Is neither the one nor the other

Is there any body under that tree?
Are there not many children?
Does not every woman like to ap-


Does not every man like to have his due ?

Chaque soldat aura-t-il son havre- Will each soldier have his knapsac plein de biscuits? sack full of biscuits?

Chaque matelot aura-t-il une bou- Will each sailor have a bottle of teille d'eau-de-vie?


Chacun en aura-t-il une, si chacun Will each one have a bottle if he fait son devoir ? does his duty? Attendez-vous votre père ce soir? Do you expect your father this

N'attendez-vous personne ?


Do you expect nobody?

Quelqu'un vous a-t-il dit qu'il ne Has any one told you that he would devait pas venir? not come ?

Connaissez-vous chacune de ces Do you know each one of those

demoiselles ?

N'en connaissez-vous aucune?

young ladies ?

Are you not acquainted with any of them?

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conceited as to think that his private opinion could counterbalance

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particulier 2 f. 1 pût balancer

the public sentiment?

2 opinion f. 1 art. that we were created

Reason and faith equally demonstrate raison f. art. foi f. 2 démontrer for another life. They speak ill of one f.


créer ind. 4 another. The happiness of the people constitutes that of the prince; m. faire

their true interests are connected with

intérêt m.



- - m.

each other. Presumption pl. pl. art. présomtion f. and pride easily insinuate themselves into the heart; if we art, orgueil 2 se glisser


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(abandon ourselves) to the other. bientôt 2 ne se livre 1


l'on y

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Both relate the same rapporter

story, though neither believes it to be true. ne penser que * soit

Does he always main


fait m. tain the same principles? Yes they are absolutely the same. That

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duct is inexplicable. There are no such customs in this country. duite f.

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reaps nothing. I this morning received several letters. Among recueillir 13 matin' 4 ind. 4 2

those manuscripts, there are several

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life has been distinguished by generous actions. Every vice is odious.



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Cette pomme n'est pas bonne, en This apple is not good, do you wish voulez-vous une autre ?

for another?

Un autre aurait-il mieux réussi que Would another have succeeded vous dans cette affaire ? Ces deux femmes ne parlent-elles pas mal l'une de l'autre ?

Vos intérêts et ceux de votre père ne sont-ils pas liés les uns aux autres?

better than you in that affair? Do not those two women speak ill of one another?

Are not your interests and those of your father connected with each other ?

L'un et l'autre rapportent - ils le Do both relate the same fact? même fait?

Est-ce le même homme que vous Is it the same man whom you saw avez vu hier?

N'avez-vous pas reçu ce chapeau

de la même personne qui m'a vendu le mien ?

Cet homme soutient-il toujours les mêmes principes?


Did you not receive that hat from the same person who sold me mine?

Does that man always maintain the same principles ?

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