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où. This adverb is likewise employed as a relative pronoun, instead of dans lequel, auquel, &c.—Voilà le but où il tend, that is the object he has in view; ce sont des affaires où je suis embarrassé, for ce sont des affaires dans lesquelles je suis embarrassé, those are affairs with which I am perplexed. Où admits the prepositions de and par: Voilà une chose d'où dépend le bonheur du public, that is an affair on which the public happiness depends.

For further rules on these pronouns see page 93.



I who did not suspect


(so much) falsehood, soupçonner ind. 2 tant de fausseté f. pr. ruse f. and perfidy, in a woman whom I loved, blindly followed her counind. 2 aveuglément je suivre ind. 3 con

pr. = f.


- tien

ind. 3


sels. The great empire of the Egyptians, which was (as it were) seil m. detached from all others, was not of long duration. We who know détaché

the value

of time


[blocks in formation]

nous devoir ind. 1 *

prix m. art. instead of wasting it in au lieu perdre dans art. who were the ornament and


emploi m. idleness and frivolity. The greatest men, oisiveté f. art, inutilité f.

art. =

glory of Greece, Homer, Pythagoras, ind. 4 = f. art. Grèce f. Homère -gore Plato, even Lycurgus and Solon, went to learn wisdom

[blocks in formation]

You whom every body respects, hasten to tout le monde respecter se hâter de


(come forward.) (Every thing) in the universe alters and perishes ; univers m. s'altérer périr shall be immortal.


but the writings which genius has dictated,
art. génie m. dicté in. pl.

[blocks in formation]

N'est-ce pas vous que la servante Was it not for you whom the ser

cherchait ?

vant was looking?

Est-ce moi qu'elle cherchait ? Votre frère connait-il cette dame que vous connaissez ?

Est-ce moi que vous appelez ? Ce monsieur ne vous montre-t-il pas le livre que je viens d'acheter? Avez-vous lu le livre que je vous ai envoyé ?

Aimez-vous les enfants qui obéissent à leurs parents? Les enfants qui étudient sont-ils toujours bons?

Avez-vous vu la dame qui désirait vous voir ?

Est-ce vous que j'ai vu ce matin à l'observatoire?

La dame qui était avec vous est-elle votre cousine ?

Did she look for me?

Is your brother acquainted with that lady with whom you are acquainted?

Is it I whom you call?

Does not that gentleman show you the book which I just bought? Have you read the book which I sent you?

Do you like children who do the will of their parents?

Are the children who study always good?

Have you seen the lady who desired to see you?

Was it you whom I saw this morning at the observatory? Is the lady who was with you your

cousin ?

N'est-ce pas votre cousine que j'ai Is it not your cousin whom I saw ? vue?

Les dames que vous avez vues hier Are the ladies whom you saw yessont-elles aimables ? terday amiable?

Connaissez-vous celles qui vous ont Are you acquainted with those who parlé ?

spoke to you?

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That after which a true philosopher sighs

même besoin m.


elevation and f.

to which

to govern


destiné m. pl.

gouverner art. homhas been too weak.

compter ind.




ardently is to

ardemment de which should unite

-sel 2 bienveillance f. 1

ce sont des

fait f.

ce après vrai - phe in. soupirer art. spread that sentiment of universal benevolence

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

and (bring together) all men. These are conditions rapprocher art.

devrait unir

without which


the thing would not have been concluded. Nature, of whose

secrets we (are ignorant,) will be always a

ignorer 3

m. pl. 4 2
mankind. That of which we

1 art. homme 2 ce
always what affects us the most.
ce qui affecter


art. - f. 1 art. source of conjecture to f. 3 - i. pl. 4 pour most bitterly is not se plaindre amèrement The only moments in which his soul seul - m. pl.

[blocks in formation]

pleasure, are those which he devotes to study.

encore 2 s'ouvrir 1 art. The mountains from whence

ou 1 art.


consacrer art. étude f gold (is extracted) are not in general

or 3

tire 2


f. pl. fruitful. The different countries through which he has passed have infertile pl. pays m. pl. par

passé furnished his pencil with romantic and picturesque scenes. fourni à pinceau m. de art.


pittoresque 3-1


Ces messieurs sont-ils les mêmes dont nous parlions hier?

Are those gentlemen the same of whom we spoke yesterday?

Ont-ils acheté le cheval dont vous Have they bought the horse of m'avez parlé ? which we spoke ? Voyez-vous l'enfant dont le père est Do you see the child whose father parti hier? set out yesterday?

Avez-vous le livre dont vous avez Have you the book of which you besoin ?

Voyez-vous les enfants à qui vous avez donné des gâteaux? Parlez-vous à ceux auxquels vous n'en avez pas donné ? Avez-vous parlé à l'homme dont le magasin a été brûlé? Le charpentier a-t-il les clous dont il a besoin ?

A-t-il ceux dont il a besoin ? Voyez-vous l'homme dont le domestique a tué notre chien? Avez-vous parlé à l'avocat dont le fils étudie le français ? De qui votre frère parle-t-il ? Parle-t-il du capitaine dont les soldats ont été tués ?

have need?

Do you see the children to whom you have given some cakes? Do you speak to those to whom you have not given any? Have you spoken to the man whose warehouse has been burnt? Has the carpenter the nails of which he has need?

Has he those of which he has need? Do you see the man whose servant has killed our dog? Have you spoken to the lawyer whose son studies French? Of whom does your brother speak? Does he speak of the captain whose soldiers have been killed?

Quel livre lisiez vous ce matin What book were you reading this

quand je suis entré ?

Ne lisiez-vous pas celui que je vous ai acheté ?

N'avez-vous pas perdu le portefeuille qui était plein d'argent? Votre père ne vous avait-il pas donné celui que vous avez perdu? Avez-vous acheté le carosse dont votre père vous a parlé ?

morning when I entered? Were you not reading that which I bought you?

Have you not lost the pocket-book which was full of money? Did not your father give you the one which you lost? Have you bought the coach of which your father spoke to you?

N'acheterez-vous pas celui que nous Will you not buy the one which we

avons vu avant-hier?

Avez-vous vu le beau fusil que mon

père m'a donné ? Avez-vous la grammaire dont vous m'avez parlé ?

saw yesterday?

Have you seen the fine gun which my father has given me ? Have you the grammar of which you spoke to me?


See page 94.

Qui, que, quoi, quel, lequel, &c., are absolute pronouns. QUI signifies, quel homme, what man; quelle personne, what person. Qui vous a dit cela? who told you that?

QUE signifies, quelle chose, what thing.-Que dit-on? what do they say? Je ne sais qu'en penser, I don't know

what to think of it.

QUOI has the signification of que.—À quoi s'occupe-t-on ? what are they engaged in? Dites-moi en quoi je puis vous servir, tell me how I can serve you.


I. If que or quoi are followed by an adjective, it requires de before the adjective; as, que dit-on de nouveau ? what news is there?

II. Quel is used to ask the name or qualities of a person or thing; as, Quel est votre nom? what is your name? Quelle femme est-ce? what woman is it?

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This adverb, as it has been seen, is used as a relative pronoun, and it is also employed as an absolute pronoun.

où represents, en quel endroit, in what place; or, quoi, to what; as, Où allez-vous? where do you go? Je ne sais où l'on me conduit, I do not know where they are conducting me.

OÙ, when preceded by the preposition de, marks the place or cause spoken of; as, D'où vient-il? where does he come from? Le mal me vient d'où j'attendais mon remède, the evil proceeds from that quarter whence I had expected a remedy.

OÙ, preceded by the preposition par, signifies through what place, or by what means; as, Par où avez-vous passé ? which way did you come? Voilà par où j'ai passé, there is the way by which I came. Je ne sais pas il est allé, I do not know where he is gone.


Who will not agree


art. f

life has few
peu de vrai

real pleasures and

many dreadful pains? (Some one) entered secretly :
beaucoup d'affreux 2 peine f. pl. 1`on
entra secrètement

guess who it was. What have you read in that book that can have



deviner in. qui puisse excited in your soul emotion and enthusiasm? I know not what to porté art. - f. art. enthousiasme m. savoir

think (of it.) At what did you find

avez trouvés that discourse, I know not what, which

them occupied ?

occupé m. pl.

There is in

appears to me designing. What sembler * insidieux

discours m. savoir have you remarked good, beautiful, and

remarqué pr. pr.


sublime in Homer? What

more brilliant, and, at the same time, more false, than the expres

pr. brilliant

[blocks in formation]


sions of a man who has (a great deal) of wit, but wants judgment? beaucoup esprit qui manque de jugement

What grace, what delicacy, what harmony,

grâce f.

beautiful lines,

vers m.

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having given birth? He does not know what model to follow. avoir donné art jour m. have told you what man it is. Which of those ladies do you think f. dames f. * 2 trouver 1



the most amiable? Choose which of those two pictures you like. choisir m. 4 5 6 tableau m. 7 1 aimer 2 best. Where am I? He knows not whence he is. He is gone art. mieux 3 allé I don't know where. Where does he get that pride?

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Qui vous a dit qu'il venait de la Who told you he came from New

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À quoi s'est-il occupé depuis qu'il What has he been engaged in since

est dans cette ville ?

Que fait-on dans votre village ?

Que dit-on de moi ?

A quoi vous occupez-vous?

his arrival in this city?

What is your occupation in your village?

What do they say of me?

In what are you engaged?

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