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will find

her sheep, which gave her a (great quantity) of wholesome milk.
brebis pl. ind-2 lui
Have you milked your goats?

means to satisfy himself. Every night, she milkeď
art. moyen s. de se lui-même
art. soir m. pl. ind-2
abondant 2 * et sain 3
Are the cows milked?
chèvre f. pl.
vache f. pl.
pigeons. You will never know

is good to entice




lait m. 1.

Salt art. Sel m.

the nature

pour attraire art. m. pl. bodies, if you do not abstract their necessary qualities from those


2 =

=1. 1

which are inherent (in them). The least thing (diverts his attention). moindre le distraire Will you not extract that charming passage? Have you darned your

[blocks in formation]

gown? Should he not redeem that land? What! would you have

[blocks in formation]

Quoi! ind-1 persons from the rigour

que of the

[ocr errors]

rigueur f.



Suivez-vous toujours leurs conseils? Do you follow always their coun

Ne les suivrez-vous pas toujours ? Ces voyageurs suivent-ils leur chemin?

Suivez-vous le vôtre ?

Ces généraux vaincront-ils les en-
nemis dans leur fortification?
Vainquez-vous vos ennemis ?
Ne les ai-je pas vaincus ?

sels ?

Will you always follow them?
Do those travellers pursue their

Do you pursue yours?
Will those generals vanquish the
enemies in their strong place?
Do you conquer your enemies?
Have I not conquered them?

Eles-vous convaincu de ce que je Are you convinced of what I tell

[blocks in formation]

Votre frère ne le battit-il pas hier Did not your brother beat him yes

avec ce gros bâton ? Pourquoi l'a-t-il battu ?

Le domestique fait-il mon feu?
Ne l'a-t-il pas encore fait ?
Quand le fera-t-il ?

Le ferait-il s'il avait du bois ?
Ne faites-vous pas du café ce matin?

N'en ferez-vous pas pour le diner?
La cuisinière fait-elle de meilleur
chocolat que vous ?
Trayez-vous vos vaches?
Les trairez-vous demain ?

terday with that big stick?
Why has he beaten him?
Does the servant make my fire ?.
Has he not yet made it?
When will he make it?
Would he make it if he had wood?
Do you not make any coffee this

Will you not make some for dinner?
Does the cook make better choco-
late than you?

Do you milk your cows?
Will you milk them to-morrow?

La fermière ne les trait-elle pas | Does the farmer woman milk them

[blocks in formation]

Ces matelots battent-ils leurs ma- Do those sailors beat their mat

telas ?

Les battent-ils tous les matins ?
Ce chien les suit-il ?

Les suivra-t-il jusqu'au navire ?

Battent-ils souvent leur chien ?


Do they beat them every morning?
Does that dog follow them?

Will he follow them even to the

Do they beat their dog often?


at Mantua? It is from that poisoned source naître ind-3 Mantoue? Ce arisen all the cruel wars that have desolated the universe.

Was not Virgil born

that have


naître f. pl.

2 1

empoisonné 2. f. 1.


The fable says that, (as soon as) Hercules had (cut off) one of the heads aussitôt Hercule h. asp. couper

f. dit

of the bydra others

hydre f. d'autres 2 il en renaître ind-2


flocks troupeau m. paître ind-2 under the


chanter ind-2 à

(sprang up).

[blocks in formation]

on the tender

and flowery

grass, they



3 fleuri 4 herbe f.

shade of a tree the sweets of rural life.


[blocks in formation]

douceur f. art. champêtre f. 1.
(you must have them fed).
il faut les faire repaître
but blood and slaughter.
de carnage m.

que 1

He is a man who thirsts after nothing
ne se repaître de 2
which roared from
bruyau dans art.
dreadful storm. They heard roar

The thunder tonnerre m.

terrible 2 orage m.1. On entendre ind-2 bruire

[blocks in formation]

the waves of an agitated

afar lointain m.

announced a


[blocks in formation]

That street is too noisy for those who love
rue f.

study. I(have a glimpse of) something that shines

those trees.


quelque chose

A ray of hope shone upon us in the midst of the misforluire ind-3*

[blocks in formation]

tunes which overwhelmed us. (Every thing) is well rubbed in that heur m. house every thing shines, even

rayon m.

accabler ind-2

y reluire, jusque à

the floor. Would he not
plancher m.

have injured you in that affair? Jesus Christ was circumcised eight



days after his

Will you preserve these peaches with

confire à art. brandy? Did you pickle cucumeau-de-vie f.


birth. naissance f. sugar, with honey, or with sucre m. à art. miel m. à art. bers purslain and sea-fennel? bre m. pourpier m. perce-pierre f. property will not suffice. Always speak bien suffire Never contradict (any one) in public. You thought you were serving

If he loses his lawsuit, all his
procès m.
truth, but with discretion.

dire art.

soit ;


penser ind-2 *



personne en inf-1 me in speaking thus: well (let it be so); you shall not be contraen parler ainsi : eh! bien dédire dicted. What! would you forbid him all communication with his interdire


Quoi! friends? That woman who slandered (every one) soon lost all ind-2 de tout le monde, ind-3

kind of respect. You had foretold that event. Let us curse no espèce f. considération.


one; let us remember that our law forbids us to curse even those

[blocks in formation]

ni par art. lieu m. pl.

horrible 2. f. 1

describe in that episode the dreadful tempest which assailed your hero?



to form your

Get those soles and whitings fried. If you wish faire 1. 3. 4. 5. ces merlan 6. frire inf. 1.2. vouloir * taste, (read over and over) unceasingly the ancients.

lisez et relisez

sans cesse

He was



by a great majority of voices. We have laughed heartily, and f.

[blocks in formation]

have resolved to (go on). He did not résolu de continuer.

but he smiled at him, as a sign of approbation, in the kindest

[blocks in formation]

which (was renewed) every day.

ice? This window does not shut well; when you have made

some alterations




(in it) it will shut better. He had scarcely closed
y f.

réparation f. pl.
eyes, when the noise which they made at his door, awoke

[blocks in formation]

à peine ind-6

que on ind-3 à

réveiller ind-3 within the city? Will

mur m. pr. in the sun,

faubourg m. pl.
a hedge?
haie f.

ville f.

Put the eggs mettez auf that they may hatch.

soleil m.

you enclose your park with a wall, or

parc de

of those silk-worms
ver-à-soie m. pl. à



flowers just


blown, spread the sweetest fragrance. When répandre doux parfum m.

did they conclude this treaty? His enemies managed so well, that he


traité m.

faire ind-3

was unanimously excluded from the company. Did you think

ind-3 unanimement

me capable of so black an act?

compagnie f. croire ind-1 He possesses some kind of

noir 2 trait m. 1.

[blocks in formation]




flocks through the fields ?

Ces bergers conduisent-ils leurs | Do those shepherds conduct their troupeaux à travers les champs ? Entrevoyez-vous quelque chose au travers de ces arbres ?

N'y entrevîtes-vous rien hier?

Have you a glimpse of some

thing through those trees? Did you not have a glimpse yesterday?

Entendez-vous bruir les flots de la Do you hear the roar of the waves of the sea?


Confisez-vous des poires ou des pê- Do you preserve pears or peachches?

Ne confites-vous pas des prunes ? Votre sœur a-t-elle confit des concombres et du pourpier ?

Ne confira-t-elle pas des ananas? Les confira-t-elle au sucre ou à l'eau-de-vie?

es ?

Did you not preserve plums ? Has not your sister pickled cucumbers and purslain ?

Will she not preserve pine apples? Will she preserve them with sugar or brandy?

Cet enfant dit-il toujours la vérité ? Does that child always tell the truth?

Dira-t-il toujours la vérité ?

Avez-vous dit au valet de venir ?

Viendra-t-il bientôt ?

Will he always tell the truth?

Have you told the servant to come? Will he come soon?

Lui dirai-je ce que vous m'avez dit Shall I tell him what you have told

de lui dire?

Que dira-t-il de cela?

Ces poissons sont-ils frits?
Ne les frirez-vous pas ?

Le cuisinier frirait-ils ce saumon
s'il avait du beurre ?
Aimez-vous le saumon frit?
Enclorez-vous votre verger?

N'est-il pas encore enclos?

me to tell him?

What will he say to that?

Are those fishes fried?

Will you not fry them?

Would the cook fry that salmon if he had butter?

Do you like fried salmon ?

Will you enclose your orchard?

Is it not yet enclosed?

N'enclorais-je pas le mien si j'avais Would I not enclose mine if I had

[blocks in formation]

Les œufs de ces vers-à-soie sont-ils Are the eggs of those silk-worms éclos?

N'écloront-ils pas bientôt ?

Ces fleurs sont-elles écloses? N'éclosent-elles pas tous les matins?


Will they not hatch soon?
Are those flowers blown?

Do they not blossom every morning?

Cet homme malhonnête ne fut-il | Was not that rude man exclu

pas exclu de la société ?

Ne l'en exclurez-vous pas?

De qui riez-vous ?

Ne riez-vous pas de moi parceque je ne prononce pas bien l'Anglais ?

ded from society?

Will you not exclude him from it ?
At whom do you laugh?

Do you not laugh at me because I
do not pronounce English well?



Prepositions, so called, from being prefixed to the nouns which they govern, serve to connect words with one another, and to show the relation between them; thus, le fruit de l'arbre, the fruit of the tree; de, expresses the relation between fruit and arbre-Utile à l'homme, useful to man; à forms the relation between the noun homme and the adjective utile. De and à are prepositions, and the word to which they are prefixed, is called their regimen.

There are different kinds of prepositions.-Some are used to denote place, as,

CHEZ, AT, De chez, from.

Il est chez nous, he is at our house.


Il est dans le Louvre, he is in the Louvre; Il se promène dans son jardin, he is walking in his garden.


Il est en Italie, he is in Italy; Il va en Angleterre, he goes to England.


Il est toujours devant mes yeux, he is always before my eyes; Mettez cela devant le feu, put that before the fire.


Regardez derrière vous, look behind you; Il est derrière la porte, he is behind the door.


Que de fous parmi les hommes ! how many fools among men!


Le chien est sous la table, the dog is under the table; La taupe vit sous la terre, the mole lives under the ground.

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