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their pardon depends on their submission. grace dépendre de soumission knew his lessons a little better. Let us see sub-2


I could wish

that he désirer cond-1

if this new fashioned d'un nouveau

gown becomes you, or not. Be assured that too gaudy

gout 2 robe f. 1 colors will not become you.


became her very ill. ind-2 ind-2 lui


art. voyant The head-dress which that lady wore coëffure f. que


These colors become you so well, you (would

[blocks in formation]

inf-3 Set that child in this arm-chair,



fauteuil m. of

sommet m.

asseoir I will sit down on the top s'asseoir prospect (no less) magnificent scène fo aussi -que

care lest he fall. prenez garde que ne subj-1 whence I shall discover a découvrir

that hill,

côleau m.

than diversified. We (were seated) on
s'asseoir ind-6.
whence we (were contemplating)


the banks of the Thames bord m. pl. Tamise f

myriads of vessels, which bring de art. millier vaisseau apporter

every year, the riches of the two hemispheres. art. pl..


Voyez-vous mon ami Jean?

Ne l'avez-vous pas vu?

Do you see my friend John ? Have you not seen him?

Ne verrez-vous pas la nouvelle ac- Will you not see the new actress?


Votre cousin ne la verra-t-il pas ? Votre sœur ne l'a-t-elle pas vue? Voulez-vous acheter ces beaux limons?

N'en voulez-vous pas?

Avez-vous voulu mon bonheur? N'aurait-il pas voulu mon malheur et ma perte?

Votre père voudra t-il me voir?
Ne le voudra-t-il pas ?
Combien valent ces livres ?
Ne valent-ils pas six francs?
Combien valaient les choux l'année

Will not your cousin see her?
Has not your sister seen her?
Do you wish to buy those fine lem-
ons ?

Do you not wish for any?'
Have you wished my happiness?
Would he not have wished my
misfortune and loss?

Will your father wish to see me?
Will be not wish it?

How much are those books worth? Are they not worth six francs ?

How much were cabbages worth last year?

Ne vaudront-ils pas bien plus l'an-Will they not be worth more next.

[blocks in formation]

Combien vaut votre nouveau che- How much is your new... horse


Vaut-il huit cents francs?

Votre cheval vaut-il le mien ? La servante peut-elle finir son ouvrage ce soir?

Ne pourra-t-elle pas le finir?


He is worth eight hundred francs? Is your horse worth mine?

Can the servant finish her work this evening?

Will she not be able to finish it?

Quand le pourra-t-elle finir?
Ne peuvent-ils pas lire sans pouvoir
écrire ?

Ne pourriez-vous pas lire si vous
aviez de bons livres ?

Vous asseyez-vous sous cet arbre? Vos sœurs ne s'assient-elles pas toujours près de vous?

Si je m'assieds, vous assiérez-vous?
Mesdames, voulez-vous vous as-

Y aura-t-il du café à dîner?
N'y aura-t-il pas du chocolat?
Voulez-vous du cafe qu du choco-

When will she be able to finish it? Can they not read without being able to write?

Would you not be able to read if

you had good books?

Do you sit down under that tree?
Do not your sisters always sit down
next to you?

If I sit down, will you?
Ladies will you sit down?

Will there be coffee at dinner?
Will there not be chocolate?
Do you wish for chocolate or cof-

Votre père ne voudra-t-il pas du Will not your father wish for wine vin et du fromage ?

and cheese ?



On some peculiarities of certain irregular verbs of this conjugation.

The verbs faire, défaire, refaire, surfaire, and contrefaire, - are classed in the table of the irregular verbs, and they may be conjugated throughout their tenses and persons, according to directions there given; except, in the second and third persons plural of the present of the indicative, which make, vous faites, ils font ; vous défaites, ils défont, &c. - The second person of the imperative is, faites, défaites, &c.


This verb makes vous dites, in the second person plural of the present of the indicative, and of the imperative, by suppressing the pronoun.


This verb has two participles past-resolu, when it means determined, and resous, when it means reduced into.


This verb is only used in the third person singular and plural of every tense; it is conjugated like suivre. [See table.


This verb has only the participle present and the third persons of the imperfect of the indicative; bruyant, the present participle, is often used as an adjective, as des flots bruyants. Imperfect of the indicative, il bruyait, ils bruyaient.




cendre f.

Wood which is burned resolves itself into art, bois m. on brûler ind.2 se résoudre * en smoke. Have they resolved on peace or war. pr. fumée f. art. f. art. f. itself into rain. Could that judge thus

has resolved



se résoudre ind-4 * pluie f. absolve the guilty?


The fog brouillard m.

si légèrement



they were put into

avant de les


hier m

Strong waters dissolve cond. 1 coupable m. pl. art. fort 2 f. pl. 1 Those drugs (were dissolved) before

[blocks in formation]


that medicine. My sister was sewing all day yesterday. That piece

is not well sewed, it must (be sewed over again.)_ Unpick that lace,

[blocks in formation]

upon riches? I never admitted those principles. Has he committed


that fault?

admettre ind. 3

commettre his

If he (would take my advice,) he would resign

faute f. charge in favor of his son.

f. en

[blocks in formation]

yesterday. I will omit nothing

se démettre ind. 3 de his arm (out of joint) se démettre ind. 3 le bras m. that depends

on me to omettre de ce qui dépendre ind 7 de pour the wicked to prosméchant m. pl * pros

serve you. God frequently permits souvent permettre que per. Put this book in its place again. Under whatever pérer subj. 1 remettre à sous quelque form of government you may live, remember that your first duty gouvernement m que vivre, se souvenir



is to be obedient to the laws. It frequently happens that fathers de soumis

[blocks in formation]

transmit to their children both their vices and their virtues. He has

[blocks in formation]

grain is not sufficiently ground; it should be (ground_again).



il faut le remoudre

that you would take courage. What news have you learned?

subj 1

wish vouloir Philosophy comprehends




f. pl. physics, comprendre art. logique f. art. morale f. art. physique f.s. metaphysics. It is (with difficulty) that he (divests himself) art. métaphysique f. s. ce difficilement que se déprendre of his opinions. He has forgotten all that he knew.


I fear

désapprendre ce que
a task above
tâche f. au-dessus de
so grossly? I reproved

you will undertake que ne entreprendre subj. 1 Could he have been mistaken

savoir ind. 2

your strength. f. pl.

reprendre ind.2

We surprised surprendre ind.3

se tromper cond. 2 grossièrement

him continually for his faults, but (to no purpose.) défaut inutilement

sans cesse

the enemy, and cut

pl. tailler ind. 3

them to pieces. In the middle of the road


the axletree of our carriage broke.

essieu m. carrosse se rompre ind. 3 art. f. pl.

the minds of young people. Why

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

gens pl. pourquoi

occupé ?


Ces généraux ont-ils résolu la paix Have those generals resolved upon

ou la guerre?

N'ont-ils pas résolu la guerre ?

Ce bois n'est-il pas résous en cen-
dre et en fumée ?
Cousez-vous vos gants?
Ont-elles cousu leurs robes ?

Ne coudrez-vous pas les vôtres ? La couturière coudra-t-elle cette pièce?

Cette pièce est-elle bien cousue? Auriez-vous voulu que je cousisse mon habit?

N'aurais-je pas voulu que la ser-
vante le cousit?
Absolvez-vous ces coupables?

Ne les absolvez-vous pas tous?
Ce juge les absoudrait-il ?
Admettez-vous ce principe?-
Ne l'admettiez-vous pas hier?
Ne l'ai-je jamais admis?
Moulez-vous du café ou du poivre?
Moudrez-vous des pois?.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

La cuisinière a-t-elle moulu tout le Has the cook ground all the peppoivre ?

per ?

Le domestique émoud-il les cou-Does the servant grind the knives?


[blocks in formation]

some cries
de art. cri, m. pl.

which came from the midst of the forest, excited


fond m. forêt f. porter

terror in our souls. The Greeks vanquished the Persians at

ind-3 art. = Marathon, Salamis,


vinced him, by

[blocks in formation]

Platea, and Mycale. I have, at last, con

such powerful reasons, of the greatness of his fault, de 2 fort 3 f. pl. 1

that I (have no doubt)

ne douter nullement


but he que ne

will repair

réparer subj-1

faute f. it. It is Ce

during winter that they thrash the corn in cold


on battre

The enemy was so completely beaten in

[blocks in formation]


froid 2 art. pays m. pl. 1 that engagement, that he was

rencontre f


[blocks in formation]

de down) the tower. They were fighting with unexampled fury, tre ind-3 tour f un sans exemple 2 acharnewhen a panic terror made them take flight, and dispersed ment m. 1 panique 2=f. 1 ind. 3 leur art. fuite f. Beat these mattresses again. Happy are rebattre matelas m. pl.

[blocks in formation]

art. retraite f. que 1 long-temps 4 sub-13 He did not long survive a person who was so dear to him.

ind-3 à f.

What will you have him do? Do not make (so much) noise. Que vouloir

[blocks in formation]

de bruit Do they never exact? That woman mimicked all the persons whom she



f. pl. que had seen; this levity rendered her odious. It was with difficulty f. pl. légèreté f. ind-3 f. he (divested himself) of the false opinions which had que se défaire him in his infancy. Could it be possible that we should not again make f.





peine been given on f. pl.


a journey to Paris, Rome, and Naples? He says that you

[blocks in formation]

dit have offended him, and that, if you do not satisfy him quickly, he offensé


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